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Journalists are not only storyteller but also they are the watchdog of the society for different dimensions. In the era of globalization when everything is changing very fast, the status of all human being is also changing with the same... more
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      Media StudiesMedia EducationPrint mediaSocio-Economic Status
Technology habits have been objects of research for over 100 years and provided heuristic cases for the study of habits over the last two decades. This chapter traces the history of research on information and communication technologies... more
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      Social MediaMedia HabitsHabitsICTs
Den svenska allmänheten är ett nyhetsintresserat folk. Det visar resultaten från 2016 års nationella SOM-undersökning. Nästan alla tar på ett eller annat sätt del av nyheter, men valet av nyhetsmedier och plattformar varierar stort mellan... more
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      Media StudiesAudience StudiesMedia Habits
New media have encroached into the lives of Middle Eastern youth in ways unimaginable just ten years ago. Upon visiting any Middle Eastern city, observers are struck by the number of satellite dishes covering the diverse landscape,... more
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      Media StudiesSurvey ResearchMedia HabitsMENA region
In light of how the knowledge society may give rise to new forms of inequity in schools, the purpose of this article is to examine the stratification of Swedish schoolteachers' access to and use of ICT. The empirical data consist of a... more
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      Instructional DesignICT in EducationMedia HabitsExtracurricular Activities
Different kinds of media play significant roles in consumer behavior specifically in evaluating and choosing products or services. Actually, consumers are attracted to different kinds of products through a variety of media such as... more
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      Consumer BehaviorMedia HabitsMedia Preferences
The ethnographic research that I am undertaking as part of my doctoral work will demonstrate the formation of media use habits in a digital environment among ten toddlers from their earliest months until they reach the age of two. The... more
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      Digital MediaIn-depth InterviewsEthnographic MethodsEarly Childhood
Sociala medier växer sig allt starkare som nyhetsdistributör i den svenska befolkningen. Det gäller framför allt bland unga, där sociala medier dominerar mycket starkt. Bland svenskar i medelåldern präglas ny-hetsvanorna däremot av en mer... more
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      Media StudiesMedia HabitsAudience Analysis
This paper deals with the media habits among organic farmers. The study was conducted using multistage random sampling technique. The total sample of 195 respondents was chosen to trace out the media having maximum utilization by the... more
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      Organic FarmingMedia Habits
Beirut (AUB) harnesses policy-related research by AUB's internationally respected faculty to enhance debate and decision-making in the Arab World and abroad. Funded by the Issam Fares family, AUB, and Arab and international donors,... more
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      PsychologyMedia StudiesPolitical ScienceSurvey Research