Lusatian Culture
Recent papers in Lusatian Culture
In this paper the settlement of the Záhorie region in western Slovakia during the Urnfield period is described and analyzed. Our main interest lies in the Final Bronze Age, for this is the period in which finds of Lusatian culture have... more
Studie byla vydána v roce 1975 jako 29 svazek, číslo 2 Sborníku Národního muzea v Praze, řada A - Historie / The study was published in 1975 as volume 29, number 2 Acta of the National Museum in Prague, series A - History.
Článok je zhrnutím vybraných pravekých nálezov z územia mesta Trenčín a snahou v krátkosti priblížiť situáciu v jednotlivých obdobiach staršieho praveku.
On highest highths and deepest depths, the depositional context of Late Bronze Age ring hoards in Central Europe. In Late Bronze Age (Reinecke Bz D—Ha A) Upper Lusatia and adjoining landscapes, bronze hoards were deposited in the... more
Problematyka rozwiązań architektonicznych we wczesnej epoce żelaza na ziemiach polskich jest ciekawym tematem w badaniach pradziejowych. Sama architektura nie jest tak częstym problemem badawczym w porównaniu do osadnictwa, gdzie... more
Niniejsza praca przygotowana została dla GDDKiA, jako opracowanie wyników z badań ratowniczych, które odbyły się na st. 13 w Krzeczynie Wielkim w sezonie 2015. Zawiera opis zabytków ruchomych (głównie ceramiki i narzędzi metalowych) z... more
Trwająca przez blisko tysiąc lat kultura łużycka, mimo że stosunkowo dobrze rozpoznana i funkcjonująca od ponad stu lat w obiegu naukowym, ciągle stanowi niezwykle interesujący problem badawczy. Zjawisko przemocy i nagłych wypadków z... more
"Fortifications in the Lusatian culture hill-forts constitute an excellent proof of the progress the people of that culture made in building. Building fortifications was a complicated and complex enterprise, requiring immense resources.... more
The subject of this study is the issue of the cultural changes at the end of the Hallstatt period and at the beginning of the Early Pre-Roman period observed in the territory of western Lesser Poland. For this period of prehistory, this... more
The book is divided into three chapters which revolve around human attempts to penetrate and overcome the porous interfaces between the world experienced by mortal humanity and the other-worlds they envision. The first chapter, Drinking... more
Costume of prehistoric cultures represents not only textile parts of clothes but also clothing fittings and ornaments, including jewels decorating different parts of the body by which the cultures and groups vary from each other. People... more
At the end of the Hallstatt and in the beginning of the La Tène period (Lt A), a gradual depopulation of Silesia can be observed. In the mentioned time, the region was inhabited by local Lusatian and Pomeranian culture communities, which... more
Sixty years after similar discovery author brings an information about new hoards of the Liptov-type swords recently discovered in Bošáca (Western Slovakia), in which tens of bronze artefacts with rich typological-chronological features... more
Lusatian cuLture and Pomeranian cuLture in Gniezno – an outLine of the research issues abstract: The purpose of this article is to re-analyse and verify the current arrangements for the settlement of the Lusatian and Pomeranian cultures... more
The assessment of the level of technical advancement of textile production in the Bronze and Iron Age in the territory of modern Poland presents many difficulties. They result from the limited number of preserved textiles. The majority of... more
Celem pracy jest monograficzne opracowanie 81 obiektów archeologicznych oraz licznych materiałów ruchomych pochodzących z badań wykopaliskowych prowadzonych w 2015 roku na wielokulturowych stanowiskach osadowych nr 1 (AZP 03-42/32) oraz 4... more
The paper reports on the analysis of an osteological sample from cremation graves of Lusatian culture recovered at Stobrawa site 25D, distr. Opole. The rescue excavation covered an area of ca. 800 m2 and uncovered 81 graves and three... more
At graveyards in lowlands, windthrows there are unwished features since roots of trees might destroy the inventory of the graves. As a result, pottery assigned to such features is usually ignored and is not taken into consideration for... more
Książka została wydana w Warszawie w Krakowie w 1962 r. / Kniha byla vydána ve Varšavě - Krakov roku 1962 / The book was published in Warsaw - Krakow in 1962.
The presented article deals with the settlement finds from Senica, site Sedlička, excavated during development–led excavations in 2011. The finds and contexts are analysed, processed, and the settlement remains are evaluated. The... more
In this paper the exceptionally heavy loom weights originating from three Final Bronze and Early Iron Age sites (Wierzchosławice, Wojnicz, Janowice) are compared with “standard” Hallstatt A loom weights known from Kraków- Bieżanów 11 (all... more
K e y w o r d s: Cave archaeology, Prehistoric times, Middle Ages, white Cracow-area pottery, Cracow Upland
One of the features of Scythian archaic blade weaponry is the use of bronze, often in the combination with iron. This technologe of Early Scythian bimetallic akinakai goes back to “Cimmerian scheme”. Within the framework of that scheme... more
Diplomová práce je věnována otázce odrazu sociálních poměrů společnosti slezskoplatěnické kultury především prostřednictvím výpovědí jejího pohřebního ritu
Celem poniższego tekstu jest próba zaprezentowania zmian w rozmieszczeniu brązowych i żelaznych szpil na obszarze zajmowanym przez ludność TKŁ. Na podstawie tych zmian autor będzie się zastanawiał nad zmianami w sposobie podejścia do... more
The division between the dimensional groups of blade weapons is conditional and, probably, the boundary between them can vary from one epoch to another. The analysis of variation series of such features as “total length” and “blade... more
Das östliche Sachsen-Anhalt ist der archäologischen Fachwelt in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren vornehmlich durch Publikationen zum Mittelalter und der Reformationszeit weithin bekannt geworden. Die Funde aus der Vorgeschichte dieses... more
Il saggio storico, ricco di illustrazioni e comprensivo di riferimenti all’ambiente naturale, ripercorre 2600 anni di presenza veneta in Friuli. Crocevia di culture, centro di circolazione di idee e commerci, la regione friulana già... more
The book takes up the question of the relationship between hoards of metal goods (deposits, collective finds) and a settlement network. Applying a novel research approach, the study covers cultural phenomena along the south Baltic coast... more
Recent years have brought many significant changes when talking about research on the Early Iron Age in Poland, also in terms of the chronology method applying to most essential artifacts. Typology schemes and basis of dating process of... more