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Soziale Medien haben unser Kommunikationsverhalten entscheidend verändert. Im Zuge dieser Veränderung begegenen uns bekannte Herausforderungen wie Radikalisierung oder Hassrede in neuer Intensität. Zusätzlich tun sich bislang unbekannte... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsFree SpeechPsychology and Law
The major aim of this article is to examine how migrations affect private governance, taking as a case study the Prud'homie de pêche, a private order that has governed the fishery of Marseille for the past six centuries. Scholarship... more
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      SociologyLaw and SocietyImmigrationGovernance
This article addresses the implications of a new resistance to hate crime legislation that has yet to be addressed in the mainstream legal debate in Canada or the United States. It comes mainly from groups in the US that represent lgbtq... more
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      Critical TheoryCriminologyLawCriminal Law
The concept of divorce is the separation of a married couple due to certain personal, domestic and matrimonial reasons which are legally and socially acceptable as both the spouses can’t coexist together peacefully in the matrimonial home... more
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      Human Rights LawFamily LawLegal Sociology
La visión del funcionalismo sistémico de la sociedad, se nos presenta como un esquema de redes y comunicaciones, donde cada uno de los individuos integrantes de la sociedad cumple un rol determinado. La comunicabilidad a través de las... more
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      Criminal LawLegal Sociology
Serve o pensamento jurídico como meio para recuperar a imaginação de alternativas institucionais, que minguou na cultura e na política contemporâneas? O movimento dos estudos jurídicos críticos foi a mais importante corrente de ideias... more
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      Critical Legal TheorySocio-legal studiesLegal SociologySocio-Legal Studies (Law)
Pierre Noreau et Samia Amor, « Médiation familiale : de l’expérience sociale à la pratique judiciarisée », dans : Marie-Christine Saint-Jacques, Daniel Turcotte, Sylvie Drapeau, Richard Cloutier, Familles en transformation. La vie après... more
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      Socio-legal studiesLegal SociologySocio-Legal Studies (Law)Sociologie Du Droit
The theme running through this analysis is the medium, rather than the content, is the most important aspect of communication and command. The paper thinks of law through the lens of communication theory and cybernetics. Law is... more
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      Critical TheoryJurisprudenceSociology of LawLegal Profession
This chapter makes a close reading of a short vignette in Eyrbyggja saga - the attempted forced marriage between the Swedish berserk Halli and Víga-Styrr's daughter Ásdis - exploring the ways that various norms and normative expectations... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureSocio-legal studiesMedieval ScandinaviaViking Studies
‘Law and economics’ studies are considered to have given to legal doctrine and argumentation a powerful analytical apparatus, which helped to detail the empirical consequences of legislative and judicial decisions. The main body of... more
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      Economic SociologyLaw And Economics (Economics)Institutional EconomicsRegulation And Governance
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      HinduismSouth Asian StudiesWomen's RightsSouth Asia
On November 4th, 2019, Hans-Georg Moeller delivered a presentation on systems theory at the Law School of the University of São Paulo and was interviewed about Niklas Luhmann’s theory of society, with emphasis on issues such as law,... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionCritical Legal TheoryLegal Theory
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      Legal TheoryLegal Sociology
This paper revisits the sociology of international commercial arbitration on the basis of unexploited archives and data. This material casts new light on the competition between “grand old men” and “young technocrats” in the 1980s and... more
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      GlobalizationSociology of LawLegal ProfessionInternational Law
ÖZET.- Kemal Gözler “Hukuk Nereye Gidiyor? Gözlemler ve Sorular” makalesinde artık nesnesini kaybetmiş bir hukuk biliminin mümkün olup olmadığını sormaktadır. Normcu pozitivizmin bakış açısıyla etkililiğini kaybetmiş bir norm... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal TheoryLegal PhilosophyLegal Sociology
To provide a global context in understanding the persistence of media piracy in emerging economies such as the Philippines and Vietnam, this chapter broadly describes the ongoing politics of hegemony and resistance in the global... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyAsian Studies
Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas desde la teoría de sistemas Magíster 45 VOLUMEN UNIVERSIDAD ANDINA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR, SEDE ECUADOR Toledo N22-80 • Teléfonos: (593-2) 255 6405, 250 8150 • Fax: (593-2) 250 8156 Apartado postal:... more
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      Criminal LawJudicial PoliticsEcuadorLegal Sociology
Human trafficking is considered to be modern day slavery. The EU continuously seeks to strengthen its fight against this crime, latest with the Directive on Prevention, Combat and
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      Sociology of LawHuman TraffickingLegal ConsciousnessEuropean Union
There has always been a tight relationship between women and advertising. Women have been the protagonists of advertising for a long time already. Traditionally seen as just responsible of the purchases for the family, they have been... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesSociology of LawAdvertising
The first edition of this Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsLawCriminal Law
Storicamente il rapporto tra il pensiero femminista e il diritto ha sempre restituito modelli interpre-tativi e argomentazioni che si sono andati strutturando secondo l'approccio dicotomico dell'essere 'per' o 'contro' il diritto. In... more
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      Feminist TheoryGender and the LawLegal SociologyFemminismo
Neste artigo debruço-me sobre dados etnográficos obtidos em diversas favelas cariocas para discutir a dimensão de insulto moral que determinadas práticas conduzidas por traficantes e policiais adquirem para os moradores destas áreas. Suas... more
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      SociologyCriminologyLatin American StudiesCultural Sociology
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      Critical TheoryField TheorySociology of LawPierre Bourdieu
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      Critical TheorySociologyCollective BehaviorPolitical Sociology
"This is the first book to consider German sociologist Niklas Luhmann's social theory in a critical legal context. Niklas Luhmann: Law, Society, Justice is a critical description, and at the same time a performative inversion, of the... more
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      SociologyJurisprudenceSociology of LawInterdisciplinarity
This paper examines three systems of courts of justice, each in a different country in the region of South Pacific islands known as Melanesia, where state legal systems have been adopted from former European colonial governments. The... more
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      Papua New GuineaLegal SociologyVanuatuMelanesia
Pada tanggal 25 agustus 2017 sekelompok militan bersenjata Rohingya menyerang pos keamanan Polisi Myanmar disepanjang bagian utara negara bagian Rakhine dan menewaskan 12 pasukan keamanan. Pemerintah Myanmar kemudian mulai melakukan... more
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      Legal SociologyRohingya IssueRakhine State
Este artigo propõe um enfoque teórico-metodológico sobre a Sociologia Jurídica, e se constrói a partir da definição dessa disciplina e da contribuição de Eugen Ehrlich, analisado à luz do método materialista dialético do qual faz parte... more
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      SociologySocial Research Methods and MethodologyMarxismSocio-legal studies
On the basis of Niklas Luhmann's sociology, the paper analyses how the legal system and informatics converge to program human behaviour.
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      Legal SociologyNiklas Luhmann
Contemporary society has expanded its worldwide dimensions, in waves of new protests, revivals of authoritarianism and pandemic threats, in a context of acceleration of digital communication. How to describe this emerging order beyond the... more
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      GlobalizationSociology of LawPostcolonial StudiesLegal Anthropology
In an apparently paradoxical or contradictory way, our new century seems to show two trends: on the one hand, an increasingly informal, disorganized, oftentimes violent spate of uprisings, and on the other hand, a growing exploitation of... more
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      Social MovementsJurisprudenceSociology of LawCommons
Coup leaders often claim insincerely to restore constitutional order. During Burkina Faso's 2014 'insurrection', however, Blaise Compaoré's opponents advanced detailed (international) legal arguments that significantly constrained their... more
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      Social MovementsAfrican StudiesConstitutional LawInternational Law
This chapter points out that a solid understanding of Bronislaw Malinowski's relationship to law should be founded on how it differs from both non-legal anthropology and jurisprudence. The reader is guided to the moment when the link... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceJurisprudenceComparative Law
In an attempt to bring Critical Environmental Law to a discussion with the current planetary challenges such as the Anthropocene and climate change, and understand the methodological challenges that such a discussion ensues, I suggest... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyGeologyEpistemology
In the first half of the twentieth century, and, in particular, in the interwar period, corporatism, in its populist, progressive, reactionary and totalitarian variants, became a central feature of European societies. Many observers have... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsEuropean HistorySociology
Vivimos en un mundo donde las mujeres siguen siendo víctimas de un sistema que las oprime y discrimina. Esta ponencia, teniendo presente que el sistema educativo en todos sus niveles-sobre todo inicial, primario y secundario-perpetúa... more
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      Gender StudiesEducationHistory of EducationGender
Legal anthropology and legal sociology have much in common. Traditionally, however, these approaches have tried to maintain disciplinary boundaries toward each other. Latest since the 1990s, these boundaries have become more and more... more
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyLegal AnthropologyHistory of Anthropology
"This anthropological study describes a specific form of mediation, as it is practiced in Ethiopia (Northeast Africa) by members of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups. It introduces elders as male household-heads in their advanced ages,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologySociology of Conflict
The concept of “network” has become the most central concept within the work of Karl‐Heinz Ladeur (KHL). It is an omnibus concept which he uses to extrapolate insights at all levels: It is used to provide a general framework at the level... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEuropean StudiesEuropean Studies
"Amos Rapoport is one of the pioneers of the studies on the relationship between people and their environments. At the same time, analyzing the built environment as a factor co-determining human interactions in the courtroom tends to be... more
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      Sociology of LawLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawSocio-legal studies
Although judges were included in the street-level-bureaucracy (SLB) group by Lipsky (1980), socio-legal scholars have barely used this theoretical framework to study them. This article aims to specify their position with respect to SLB,... more
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      Legal ProfessionEthnographyFamily LawSocio-legal studies
Este libro reúne una selección de trabajos presentados en el Grupo de Trabajo 10. Sociología política y estudios sociojurídicos de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS)
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      Political SociologySociology of LawLegal PluralismLegal Sociology
This paper deals with the dominant pedagogical model adopted by law schools in Argentina, where an instrumental/formal conception of law and justice prevails. It analyses the very marginal presence of value-based content and the weak... more
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      Legal EducationSociology of LawLegal EthicsLegal Sociology
This review critically assess the book Legal theory and the media of law, by Thomas Vesting. The author seeks to present a multidisciplinary conception of jurisprudence, analyzing the coevolution between legal phenomena, their... more
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      JurisprudenceSociology of LawCritical Legal TheoryLegal Theory
Resumen A lo largo del presente artículo pretendemos demostrar la importancia que la inteli-gencia emocional tiene, como herramienta de gestión, en el ejercicio de la abogacía, y que, por las características específicas de la actividad... more
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      Legal ProfessionEmotional intelligenceLeadershipLegal Sociology
Desde Marx, a sociologia sugeria a idéia de que o Direito poderia funcionar como uma “superestrutura” de legitimação das desigualdades sociais. Mas ainda era muito vago e misterioso o fato de haver um tipo de “consenso... more
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      LegitimacyPierre BourdieuLegal SociologySymbolic Power
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "Introduction to the thematic volume of Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica – devoted to the issue of law and space – provides basic context for the publication, placing special emphasis on the current state of... more
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      CriminologyComparative LawSociology of LawLegal History
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      Sociology of LawPostcolonial StudiesActor Network TheoryLegal Anthropology
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
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      Comparative LawSociology of LawPrivate International LawLegal Theory