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From the 13th century on, some ports of the Crown of Aragon established close commercial relations with Egypt, Syrie and 'Romania', links that underwent different phases of development as well as experiencing difficulties. Nevertheless,... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonMedieval MediterraneanTrade and travel in medieval Europe and the MediterraneanThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
Archivo general Corona Aragón tomo XI
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonAragón
Los ábsides son la parte de la iglesia cristiana que acoge, a modo de tabernáculo, el altar donde se realizan las celebraciones litúrgicas. El presente trabajo clasifica tipológicamente los ábsides construidos en las iglesias de los... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of Art
El origen de LA JOTA es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, por el cual Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de Abril de 2012... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanishDance StudiesSpanish Linguistics
Edition and study of the book of accounts of the commercial expedition of Berenguer Benet of Barcelona to Constantinople and Pera in 1341-1342
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
Memorie Domenicane si avvale di una direzione scientifica collegiale. I contributi degli autori, che pervengono alla redazione, prima di essere pubblicati sono sottoposti al previo esame da parte di uno o più membri della direzione.... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCatalan Studies
Il presente volume, secondo in ordine di pubblicazione e quarto della collana, offre un’ampia raccolta dei Dispacci milanesi da Napoli del 1461. Secondo il progetto iniziale avrebbe dovuto accogliere la documentazione relativa al biennio... more
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      Renaissance StudiesMedieval Crown of AragonStoria medievaleHistory of the Crown of Aragon
La figura del último cónsul de los catalanes en la Constantantinopla bizantina ha sido identificada equívocadamente con la figura de un tal Pere Julià. El presente texto trata sobre este error y su origen.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMediterranean StudiesByzantine Studies
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern MediterraneanArchivo De La Corona De Aragón
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      History of CrusadesByzantine HistoryThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
Re Ferrante d'Aragona (1458-1494) perseguì, sulle orme del padre Alfonso I, un coerente progetto politico-militare, volto a limitare l'autonomia dei condottieri e ad esautorare le milizie dei baroni attraverso la creazione di una... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Crown of AragonStoria medievale
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    • The Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
Le présent volume rassemble les actes du colloque « "Arriver" en ville : les migrants en milieu urbain au Moyen Âge. Installation, intégration, mise à l’écart », qui se tint à l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon les 24 et 25 février 2011.... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban HistoryMigration
‘The correspondence of Pope Gregory XI for the defence of Latin Greece: The Duchies of Athens and Neopatras in the face of the Ottoman peril’ In November 1372, responding to a dramatic appeal made by Franciscus, the Latin archbishop of... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)
In the early fifteenth-century a group of Christians of the Girdle—Eastern Christians coming from Syria—arrived in Barcelona. In the first decades of their presence in the city they acted as a group, living in the same quarter, adopting a... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesImmigration StudiesHistory of Slavery
Archivo general Corona Aragón tomo IV
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern MediterraneanMedieval Kingdom of Aragon
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissanceRenaissance Art
Nel corso della seconda metà del Quattrocento la monarchia aragonese di Napoli, soprattutto durante il regno di Ferrante, attua una serie di importanti riforme in campo amministrativo, giudiziario, fiscale e militare, che portano ad esiti... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonStoria medievaleAntropologia storicaHistory of the Crown of Aragon
Παρουσίαση στο πλαίσιο του μεταπτυχιακού σεμιναρίου «Αραγώνιοι και Καταλανοί στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο. Πολιτική, κοινωνία, οικονομία» (Καθηγήτρια Μαρία Ντούρου-Ηλιοπούλου). Presentation given within the postgraduate seminar "The Aragonese... more
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      Catalan HistoryMedieval Crown of AragonCrusades and the Latin EastByzantine Numismatics
Archivo general corona aragon tomo iii
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern MediterraneanMedieval Kingdom of Aragon
Il contributo tratta della figura poco nota del frate valenzano Giovanni de Formentera (Joan de Formentera) O.E.S.A., vescovo illegittimo della diocesi sarda di Dolia nel periodo del Grande Scisma d’Occidente quando la casa regnante... more
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      SardiniaSardegnaHistory of the Crown of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
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      Military HistoryCatalan StudiesMedieval HistoryResearch Methodology
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval HistoryCatalan HistoryMedieval Crown of Aragon
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Aragón en la Edad Media"
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
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      Medieval LiteratureThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
The study of the apses built in different areas of the Kingdom of Aragon in the period between the 14th and 15th centuries requires contemplating a broad geographical context in the north-western part of the Mediterranean in which the... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Art
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      The Crown of Aragon and the Eastern MediterraneanLiteratura Catalana MedievalMedieval Catalan Chronicles
This work aims to explain why around 1520 were the «Comunidades» in Castile, and «Germanía» in Valencia, Mallorca and Catalonia, but not in the Kingdom of Aragon
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      Medieval Crown of AragonCharles VHistory of the Crown of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean
Study about documentation concerning diplomatic relations between the Crown of Aragon and the Mamluk Sultanate in early 14th century.
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryEgyptHistory of the Crown of Aragon
Archivo general Corona Aragón tomo V
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonAlfonso V of AragonAragón
This article presents and edits four letters informing of a previously unknown embassy or 'mandadería' sent by Ferdinand IV of Castile to Andronicus II Palaeologos in 1312. The main objective of this mission was to claim certain rights... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryWomen's HistoryPortuguese HistoryByzantine Studies
Archivo general corona aragon tomo ii
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      Medieval Crown of AragonHistory of the Crown of AragonThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern MediterraneanMedieval Kingdom of Aragon
Transcription and edition of a selection of 350 documents concerning Cyprus, from different archives of Barcelona, ​​Mallorca, Zaragoza, Girona, Perpignan and Trapani.
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      Cyprus StudiesMediterranean StudiesHistory of CyprusMedieval Crown of Aragon
During the Last Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times the Kingdom of Valencia -in the Crown of Aragon- lived bloody persecutions against the Jews (1391) and the complete expulsion of Jews (1492) and Muslims (1609). In the last decades of... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesCatalan StudiesInquisition
Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, Valencia inicia un progresivo ascenso social y económico que se plasmó artísticamente en la llegada de maestros pintores de diferentes procedencias, lo que dio lugar a la realización de obras de arte... more
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      Gothic PaintingValenciaRetable ArtThe Crown of Aragon and the Eastern Mediterranean