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In this paper, we empirically test for network effects and preannouncement effects in the DVD market. We do this by measuring the effect of potential (incompatible) competition on a network undergoing growth. We find that there are... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Empirical evidence
A scries of two-plin/cr, sccoiui-pricc avunwu-valuc auctions tire reported. In symmctrk niictioiis, biiiticrs suffer from a wi}iiier's curse, hi nsi/uinietrie auctions in wliieh one bidder has a private value ai1vanta<;^i'. the effect on... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)ProfitabilityNash Equilibrium
We study three corporate nonmarket strategies designed to influence the lobbying behavior of other special interest groups: (1) astroturf, in which the firm covertly subsidizes a group with similar views to lobby when it normally would... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
We develop an economic model of "greenwash," in which a firm strategically discloses environmental information and a non-governmental organization (NGO) may audit and penalize the firm for failing to fully disclose its environmental... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Disclosure
The main objective of this study is to assess the predicting role of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee intention to stay. Four dimensions of HRM practices examined in this study are training and development, career... more
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    • Management (Economics)
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      Environmental policyManagement (Economics)Technological changeDeveloping Country
"This paper aims to verify if the intensiveness of prior customers’ experiences with the same services provider and other providers affects service quality. The empirical investigation was conducted in auto service sector. Empirical... more
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    • Management (Economics)
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
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      Information SystemsManagementMarketingSociology
Central to so many accounts of post-war Japan, the keiretsu corporate groups lacked economic substance from the start. Conceived by Marxists committed to locating "domination" by "monopoly capital," they found an early audience among... more
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      Group BehaviorApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Keiretsu
This paper reports on the perceptions of Thailand Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) entrepreneurs towards Halal Food Certification (hFC) on three dimensions; market share and market competitiveness, government support and monitoring and... more
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    • Management (Economics)
Transport markets have confronted various changes during the previous decades. As branch positive issue is that volumes have increased steadily, but on the other hand, for society this has placed great pressure to reduce environmental... more
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    • Management (Economics)
The firm is often considered as a nexus of contracts linking the management and its different stakeholders: claimholders, workers, unions, customers, suppliers, and the state, among others. This paper surveys recent work in contract... more
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      Theory of the FirmContract TheoryApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
We develop an economic model of "greenwash," in which a firm strategically discloses environmental information and a non-governmental organization (NGO) may audit and penalize the firm for engaging in greenwash. We identify conditions... more
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      Marketing StrategyApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Disclosure
Using Japanese facility-level data, we estimate the effects of ISO 14001 certification on the promotion of more advanced practices, namely green supply chain management (GSCM). Our results show that ISO 14001 promotes GSCM practices.... more
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      ManagementBusiness EthicsEconomicsEconometrics
The culture, supporting effectiveness of marketing activities, is most frequently designated by two basic terms in the literature: as the marketing culture or as the market culture. If the corporate culture shall be of marketing or market... more
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      Research MethodologyMarket OrientationCustomer OrientationMarketing Strategy
Tourism is a growing and an extremely competitive sector. To be competitive, tourism firms need do innovate, responding to the more and more demanding tourist. Nonetheless, research on this field is limited and insufficient. In Portugal,... more
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      Management (Economics)Empirical evidenceInnovation
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    • Management (Economics)
Using Japanese facility-level data, we estimate the effects of ISO 14001 certification on the promotion of more advanced practices, namely green supply chain management (GSCM). Our results show that ISO 14001 promotes GSCM practices, in... more
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      ManagementBusiness EthicsEconomicsEconometrics
The role of Educational Institutes is to provide for and development of manpower required for the social, economic and technological advancement of any nation cannot be over- emphasized. By their unique nature, Educational Institutes are... more
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      FinanceBankingManagement (Economics)
Extant literature on FDI entry modes and corruption tend to convey the idea that corruption leads to the choice of low equity, i.e. joint-ventures with local partners, or non-equity modes, namely export and contracting, in order to avoid... more
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      Emerging EconomiesManagement (Economics)CorruptionJoint Venture
Our paper summarizes several years' research experience in the field of customer satisfaction management. The key statement in our paper is that there is a need for further developing the classical customer orientation theory and the... more
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      Customer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyMarket OrientationCustomer Orientation
Using Japanese facility-level data, we estimate the effects of ISO 14001 certification on the promotion of more advanced practices, namely green supply chain management (GSCM). Our results show that ISO 14001 promotes GSCM practices.... more
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      ManagementBusiness EthicsEconomicsEconometrics
Tourism is a growing and an extremely competitive sector. To be competitive, tourism firms need do innovate, responding to the more and more demanding tourist. Nonetheless, research on this field is limited and insufficient. In Portugal,... more
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      Management (Economics)Empirical evidenceInnovation
We present a new explanation and empirical evidence showing that rural subsidies to large farmers tend to be associated with low land productivity and excessive deforestation. We develop a lobbying model where wealthy farmers trade bribes... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
Studies about the influence and impact of knowledge-producing organisations' (e.g., universities or R&D institutions) have been addressed by means of strict economic analysis, stressing their economic impact in a local, regional or... more
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      Management (Economics)Economic analysisCase StudyProfitability
Television networks spend about 16% of their revenues on tune-ins, which are previews or advertisements for their own shows. In this paper, we examine two questions. First, what is the informational content in advertising? Second, is this... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Value of InformationInformation Content
We examine a model of locational choice in commercial media markets. Commercial media (stations) compete for audiences with their choice of programming variety in order to attract advertising revenues from advertisers. These advertisers... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Differentiated ProductsLocation Choice
The impact of demand growth on the maximal degree of collusion (consistent with equilibrium) is investigated in a Cournot supergame where market growth may trigger future entry and a collusive agreement is enforced by the most profitable... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Profitability
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      Strategic ManagementApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Long Range
The culture, supporting effectiveness of marketing activities, is most frequently designated by two basic terms in the literature: as the marketing culture or as the market culture. If the corporate culture shall be of marketing or market... more
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      Research MethodologyMarket OrientationCustomer OrientationMarketing Strategy
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      Information SocietyWelfare StateSocial ProblemsComparative Study
Financial stability has drawn serious attention of companies operating in the condition of economic recession. Discovery of new approaches in prediction of financial stability should foster improving the financial stability.
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    • Management (Economics)
This study reports on a contingent choice survey in which respondents expressed their preferences for packages of watershed rriariagerrierit outcomes, where these packages were assessed against alternative institutional characteristics of... more
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Watershed Management
Capital budgeting as a decision process is among the most important of all management decisions. The importance (consequents) of the subsequent outcome may bring a level of uncertainty to the judgement-making process by the decision... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisManagement (Economics)Capital InvestmentCapital Budgeting
Using Japanese facility-level data, we estimate the effects of ISO 14001 certification on the promotion of more advanced practices, namely green supply chain management (GSCM). Our results show that ISO 14001 promotes GSCM practices, in... more
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      ManagementBusiness EthicsEconomicsEconometrics
We analyze bilateral merchandise trade flows between Ghana and the other 14 members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The analysis involves the use of the modified gravity model based on most recent data from 1995... more
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    • Management (Economics)
This paper considers the possibility that a firm can invest not only in the true product quality, but also in activities such as merchandising and store atmospherics that influence consumer perception of the product quality. Consumers... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)Consumer PerceptionCost of Quality
The paper focuses on the mediating effect of organizational trust and its cognitive and affective components on the impact of leadership relationship on different forms of organizational innovativeness such as product, market, behaviour,... more
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    • Management (Economics)
We examine bargaining in a dynamic context where exchange between two parties affects the potential surplus from future trade. In this setting traders negotiate current contracts anticipating the impact of their agreement on future... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
Recently the scientists , , Aksu & Özdemir (2005); analyzing the concept of the organization in the process learning give great attention to the consideration of means of organization activity improvement and possibilities of competitive... more
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    • Management (Economics)
We develop a stylized model of horizontal and vertical competition in tournaments with two competing firms. The sponsor cares not only about the quality of the design but also about the design location. A priori not even the sponsor knows... more
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      Applied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
We set-up a two-sided market framework to model competition between a Prefered Provider Organization (PPO) and a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Both health plans compete to attract policyholders on one side and providers on the... more
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      Health PlanningHealth insuranceApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
This paper contributes empirically to the long-debated issue of the legitimacy of the European Central Bank (ECB) with regard to European polities. Using microlevel data from the Eurobarometer survey, we shed light on the... more
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      Public OpinionLogistic RegressionManagement (Economics)European Central Bank
Environmental activists are increasingly resorting to private strategies such as boycotts and protests focused on changing individual firms' behavior. In this paper, we examine activists' use of such "private politics" to engender firm... more
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      Environmental ManagementMarketing StrategyApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
Using Japanese facility-level data, we estimate the effects of ISO 14001 certification on the promotion of more advanced practices, namely green supply chain management (GSCM). Our results show that ISO 14001 promotes GSCM practices, in... more
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      ManagementBusiness EthicsEconomicsEconometrics
Economic transition in Eastern Europe should generate market growth. In addition, current discussions on economic integration and the development of a free-trade area in Eastern Europe will improve market accessibility. These two forces... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentEconomic integrationApplied EconomicsManagement (Economics)
The main objective of this research paper is to present how the public sector may contribute to the development of social innovations and to what extent this process may be supported by the European Social Fund's (ESF) resources. The... more
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      Public sectorManagement (Economics)
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    • Management (Economics)
We present a discussion of the concept of information in Economics. We begin by presenting the prevalent model, closely associated with the Maximization of Expected Utility hypothesis. While it has proved to be useful in many ways, it... more
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      Experimental EconomicsEconomic TheoryManagement (Economics)Expected Utility
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      Management (Economics)Depreciation