Mahatma Gandhi
Recent papers in Mahatma Gandhi
This paper discusses Gandhi's use of violence as a core political consciousness for his Ahimsa (non-violence) philosophy that transformed into reconciliation at. a later date.
In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, quoted Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s idea of nationalism in his own words thus: ”I call myself a nationalist but my nationalism is as wide as the universe; it embraces all nations. My... more
What causes some types of political protests to be more effective than others? Drawing on the legacies of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I argue that a key attribute of successful protest movements is that they involve... more
Люди вдохновлялись Махатмой Ганди и его идей о ненасилии. Его учение как никогда раньше актуально в нынешнем мире. Данная статья раскрывает суть этого учения и их акту-альность по сей день.
The complex problem of sacrifice is treated from different perspectives in Western and Eastern traditions. Girard's late turn towards a more comprehensive view of the term can be understood as a certain opening up to Eastern traditions.... more
The ongoing colonial dispossession of Indigenous peoples is predicated on the idea of a hierarchy of civilizations wherein western culture is positioned at the ontogenetic apex of civilizational maturity - as 'modern' - and non-western... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint I used for the lecture held together with Mag.a Kathrin Bouvot on Saturday, 25 September 2021 at the International Webinar Series Spirituality, “Satyagraha and Pragmatism: New Dimensions in Gandhian Philosophy”,... more
Dr. E Stanley Jones through his Kingdom of God perspective had a lasting impact on racism both in India and North America. Through his formation in India of the Christian Ashram movement in 1930 and transplanting it worldwide, Jones... more
The word ‘diaspora’ etymologically pertains to Greek language. Literally it is a compound of ‘dia’ means ‘across’ and ‘speiro’ means ‘scatter’. Therefore, the word diaspora denotes the scattering of people en masse form one place to... more
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the superior pioneer of the Indian freedom development in British-ruled India. Utilizing peaceful common noncompliance, Gandhi drove India to autonomy and roused developments for social equality and... more
Gandhi’s lauded text Hind Swaraj is born of and located within the 19th c crisis of liberal democracy and its resolutions of an intimate animosity towards the masses. Gandhi shares considerable terrain with Indian liberals writing in the... more
Mohandas Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 to Hindu parents in Western India. In India, the people are divided into five castes: Brahmin (priests), Kshatriya (warriors), Vaisya (merchants), Sudra (artisans), and the Untouchables.... more
The Quit India speech is a speech made by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942, on the eve of the Quit India movement. He called for determined, but passive resistance that signified the certitude that Gandhi foresaw for the movement is best... more
Gandhism is the culmination of ideas, thoughts, values and practices that defines the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – The Father of our Nation who played a major role in the freedom struggle of our country. The two main weapons of... more
Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
Mahatma (Yüce Ruh) adını çok sonradan alan; 1869'da Porbandar'da Vaşiya Kastından bir ailenin çocuğudur Gandi. İki annesi, kız çocuk doğurduktan sonra kayıplara karışmıştır, canlılara zarar vermeme, kişisel arınma için oruç tutma, et... more
Political and social movements in South Africa, the United States of America, Germany, Myanmar, India, and elsewhere, have drawn inspiration from the non-violent political techniques advocated by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi during his... more
Non-violence is neither an act of cowardice nor compromise; rather it is a way of life in itself – a philosophy to realize man’s true nature. Gandhi personified this message in life and spirit. This essay highlights the essence of... more
A concise open-access teaching resource featuring essential selections from Gandhi on the philosophy of nonviolence. The book includes: a preface, brief explanatory notes, supplementary boxes containing related philosophical material,... more
Radford University ahatma Gandhi developed an integrated world view within the very specific contexts of his struggles for justice and freedom in South Africa and India. Much of his thought regarding such basic concepts as satyagraha... more
From the Publisher's abstract: Through an original and close reading of the key literature regarding both revolutionary violence and nonviolence, this book collapses the widely-assumed concepts of violence and nonviolence as mutually... more
This essay contends that materialist as well as culturalist views of resistance to particular foods fall short of grasping the sig- nificance of this resistance in Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting (1999) and V. S. Naipaul’s Half a Life... more
While he was imprisoned at Pollsmore, Nelson Mandela was interviewed by two American editors of the conservative American newspaper Washington Times. Mandela told them that he was neither a Communist, nor a terrorist. The journalist said... more
This paper considers what valuable leadership lessons can be learnt from Gandhi that may prove useful not only at the national and global levels but at the corporate and other organisational levels as well. A broad review of management... more
‘Mahatma Gandhi has made a lasting contribution to political philosophy and this requires that succeeding generations of scholars interpret that contribution in ways that meet the needs of the changing times and intellectual trends.... more
PDF-Powerpoint of my exposition for the Preparatory session of the Creative Dialogues Series, Monday 10 January 2022 19-20h CET. The session can be watched at the address:... more
This articale on the amazing story of the realtionship betweem Gandh and his Jewish supporter Herman Kallenbach is based on the public lecture delivered by Dr. Shimon Lev in Vilnius, Lithuania on 1 Oct 2015 on the occasion of unveiling... more
In the etymological sense, 'swa' stands for 'self' and 'raj' stands for 'rule'. Hence Swaraj literally may be taken to mean self-rule. But this type of oversimplification is really harmful in consequence. We have to understand first the... more
Gandhi is known to have acknowledged Jesus' influence on his life. But was the Christ he admired and loved similar to the one in whom Christians' believe? This article is an extract from the author's book: 'Gandhi and the Popes, from Pius... more
Gandhi's Bhagavad-gītā Interpretation: Can it be Universalized? Since the mid 19th c., Indian spiritual traditions have been westernized and globalized by various gurus and movements such as the theosophical movement, RamaKrishna... more
This second of the two articles on the Swadeshi Movement published earlier in 'Gandhi Marg' brings into relief its symbolic impact with the help of a few theories from the vast field of nonverbal communication. As a result, Gandhi’s rare... more
In December 1931, Mahatma Gandhi visited Rome with a desire to meet the Pope. It was Mussolini, however, who was eager to meet him. Could 'Il Duce' have seized the opportunity to boost his own image and to further his own devices?... more
In 1906, The Asiatic Registration Act of the Transvaal Colony was re-established to control Asians (Indians and Chinese) in South Africa, by having them officially register and provide important personal identification. Mohandas Gandhi,... more
An account of Mahatma Gandhi's views in regard to theism vs atheism, providence, euthanasia, caste etc.
Mumbai Metropolitan Region, has experienced massive growth due to rapid economic transformation and urbanization, resulting in degradation of and damage to sensitive coastal ecologies. Mumbai’s artisanal fishers, especially the Kolis, are... more
Mahatma Gandhi’s idea of trusteeship is a pragmatic model of development that aims to attain economic equality in society. This idea is an alternative to communism and capitalism and is based on nonviolence and inclusivity. Trusteeship... more