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A Livre Apreciação da Prova e o Dever de Fundamentação da Sentença " La liberté, en matière de preuve, n'est pas comptée: liberté pour les acteurs du procès, quant aux modes de preuves admissibles, liberté, pour le juge, quant aux... more
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      Criminal ProcedureLaw of evidenceDireito Processual PenalProcesso Penal
L’errore giudiziario è una manchevolezza che può derivare, e non di rado deriva, da un uso inadeguato degli strumenti lato sensu logici che il giudice ha a disposizione. La presente indagine si propone di approfondire proprio il rapporto... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureJurisprudenceProof Theory
Este artigo discute a respeito do papel da prova dentro do contexto de fundamentação do processo, especificamente no âmbito do processo tributário. A pesquisa utilizase de contribuições da Teoria do Conhecimento e da Teoria do Processo,... more
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      Proof TheoryTeoria Geral do ProcessoOnus Da ProvaDireito Processual
Abstract. Nel dibattito sulla prova specialistica, in particolare scientifica, si evoca spesso una formula, “Iudex peritus peritorum”, per rendere l’idea dell’autonomia valutativa riservata al giudice anche in questa sfera. Tuttavia, non... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceProof TheoryLaw of evidenceEvidence
RESUMO: Na primeira parte são apresentados as etapas fundamentais do procedimento probatório (admissibilidade, produção, valoração) e alguns conceitos estruturantes do léxico da prova. Na parte segunda é discutido o sentido e alcance do... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeEvidenceExclusionary Rule
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      Law of evidenceExpert evidenceEvidenceJustification and evidence
O Supremo Tribunal Federal teria aparentemente alterado seu anterior entendimento de que qualquer constatação de um crime em estado de flagrância dentro do domicílio era capaz de validar uma busca domiciliar realizada sem mandado... more
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      Proof TheoryProof and ReasoningMiranda RightsWaiver
Susan Haack, “Justice, Truth, and Proof: Not So Simple, After All” Background: This paper was written for a conference in Girona, Spain, on the work of Italian legal scholar Michele Taruffo—who is celebrated by the evidence group at the... more
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      Law of evidenceTruthJusticeEvidence Based Design
It has been common to begin histories of probability with the calculations of Fermat and Pascal on games of chance in 1654. Those calculations were the first substantial mathematical results on stochastic... more
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      Philosophy Of ProbabilityEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryHistory of Statistics and ProbabilityLaw of Evidence and Proof
Is a person’s statements, whether penitential or non-penitential, privileged under the priest-penitent/clergy-communicant privilege if the statement is made in a diocesan or archdiocesan tribunal proceeding? In the seminal case of... more
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      Canon LawLaw and ReligionLaw of Evidence and Proof
This dissertation addresses the issues of the indeterminacy of law and judicial discretion in the decision of the quaestio facti. It is composed of four papers:
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyLaw of evidenceLegal Theory
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      Early Modern Intellectual HistoryHistory of Statistics and ProbabilityLaw of Evidence and Proof
This article attempts to offer a new perspective to the existing debate concerning the applicable standard of attorney-client privilege in international commercial and investment arbitration. This article starts by analyzing the main... more
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      Arbitration LawInternational Commercial ArbitrationInternational Investment ArbitrationAttorney-Client Privilege
Le seguenti riflessioni hanno un fine teorico-pratico: imparare a trattare adeguatamente i due giudizi in cui si articola la decisione del giudice. Esse nascono da un’esperienza personale, che forse può essere utile comunicare. Nel corso... more
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      Proof TheoryHermeneutics (Research Methodology)Law of evidenceHermeneutics
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      NeuroscienceForensic PsychologyForensic GeneticsExpert evidence
Law pertaining to competence governs the ability of a witness to give evidence at trial. It determines whether or not he can be 'heard' by the court. As will be seen, that regulating compellability governs whether the same witness can be... more
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      Criminal LawLaw of evidenceExpert evidenceCriminal Law Criminal Procedure Law
Slides to accompany the paper of the same title (2014).
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      StatisticsEpidemiologyLaw of evidenceExpert evidence
The High Court decision in the high profile case, Blue v Ashley, over whether or not  a £15 million deal was struck in a pub, provides an important insight into the Court's approach on oral contracts and evidence.
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationContractsInternational Business
A teoria da argumentação, que nas últimas décadas experimentou tão espetacular desenvolvimento, tem dedicado uma escassa atenção ao juízo de fato. Prova do que se acaba de dizer é que ao folhar as bibliotecas jurídicas constata-se que a... more
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      Proof TheoryLaw of evidenceTruthLegal Reasoning
Disclosure of even true private facts has the tendency to disturb a person's tranquility. It may generate many complexes in him and may even lead to psychological problems. He may, thereafter, have a disturbed life all through. In the... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureLaw of evidenceFamily Law
Este artigo pretende analisar o standard probatório para condenação no processo penal brasileiro e as possíveis contribuições da categoria "além da dúvida razoá-vel" em caso de incorporação ao sistema nacional. Trata-se de temática... more
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      Law of evidenceDireito PenalProcesso PenalDERECHO PENAL
Official Question: When considering reverse onus provisions, the various criteria that have been developed to determine compatibility with Article 6(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights compound the problems of uncertainty and... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeJurisprudenceHuman Rights Law
This article contributes to the nascent debate about the globally emerging, yet largely undefined, phenomenon of evidence-based judicial review of legislation, by offering a novel conceptualization of evidence-based judicial review. It... more
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      Constitutional LawCongress (American Politics)Law of evidenceComparative Constitutional Law
The “truth” in the Brazilian civil procedure has not aroused the attention of the legal experts, not being the object of a genuine interdisciplinary research. It is necessary, in this work, understand how the “truth” will be constructed... more
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      Jurgen HabermasTruthTheories Of TruthProcesso Civil
A study of the Ordeals, both bilateral and unilateral, in later Anglo-Saxon England and on into the period of intellectual critique in the 1wth century, and attempted abolition at the 4th Lateran Council of 1215. The aim is to understand... more
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      Proof and ReasoningMedieval Legal HistoryLaw of Evidence and Proof
Стаття присвячена дослідженню питань використання інформаційних технологій у процесі розгляду справ судами як окремого прояву загальної тенденції інформатизації суспільства. Проаналізовано перші результати роботи системи «Електронний... more
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      Information TechnologyLaw of evidenceEvidenceCivil Procedure
The ingredients of the offence of Adultery as contained under the Penal Code require proof of all of them and not some, therefore, the ability of the prosecution to secure conviction is based on discharging this burden. However, one of... more
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    • Law of Evidence and Proof
Ce document présente le livre de droit de la preuve rédigé par trois auteurs : Etienne Vergès, Géraldine Vial et Olivier Leclerc.
Il décrit les règles de preuve en France devant le juge civil, pénal et administratif.
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      Law of evidenceDroit De La PreuveLaw of Evidence and Proof
Sara Golru, in ‘The Challenge of Proving Toxic Tort Causation: Genetic Markers as the Solution?’, presents a comparative analysis of the role of genetic marker evidence in toxic tort cases throughout Australia and the United States. Sara... more
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      Expert evidenceCausationTortsComparative Civil Procedure
The trial was instructed by the provincial court of Vicenza in the years 1831-1833, after the murder of Giovanni Rama, a young peasant of Durlo, a small village of Lessini mountains. The main defendants were Lucia Graizzaro, Giovanni... more
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      Criminal JusticeWomen's HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesLaw of evidence
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      Medical Malpractice LawLaw of Evidence and Proof
This is an endeavor to compare the admissibly of confessional statement in United Kingdom and Pakistani laws. Though the substantive laws are promulgated in 1984 in both the countries but both have different connotations in this... more
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      Criminal LawPolice InterrogationInvestigationConfession
London, UK. ABSTRACT The issue in relation to the admissibility of confessions and improperly obtained evidence in the English criminal law has been the subject of substantial debate. The focus of the controversy is on the reason why the... more
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    • Law of Evidence and Proof
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      Constitutional LawLaw of Evidence and Proof
Susan Haack, “Legal Probabilism: An Epistemological Dissent,” in Haack, Evidence Matters: Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 47-77. (First published in Spanish in 2013.) Abstract: In §1, I... more
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      Probability TheoryCriminal LawEpistemologyTestimony
The term garrotting, today, suggests a swift and fatal action that results in immediate death. We hear of financial or economic garrotting and the expression is particularly well-liked by politicians to express total cut-off. In Thomas... more
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      NeuroscienceCriminologyForensic PsychologyForensic Genetics
Aishat Teniola Hussain
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      Criminal LawLaw of evidenceNigerian Law of EvidenceLaw of Evidence and Proof
A partir de una concepción racional de la valoración de la prueba, este trabajo recuerda la necesidad de motivar (también) las decisiones probatorias, analiza el contenido y estilo de esa motivación y, finalmente, examina en tono crítico... more
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      Law of evidenceLegal ReasoningLaw of Evidence and ProofValoración de la prueba
This piece is a critical appraisal on the relevance and Admissibility of Electronically Generated Evidence in Nigeria legal system. The work is aimed at giving us some potential dangers and challenges faced in admitting electronically... more
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    • Law of Evidence and Proof
Quem eram os inquisidores portugueses? Como suas práticas judiciais evoluíram ao longo dos quase trezentos anos de existência do Santo Ofício em Portugal? Que fé, que confiança, os inquisidores tinham em seus próprios julgamentos? A fé... more
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      Portuguese StudiesLegal HistoryInquisitionHeresy and Inquisition
In procedural-law scholarship as well as in the theoretical analysis of the notion of proof as a result of the joint assessment of all items of evidence introduced in a trial, reference is frequently made to notions such as the... more
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      LawLaw of evidenceLegal TheoryDerecho Procesal
Lirieka Meintjes-Van Der Cognitive bias affecting forensic Walt & Adebola Olaborede expert opinion The influence of bias in forensic expert opinion can create problems for the criminal justice system. Many research studies have shown that... more
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      Criminal LawLaw of evidenceDNA (Forensic Science)Cognitive Bias
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      Law of evidenceUK Law of EvidenceLaw of Evidence and Proof
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      NeuroscienceForensic PsychologyHistory of MedicineForensic Genetics
El artículo ofrece un replanteamiento del debate sobre la conveniencia de atribuir poderes probatorios al juez. Para ello, se sostiene, por un lado, que la respuesta para ese debate debe vincularse necesariamente al modelo de proceso y de... more
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      Law of evidenceLegal TheoryLegal PhilosophyDerecho Procesal
У статті розглядаються існуючі доктринальні підходи до визначення поняття доказів у їх співвідношенні із засобами доказування. Виходячи з концепції єдності в судових доказах інформації та її носія, робиться висновок про існування... more
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      Law of evidenceCivil ProcedureCivil Procedural LawLaw of Evidence and Proof
Resumo: O presente estudo se situa no campo das provas judiciais. Aborda os principais métodos para detectar e provar judicialmente uma mentira, apontando o critério racional mais adequado. Palavras-chave: Prova. Mentira. Processo.... more
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      NeuroscienceTechnologyLaw of evidenceP300
The Supreme Law of the Land Governing Land Ownership in Uganda
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      Law of evidenceLaw of Evidence and ProofUgandan Law
The day will surely come, and in my view it has already arrived, when the requirement for the physical presence of a child witness or victim in the court building will be, and should be, regarded as an antediluvian hangover from laughable... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeLaw of evidence
Desde hace décadas, los científicos reclaman insistentemente la necesidad de que los laboratorios forenses abandonen, en la formulación de las conclusiones de los informes periciales, el paradigma de la individualización –que confía en la... more
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      ForensicsForensic ScienceExpertiseExpert testimony