Marilyn Strathern
Recent papers in Marilyn Strathern
Traduzione dei testi antologici per la quarta edizione di Ugo Fabietti, Storia dell'antropologia, Zanichelli, 2020.
I testi tradotti sono di Marilyn Strathern, Janet Carsten, Aihwa Ong, Clara Han, Alfred Gell e Tim Ingold.
I testi tradotti sono di Marilyn Strathern, Janet Carsten, Aihwa Ong, Clara Han, Alfred Gell e Tim Ingold.
Originally prepared for the Sawyer seminar workshop “Uncommons” [Convened by Marisol de la Cadena & Mario Blaser], University of California, Davis, May 28-30, 2015.
Este libro clásico recién incorporado al conjunto de da cuenta de los prolegómenos y los primeros años de la antropología posmoderna. Con el correr de un par de décadas pudo verificarse que mi sombrío pronóstico, asentado en... more
This is the original English version of the essay published in L'Homme 218, 2016, translated to French by Ariane Dorval (see below item for French). A longer version serves as the introduction to "Redescribing Relations," see above.... more
Este libro da cuenta de los prolegómenos y los primeros años de la antropología posmoderna. Con el correr de un par de décadas pudo verificarse que mi sombrío pronóstico, asentado en un prólogo que se come la mitad del libro, no era del... more
This document presents a summary of material from Marilyn Strathern's book After Nature. She tells us about assumptions about kinship that were made in modern English culture. 'Modern' means roughly from the 1860s to the 1960s.
A shorter version of this review (by half) has been published in American Ethnologist (Early View, November 2020, see above). Some of the discussions have been expanded upon in "After the Medium: Rereading Stories on a String and the... more
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22 (1): 215–216
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Dec 2021 Corrected! I am leaving the bibliography out--please check out JAAR website to download the full article--also have a look at the whole issue, it is great!... more
El perspectivismo amerindio sobrevino y evolucionó tan rápido que muchos de mis colegas sienten que apenas se distrajeron un instante y que al volver a mirar en torno percibieron que toda la antropología latinoamericana había cambiado y... more
Discussion of the genealogies of the triple 'turns' to ontology in STS, anthropology and philosophy, their similarities and differences, and points of critique and problematisation.
Desentrañar el origen exacto del perspectivismo, sintetizar sus lineamientos y evaluar su aporte es un trabajo enredado porque (como habrá de verse) los autores se citan recíprocamente, copian y pegan, se realimentan,... more
If we keep on speaking the same language together, we're going to reproduce the same history. Begin the same old stories all over again. Don't you think so? [.. .] The same difficulties, the same impossibility of making connections. The... more
This document presents a brief summary of material regarding Marilyn Strathern's definition of anthropology at home: her aims in producing the definition, the definition before clarification, the clarified definition and objections to it.
ตีพิมพ์ใน วารสารมานุษยวิทยา, ปีท่ี 4 ฉบับท่ี 1 (มกราคม - มิถุนายน 2564)
In a world that can appear to have been cosmologically unified by centuries of globalization, the claim that anthropology’s most urgent mission is to expose heterogeneous ontologies has a confounding ring. It has been heard as a call for... more
A genealogy of sorts of practical ontology/ontologies and their relation to ontology in STS, the ontological turn in anthropology, and political ontology.
Draft of a piece written for the Berliner Blatter, publication tbd.
Draft of a piece written for the Berliner Blatter, publication tbd.
In "Redescribing Relations: Strathernian Conversations on Ethnography, Knowledge and Politics." Ed. Ashley Lebner. Berghahn Books. 2017.
Este texto constituye un ejercicio de pensamiento sobre la figuración y lo que se evoca por medio de ella. A partir de la etnografía de dos pueblos indígenas del Chaco argentino (toba-qom y guaraní) nos proponemos mostrar las... more
Context holds a significant place mediating the conceptual and the empirical in ethnography. This modality of knowledge has also become a significant part of science and technology studies since the rise of laboratory studies. However,... more
"In the Vicinity of the State is about house construction in Mulwene, an emerging neighbourhood on the outskirts of Maputo, Mozambique. It is about how aspirations to secure a permanent location in an unstable urban environment become... more
A number of these arguments are also developed in published form in "After the Medium" @ JAAR. See above. Discussant comments for the AAA Panel "Speaking Truth/Knowledge/Bodies: Old and New Directions in the Anthropology of Religion"... more
This paper explores “how ethnographic collaboration configures its data” via examination of three relations: between ethnography as method and writing, between leaky empirical and conceptual sets, and between ethnographic and rhetorical... more
This paper presents three nested case studies. The first is an exposition of David Tudor’s experimentalism which was intertwined with the more well-known experimentalism centering around the discourse/practice of John Cage. Despite his... more
Corporate gifts – from philanthropic donations to individual reward schemes – attract considerable attention from scholars for the kinds of moral, economic and political logics that motivate them. This article considers the gifts that... more
A reply to comments by Laurent Olivier, Matt Edgeworth and Tim Ingold on the paper "The Temporality of the Landscape Revisited"
Redactado en 1987, apenas un año después de "Writing culture", este fue tal vez el primer artículo sobre la antropología posmoderna publicado en castellano. Los autores tomados en consideración son Stephen Tyler y Marilyn Strathern. Es un... more
Resumen: Los escenarios interculturales emergentes problematizan la utilidad de las categorías antropológicas relacionadas con el chamanismo, por lo que necesitamos evaluar críticamente su precisión y productividad analítica. Para esta... more
American Ethnologist (Early View) In deciding how to review this rich and complex book--and with only 1000 words--I focused more on those aspects that would help readers devise a strategy for reading it. The longer version (uploaded... more
In this daring debut, Zayin Cabot challenges the wise homebodies of academia. A profoundly interdisciplinary approach to comparative scholarship, Ecologies of Participation offers a methodology whereby we can face our shared planetary... more
It is impossible to capture in some neat established academic sound-bite, mostly because its multiple claims are all quite impossible—impossible, that is, within our present Western and colonized ways of speaking, thinking, and being. If... more
Yet again, the perennial question: What is ‘the social?’ if there is one commonplace that seems to traverse the multiplicity of practices we have come to associate with the so-called ‘social’ sciences, it is the implicit sense that the... more
El género discursivo al que es afecto Bruno Latour (junto con filósofos pos-estructurales como Deleuze y Guattari y al lado de otros perspectivistas como Viveiros de Castro, Marilyn Strathern y Roy Wagner ) no constituye meramente una... more
Resumen: El presente artículo busca comprender la sobredeterminación de relaciones que median en la reproducción, movilización y consolidación de las ceremonias de yagé en Colombia. Para ello se propondrá una matriz teórico-metodológica... more
A different and shorter version of this text was published in Deringer and Lebner (2009). What follows are selections that were made and translated by Ashley Lebner from a longer text that was first edited from transcriptions of three... more
Este artículo explora la relación entre el trabajo etnográ-fico y la cultura de las sociedades de las que provienen los antropólogos. En concreto, el texto revisa la forma en que el pensamiento neoliberal, impulsado por Marga-ret... more
In this paper I respond to Carl Knappett's key note address at a session held at the EAA in Maastricht 2017 (which I co-organised) titled "Archaeological Networks and Social Interaction". The focus was on moving away from the dominance... more
This essay explores the organisational character of Facebook's Libra currency by undertaking a critical reading of documents published by the Libra Association. Drawing on the conceptual work of Marilyn Strathern and Michel Serres, it... more
The article describes a bridewealth prestation among the Chagga-speaking people of Tanzania. Departing from approaches that rely on the notion of reciprocity, the author explores how the prestation per se constitutes, rather than... more