Medieval Mediterranean
Recent papers in Medieval Mediterranean
"In his recent book „The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean“ (Cambridge 2012), Ronnie Ellenblum argues that a series of climatic disasters in the 11th cent. led to the decline of polities in the Near East and prepared the ground for... more
중세 해상 제국 베네치아 2) 로저 크롤리(2011), 우태영 역, 500년 무역 대국 부의 도시 베네치아 , 서울: 다른 남종국 / 중세 해상 제국 베네치아 115 오늘날에도 베네치아는 '지중해 교역을 주도했던 영광스러웠던 시절 을 기리며' 매년 예수 승천일에 스폰살리오(sponsalio)라 불리는 바다와의 결혼식을 거행한다. 15세기부터 시작된 이 바다와의 결혼식이라는 행사 는 베네치아가 아드리아 해 그리고 그 너머의... more
This course examines the interconnected medieval worlds of Europe, Africa, and Eurasia from the death of Muhammad to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Content extends from the emergence of Islam to the Ottoman conquest of... more
This paper deals with archaeological structures related to one specific aspect of Frankish daily life in the Holy Land during the 12th and 13th centuries: cooking and baking as part of food preparation. Observations made about forms of... more
Comment comprendre l’émergence du monde islamique aux VIIe-Xe siècles ? L’empire islamique est-il le dernier des grands empires antiques ou au contraire le premier empire médiéval ? Cet ouvrage propose de dépasser l’opposition entre... more
In this study, the focus is on the volcano Etna (in Sicily) and the Aeolian volcanoes – Volcano and Stromboli. The first part of the text presents and analyzes the descriptions of the volcanic activity in the Antiquity. The second part... more
Before the Arabs conquered northwest Africa in the seventh century, Ramzi Rouighi asserts, there were no Berbers. There were Moors (Mauri), Mauretanians, Africans, and many tribes and tribal federations such as the Leuathae or Musulami;... more
Analizzando la tradizione storiografica su Ruggero II si mette in evidenza come la politica di proiezione mediterranea di Ruggero II, in particolare verso l'Africa, sia un elemento rilevante della politica del sovrano normanno ma... more
This book focuses on the ethnically composite, heterogeneous, mixed nature of the Mediterranean cities and their cultural heritage between the late Middle Ages and early modern times. How did it affect the cohabitation among different... more
Enrico di Castiglia è un caso emblematico di cavaliere e principe alla ricerca di una signoria. Dopo aver guidato senza successo una ribellione nobiliare contro il celebre fratello Alfonso X el Sabio (1252-1284) re di Castiglia, prese la... more
The present work is a contribution to the Islamic geographical conceptualisation of the medieval world through the examination of the term Rūm (Roman). Rūm, in medieval Arabic, represented a territory that lay to the north and west of the... more
This groundbreaking study investigates the early architecture of the Fatimids, an Ismaili Shi‘i Muslim dynasty that dominated the Mediterranean world from the 10th to the 12th century. This period, considered a golden age of multicultural... more
Joannes Leo Africanus, (c. 1494 – c. 1554?) (or al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, Arabic:حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي) was an Andalusian Amazigh Moorish diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa... more
North Africa is rarely mentioned in scholarship on the medieval Mediterranean. This paper demonstrates the potential of archaeology for understanding the impact of the Arab conquests on settlement and society in seventh- and eighth-... more
Proceedings of the conference Boccaccio veneto (Wake Forest University, Casa Artom, 20-22 June 2013). Essays in English and in Italian on Boccaccio, Chaucer, Petrarch, Goldoni, Vivaldi and Venice. L’opera raccoglie gli Atti del... more
This article analyzes how the neighbors of the Byzantines, the Lombards (who occupied a portion of southern Italy), and the Normans (who put an end to Byzantine rule in southern Italy in 1071), described their common adversary. The... more
From the 13th century on, some ports of the Crown of Aragon established close commercial relations with Egypt, Syrie and 'Romania', links that underwent different phases of development as well as experiencing difficulties. Nevertheless,... more
This article explores the narrativic changes made to the Visigothic law-code, the Liber Iudiciorum, by its royal redactor, Ervig.
By 1060 the Normans of Melfi had greatly expanded their dominions in Apulia and Calabria. The next step in their ambitious plans in the Italian peninsula, the invasion of Sicily, took place in 1061: it was not completed before 1091,... more
La désintégration du califat de Cordoue au début du xi e siècle a ouvert la porte à une nouvelle appréhension de l'espace politique et religieux islamique. Mujâhid al-'Āmirī, souverain de la taifa de Denia sur la côte orientale, s'est... more
In 1328, Constance of Saluzzo, coming from a long line of Subalpine nobles related to the kings of Aragon, married Pietro, heir to the throne of Arborea. They governed peaceably and dedicated themselves to bettering their kingdom; in 1343... more
Bernard the Monk's Itinerarium is a ten-page guidebook for pilgrims traveling from Rome and Bari to Babylon and Jerusalem. It has not been studied as a source for Mediterranean history. Bernard shows how the late ninth-century... more
Open access download: The present contribution recounts the entangled history of Latin and Arabic from a macro-historical perspective. This entangled history can be divided into three phases. In Phase... more
Well over a hundred documents relating the experiences of Near Eastern people living, traveling and trading in the Frankish Levant -from the capture of Antioch in 1098 to the fall of Acre in 1291 -have survived in the Cairo Geniza. This... more
Keynote lecture for the conference "Vom Buch aufs Feld – vom Feld ins Buch. Verflechtungen von Theorie und Praxis in Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (ca. 1300–1600)", organised by Dr. Stephan F. Ebert / Prof. Dr. Gerrit Jasper Schenk (TU... more
Le cuLte de saint Honorat en Provence et Les Pratiques dÉvotionneLLes sur L'« ÎLe sacrÉe » de LÉrins (xiii e -dÉbut xvi e siècLe 1 ) Germain Butaud [cePaM, uMr 6130, université de nice-sophia antipolis/cnrs] L a fin du Moyen Âge est... more
Yannis Stouraitis LEIDEN | BOSTON 9789004355514_Stouraitis_text_proof-03.indb 3 8/1/2018 11:58:56 AM iv Cover illustration: Folio 73v of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes, XIVth century; Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, matritensis graecus,... more
Located in the heel of the Italian boot, the Salento region was home to a diverse population between the ninth and fifteenth centuries. Inhabitants spoke Latin, Greek, and various vernaculars, and their houses of worship served sizable... more
Chapter 5. Book: "The Making of Medieval Sardinia".
Pagination is the same as the printed version.
Pagination is the same as the printed version.
The Liber historiae Francorum was influenced by different historiographical traditions. In this paper, I pursue two arguments. Firstly, I believe that the author of the Liber historiae Francorum juxtaposes and slightly transforms these... more
На за пад ном де лу ју жног зи да на о са цр кве Све тог Сте фа на Пр во му че ни ка у Ду ље ву (Па штро ви ћи) на сли кана су пред пред ста вом па тро на хра ма дво ји ца срп ских влада ра у свој ству кти то ра. Пре ма осо бе но сти ма... more
This public talk, "On the Edge of a Pandemic World: The Later Medieval Western Mediterranean within Afro-Eurasian Disease Networks," is part of a series organized at New York University entitled *Spanish Flus: Pandemic Disease in the... more
Between the 9th-10th and the 14th-15th centuries, the two high points of incursions originating from the Dâr al-islâm, the Gulf of Lion coast seems to have been spared the threat of Saracen raids. Of course, historiography did record some... more