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      Anthropological LinguisticsEducationPolitical Discourse AnalysisLinguistics and Politics
In modern society, the value of political communication has increased dramatically. Recently, some political debates have become the focus of discussion in journalism and scientific literature. The term "Politics" has been translated into... more
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      LanguagePolitical DiscoursePolitical PowerLinguistics and Politics
Dopo una breve riflessione sulle politiche migratorie italiane degli ultimi decenni, il contributo offre una sintetica panoramica della disciplina legislativa italiana delle politiche di immigrazione. Soffermandosi sul permesso di... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage TestingApplied LinguisticsInternational Migration
Il Sole-24ore, 11 febbraio 2018, p. 22
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      ExpertiseCompetenzaPolitica LinguisticaLingua italiana
Cet article porte sur le problème d’aménagement linguistique en Afrique de l’ouest: le cas des langues exogènes et endogènes. La gestion des langues en Afrique de l’Ouest a une histoire qui peut être retracée d’une part depuis la période... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLinguistics and PoliticsSocioloinguistics (Critical Discourse Analysis)
Este artículo trata sobre la ideología que hay detrás del concepto de lengua global o mundial y sus consecuencias negativas para la preservación y desarrollo de la inmenso caudal lingüístico que aún sobrevive en el mundo actual.
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage in SocietyGlobal LanguagesLinguistics and Politics
El trabajo se ocupa de analizar un aspecto específico del ineludible vínculo entre el estándar y la enseñanza escolar. A través del análisis de libros del área de lengua y algunos factores contextuales, se propone mostrar, desde la... more
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      SociolinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsMateriales Para La Enseñanza Del Español Como Lengua ExtranjeraGlotopolítica
El trabajo se ocupa de analizar un aspecto específico del ineludible vínculo entre el estándar y la enseñanza escolar. A través del análisis de libros del área de lengua y algunos factores contextuales, se propone mostrar, desde la... more
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      SociolinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsGlotopolíticaLinguistics and Politics
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical EcologyGreen PoliticsWelsh Nationalism
El debat electoral és un gènere no cooperatiu en què els polítics busquen la polèmica i l’enfrontament d’opinions divergents (Cortés i Bañón 1997). La intenció última dels participants en aquest tipus d’esdeveniment mediàtic és aconseguir... more
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      Parliamentary DiscourseLinguistics and PoliticsSocial Turn
This workshop report examines the phe-nomenon of election poster busting from a media-linguistic perspective. We pursue the hypothesis that multimodal transfor-mations of election posters leave traces of the appropriation of political... more
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      Media LinguisticsPolitical LinguisticsLinguistics and PoliticsLanguage of Politics
Congresso Internacional Tempus Fugit - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil. November 2010
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      Ancient Political TheoryAncient AthensPseudo XenophonLinguistics and Politics
A teacher doesn't have to teach only what's there in the books. If he succeeds in setting up an example of himself, there cannot be any teaching more valuable than that. It's the ideals we need to impart, the finest part of us, so that... more
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      Cultural StudiesEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
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Il Sole-24ore, 1 luglio 2018, p. 27
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      Linguistica italianaStoria Della Lingua ItalianaPolitica LinguisticaLinguistics and Politics
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguisticsEducaciónLinguístics and Education