Political Discourse
Recent papers in Political Discourse
This essay seeks to explore the expressions of power and persuasion in Tony Blair’s victory speech in 1997. Firstly, a theoretical framework about power and persuasion in political discourse is demonstrated. Secondly, the context of... more
This paper aims to highlight ethnic stereotyping in the English-language mass media political discourse, which is an actual issue since the scope of media texts in English prevails in the global information space, which cannot but affect... more
W artykule przedstawiony został zarys funkcjonowania frazeologizmów i neofrazeologizmów w ukraińskim dyskursie politycznym, które używane są w celu zwiększenia znaczenia własnych tez, postulatów, wniosków i niestety zbyt często-dla... more
This article contributes to the theoretical and methodological discussion on textual-contextual analysis in political communication and media research. It argues that taking into consideration both text and context throughout an analysis... more
Liberal democratic contexts have been the focus of much of the existing research on the relationship between incidental exposure to news on social media and political participation gaps. There is also a limited understanding of the... more
This study aims to explore the rhetorical and persuasive strategies employed by a political leader to propagate his ideology using language. It intends to critically analyze the victory speech of Pakistani Premier Imran Khan (IK)—the... more
This article deals with identity political discourse in situations of cultural movements, precisely in situations of migration. It addresses the question of migration through the interpretation of past and in the making events. In this... more
This report addresses the relationship between public opinion, political discourse and policy responses in the context of the so-called refugee crisis. In doing so, it speaks to the literature concerned with the saliency, polarisation and... more
There is a general perception that synchronous, online chat about politics is fragmented, incoherent, and rife with ad hominem attacks because of its channel characteristics. This study aims to better understand the relative impact of... more
Populism is sometimes conceived as a 'thin-centered ideology' by political scientists (Mudde, 2007). However, in discourse analysis we conceive of populism as a set of discourse strategies used by both left-wing or right-wing politicians... more
Die Bewohner der Andenregionen praktizieren seit vielen Jahrhunderten eine elaborierte Agrarwirtschaft, mit der sie sich unter schwierigen Bedingungen lange Zeit selbst versorgen konnten. Das knapp 200 Jahre alte Peru hat die Hegemonie... more
This session will discuss the Oxfam research backgrounder on "The Rise of Populism and Its Implications for Development", with a specific focus on the challenges posed by the politics of 'post-truth' for evidence-informed influencing. The... more
Action-sentences about states, such as 'North Korea conducted a nuclear test', are ubiquitous in discourse about international relations. Although there has been a great deal of debate in IR about whether states are agents or actors, the... more
Аннотация: Президент РФ В.В. Путин в разных обстоятельствах указывает, что «у нас нет никакой и не может быть никакой другой объединяющей идеи, кроме патриотизма». Патриотизм является важной национальной идеей. Данная статья посвящена... more
Segundo encuentro del Seminario Permanente de Discurso Político. Julián Melo (CONICET-IDAES) va a exponer su trabajo "Avanzar con la marea. Nota sobre el pensamiento político de Juan Perón". Los que quieran acceder a un texto de lectura... more
Twitter is emerging as a medium where users negotiate and maintain relationships and identities. How do political actors use Twitter? In a gender perspective, this study aims to shed light on their interactions on Twitter, which can be... more
Language plays a pivotal role in constructing identity and ideology. It shapes the people's ideas and beliefs about specific perspectives. This research is mainly concerned with constructed ideologies through discourse. The present study... more
Los discursos políticos de rompimiento tienen el mérito de haber cuestionado el dogma neoliberal que elevó un paradigma económico, de entre otros posibles, al rango de ciencia exacta, por encima de consideraciones políticas o sociales. A... more
The aim of this paper is to present the diversity and dynamics of interpersonal relationships represented in political discourse. In almost every political activity there is the opposition camp (‘them’), as well as that of the allies... more
The current world scenario results from the process of globalisation which has generated processes of intercultural communication. Against this background, this paper is mainly concerned with the most significant communicative products... more
מחקר זה מתמקד בטוקבקים התגובות שישראלים כותבים באתרי אינטרנט, ובמונח המתאר זירה תקשורתית זו. לאור ניתוח פרשני של תגובות כאלה בעשר השנים האחרונות המאמר מתחיל בתיאור הפוטנציאל הקרנבלי הקיים בטוקבקים. אלה יכולים לממש את הקרנבל הבכטיניאני,... more
Compte-rendu de : Léo Löwenthal et Norbert Guterman Les prophètes du mensonge. Etude sur l'agitation fasciste aux Etats-Unis (1949), La découverte, collection Théorie critique, 2019, 250 p.
In: Multidimensionality of vocabulary in the literary language (2018): 117–133. The chapter analyzes the semantic, structural, and functional features of the Ukrainian socio-political vocabulary in given period. It describes external... more
Parole-chiave: estrema destra, Germania, lessico politico, corpora 1. Introduzione Il lessico politico è stato oggetto di molti studi che hanno cercato di metterne in evidenza aspetti e caratteristiche, utilizzando approcci e metodologie... more
It is now more than 30 years since the publication of Edward W. Said’s seminal text Orientalism. With his discourse analysis of an astounding number of academic, bureaucratic and literary texts from the colonial period, Said was able to... more
Offering a framework for uncovering the hidden meanings of political epithets, this article explains the potency of the term carpetbagger by exploring the material artifact that underpinned it. Although they coined the term in 1867,... more
In this paper, we will be reviewing the Discourse analysis as a qualitative and quantitative multidisciplinary approach that allows studying a discourse in a precise way. We will see two of the main methods to analyze a speech, the... more
A wide range of Arabic language variation in form, code choice and orthographic script was wielded by Lebanese political protestors in their graffiti and political placards in Beirut in 2015. That summer, civil protests spilled out into... more
Introduzione L'affermazione di partiti e movimenti « populisti » in Italia è piuttosto recente. Le prime riflessioni di studiosi e osservatori che iniziano a impiegare apertamente questo termine appaiono con l'affermazione della Lega Nord... more
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
Este trabajo aborda el tema del discurso sobre la universidad pública venezolana, específicamente durante el lapso comprendido entre 2010 y 2012, período en el que se debatió con vehemencia lo que debía (o no) ser esta institución. En ese... more
Parliamentary discourse in democratic states is both a form of implementation of freedom of speech and a way of increasing awareness of the quality and level of freedom of speech in democratic regimes. The Slovak Republic is a country... more
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
U radu se razmatra odnos između kognitivne lingvistike i kritičke analize diskursa, kao i mogućnosti kombinacije ova dva teorijska okvira u empirijskim istraživanjima. Rad počinje pregledom osnovnih teorijskih postulata dveju disciplina,... more
Political discourse in its various forms and expressions is characterised by the use of phrasemes, including slogans, proverbs, quotations, etc. It also features the so-called «emologismi» (cf. Antonelli 2017: 6), that is to say words,... more
Apa yang saya maksud dengan narasi dan praksis keseharian adalah wacana dan relasi kemanusiaan yang kita selami sehari-hari yang terkadang dianggap remeh, namun sebenarnya punya peran besar dalam membangun kelenturan sosial atau yang... more
The South Caucasus region is quite diverse in its cultural, ethnic, civilization, religious and social structure. At the same time after the collapse of the Soviet Union, emerged numerous internal conflicts significantly hindered the... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more