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      Medieval CommerceMedieval Markets and Fairs
An analysis of the minting and coin circulation data in the famous oration and a refutation of its use as a reliable statistical source. To cite this article: Alan M. Stahl (1995) The deathbed oration of doge mocenigo and the mint of... more
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      Venetian HistoryMedieval CommerceVenetian coinage
St Raymond of Penyafort, the Dominican, was an illustrious decretalist, the editor of »Decretalia« Gregorii IX, and the author of »Summa de paenitentia« – one of the most important confessional handbooks of the 13th century. »Summa de... more
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      Medieval Canon LawEthics and economicsHistory of Canon LawMedieval Economic and Social History
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      German HistoryEconomic AnthropologyMedieval ItalyMedieval Hungary
"Europejczycy, Afrykanie, inni. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Michałowi Tymowskiemu", red. B. Nowak et al., Warszawa 2011, s. 79–92
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      Medieval EconomyHanseatic LeagueWrocławMedieval Commerce
La famille Truyart apparaît à Senlis dès 1399, ses membres sont bouchers dans le quartier Saint Aignan. Ils sont élus échevins dès 1448 et franchiront ensuite une à une les étapes de l'ascension sociale. D'abord marchands-bourgeois, l'un... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of CommerceBourgeoisie
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryHistoriographyMiddle Ages
Στον βυζαντινό και λατινοκρατούμενο ελληνικό χώρο, μετά την Άλωση του 1204, ο συγχρωτισμός με τους επήλυδες ‘επιχειρηματίες’ της Ευρώπης, καθώς και οι τεράστιες απώλειες εδαφών που υφίστανται οι ανώτερες τάξεις, οδηγεί στην ανεύρεση νέων... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryLate Byzantine history
Nella tradizione storiografica le ricerche sui radicali mutamenti politico-istituzionali che interessarono le città comunali italiane nel Duecento, e che si manifestarono soprattutto nell'affermazione dei movimenti di Popolo, e quelle sul... more
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      Social ChangeLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryItalian Studies
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      Medieval HistoryItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesThe Italian communes and signories (1300-1450)
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      Medieval HistoryArmenian HistoryCilician Kingdom of ArmeniaMedieval Commerce
Este trabajo pretende señalar la importancia de las relaciones del reino asturiano con Europa, así como indicar la posible existencia de actividad marítima en el Cantábrico, a través del estudio de las noticias políticas, culturales y... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
This is the one and only volume of Papers of the American Research Center in Sofia. It is unfortunate that three trustees precipitated the failure of the institute in 2014. We had 3 other volumes in the pipeline and I apologize to all of... more
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      Roman HistoryBalkan StudiesSilk Road StudiesOttoman Balkans
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      Economic HistoryItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesUrban History
Nelle citazioni del materiale inedito ho usato le seguenti abbreviazioni: ASPi: Archivio di Stato di Pisa; ASPi, Comune A (seguito dal numero del registro): fondo Comune. Divisione A dell'Archivio di Stato di Pisa; ASPi, Dipl. (seguito... more
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      History of CommerceMedieval Commerce
A középkori szőlőművelés és borkereskedelem információtörténeti vizsgálatának lehetőségei  Az információtörténelem elméleti kereteinek kialakítása és lehetőségeinek felmérése -noha az irányzat egyáltalán nem számít már újnak sem az... more
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      History of Reading and WritingHistory Of InformationMedieval communicationWine
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture Studies
Luchino Scarampi was not only one of the many Italian merchants established within the Crown of Aragon, but also was remarkable as a merchant, banker and diplomat in service to the kings John I and Martin the Humane, to the point where he... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonMedieval EconomyMedieval Financial HistoryMedieval Commerce
"Breslau und Krakau im Hoch– und Spätmittelalter. Stadtgestalt – Wohraum – Lebenstil", hg. von E. Mühle, Köln – Weimar – Wien 2014, pp. 173–218;
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      Social MobilityHistory of KrakowMedieval CommerceMedieval Wroclaw (Breslau)
The idea that, from the end of the thirteenth century, Pisa underwent a process of inexorable economic decline and progressive subordination to the interests of the Florentines has already been contested by Federigo Melis, Marco... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
Resumo: Uma extensa escavação decorreu entre 1991 e 1998 em três edifícios contíguos na Rua das Pedras Negras, em Lisboa, cujos dados permanecem no essencial inéditos. Tendo o tema sido antes aflorado em data recente (Silva et al., no... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Portuguese History
Le strade del vino Note sul commercio vinicolo nel tardo Medioevo (con particolare riferimento all'Italia settentrionale) Ho in parte modificato, nonché ampliato, la struttura della comunicazione letta al convegno. Ringrazio Gabriele... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval trade
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
This article constitutes an attempt at answering the question of whether Silesia, aside from being a distinct historical region, was also a distinct economic region. The author starts with Robert E. Dickinson's theory of economic regions,... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval SilesiaMedieval CommerceMediaeval Long Distance Trade
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      Urban StudiesSiena (Middle Ages)Medieval CommerceMedieval Markets and Fairs
A hoard of silver coins found in western Anatolia appears to be tied to the alum trade of the later Middle Ages
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      Medieval CommerceVenetian coinage
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      Medieval Mediterranean Art and ArchitectureMedieval TextilesMedieval Commerce
1 PAOLO GABRIELE NOBILI, Alle origini della città. Credito, fisco e società nella Bergamo del Duecento, Bergamo, Fondazione per la storia economica e sociale di Bergamo, 2011, pp. 367. Lo studio di Paolo Nobili è basato sullo spoglio... more
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      Medieval EconomyItalian City-StatesBergamoUrban Economy
This is my review of the interesting and important work by Caroline Goodson, Cultivating the City in Early Medieval Italy. Not only will readers discover that this is a rich and multi-faceted work but also one that brings into the field... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval ItalyItalian Archaeology
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      Medieval tradeMedieval EconomyCentral and Eastern EuropeLate Medieval Bohemia and Central Europe
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      International TradeMedieval EuropeLate Medieval HistoryMedieval Commerce
urmărit parcursul istoric al centrelor urbane din Ţara Românească, Moldova şi Transilvania, însă nu au reuşit să prezinte în toată complexitatea şi diversitatea acest fenomen. Prin lucrarea de faţă, Laurenţiu Rădvan depăşeşte această... more
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      Medieval StudiesUrban HistoryMedieval urban historyMoldova
This report details the analysis of mammal bones recovered from one of the four trenches excavated at the medieval fishing station of Gufuskálar during the summer of 2011. During excavation it was noted that there seemed to be a high... more
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      ZooarchaeologyCommercial fishingIcelandic ArchaeologyMedieval Commerce
Tra XII e XIII secolo molti esponenti dell’élite cittadina romana si dedicarono ad attività creditizie di grande rilievo e il loro orizzonte economico non ebbe allora altri confini che quelli dell’Europa cristiana. “Banchieri del papa”,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval Rome
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      Medieval TownsViennaMedieval SilesiaRegensburg
Copertina, indice e introduzione di Marco Tangheroni di un libro ormai difficilmente reperibile
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      Medieval StudiesCommercio E Navigazione MedievaliMedieval Commerce
The medieval Mediterranean has emerged in recent years as a laboratory for studying intercultural relations. Historians have moved away for the most part from the binary oppositions that so often served as the analytical context for... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationMedieval HistoryMediterranean StudiesTranslation History
Paola Pinelli, Tra argento, grano e panni. Piero Pantella, un operatore italiano nella Ragusa del primo Quattrocento, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2013, pp. LVIII, 115.
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      Economic HistoryMedieval EconomyWool Textile IndustryTextile industry
Italian Merchantry in Cilician Armenia (XIII-XIV cc.). В результате исследований нотариальных актов, составленных в Айасе и кипрской Фамагусте, а впоследствии переданных итальянским архивам, можно выделить имена сотен итальянских купцов,... more
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      Medieval HistoryArmenian HistoryHistory of Everyday LifeMedieval Commerce
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      VeniceWrocławMedieval Commerce
Histoire médiévale n°42, juin 2003, p 30-35
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      Byzantine HistoryHistory of the MediterraneanHistory of CommerceHistoire Medievale
Resumo: Uma extensa escavação decorreu entre 1991 e 1998 em três edifícios contíguos na Rua das Pedras Negras, em Lisboa, cujos dados permanecem no essencial inéditos. Tendo o tema sido antes aflorado em data recente (Silva et al., no... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Portuguese HistoryMedieval Archaeology
Reservados todos los derechos. De acuerdo con la legislación vigente, y bajo las sanciones en ella previstas, queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción y/o transmisión parcial o total de este libro, por procedimientos mecánicos o... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesMedieval CommerceMedieval Merchant Companies
«Entre o porto e a Sé. A presença italiana em Lisboa (sécs. XIII-XV)» in Nunziatella ALESSANDRINI; Mariagrazia RUSSO e Gaetano SABATINI, eds. Chi fa questo camino è ben navigato : Culturas e dinâmicas nos portos de Itália e Portugal... more
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      Medieval LisbonMedieval Commerce
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      ZooarchaeologyFishingCommercial fishingMedieval Commerce
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Commerce
«Genova è città di antica costruzione, con bei dintorni e imponenti edifici; essa è ricca di frutta, di campi da semina, di borgate e casali e giace presso un piccolo fiume. La città pullula di ricchi mercanti che viaggiano per terra e... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesIslamic StudiesHistory of Crusades
В статье рассматриваются представления о Китае, характерные для торговой и интеллектуальной среды итальянских республик первой половины треченто, запечатленные в очень различных по жанру сочинениях двух современников-итальянцев:... more
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      History of FlorenceYuan DynastyOrientalismHistory of Venice
En janvier 1268, le roi (et futur saint) Louis IX promulgua une ordonnance expulsant ceux qu’il accusait d’avoir appauvri son royaume par leurs extorsions usuraires. Puisqu’ils avaient pratiqué l’usure en public et qu’ils avaient commis... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval FranceMedieval tradeForeigners (Medieval Studies)
An example of the fruitfulness of diplomacy as a resource for economic development may be found in the arrangements disposed in 1400 by the Venetian Senate to establish commercial agreements with the Nasrid kingdom of Granada. Those... more
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      Medieval StudiesNasri Kingdom of GranadaMedieval Commerce