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Changes of consumption habits regarding glass vessels (13th-20th century) in Tallinn. Popular science article based on MA thesis
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      History of EstoniaGlass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Post-medieval glass
This essay investigates the role of the glass business in shaping the identity of glassmakers in Renaissance Venice. First, it re-examines the debated issue of secretiveness, highlighting the role played by immigration and emigration, and... more
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      ArtEarly Modern HistoryVenetian HistoryEarly Modern Italy
The book’s three sections reflect modern approach to archaeology and glass studies. The first presents the results of archaeological excavations, archive studies and the processing of find assemblages connected with northwest Bohemia. The... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyGlass (Archaeology)Ancient Glass AnalysisMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
Studia nad ceramiką i szkłem dedykowane Pani Profesor Marii Dekównie z okazji 65-lecia działalności naukowej.
Spis treści w załączniku.
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyArchaeometryGlass (Archaeology)
This article highlights some special loose marble finds from Dutch soil (Iron Age-present), including a unique glass marble from the 18th century. In dit artikel worden enkele bijzondere losse knikkervondsten uit Nederlandse bodem... more
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      MarblesArcheologieMedieval and Postmedieval GlassAncient Roman Marbles
In 2015 excavations in Pereyaslavl Ryazansky (now Ryazan) yielded a rare find from the layers dating to the second half of the 12th – early 14th centuries. It is a raised border of a glass beaker shaped as a drinking glass and decorated... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyGlass (Archaeology)Medieval trade
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      ArchaeometryGlass (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassPostmedieval Archaeology
Studie byla publikována roku 2015 v časopise ,,Archeologie ve středních Čechách" (ročník 19 / The study was published in 2015 in the journal "Archeology in Central Bohemia" (volume 16).
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      ArchaeologyGlass18th & 19th CenturiesGlass (Archaeology)
Q uesto intervento mira a fornire una pano-ramica del collezionismo nord italiano dei rami smaltati nel XIX secolo, nella speranza che questa sintesi possa essere una traccia per un approfondimento futuro e fornisca utili suggerimenti... more
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      Art HistoryDecorative ArtsVenetian Renaissance artFine metalwork
In the summer of 2020 an archaeological investigation in the rear walled garden of The Old Vicarage at, Olney (Bucks) revealed a probable late 17th to early 18th century tanyard. The discovery was made during a fairly small area... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyCultural HeritagePottery (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeometryMedieval Glasses (Archaeology)Ancient Glass AnalysisMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
Статья посвящена первым результатам исследований стекольной мануфактуры середины 18 - начала 19 вв. на территории современного аг. Илья Вилейского района Минской области. Приводятся сведения о местонахождении памятника и характеризуются... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Postmedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia PostmedievaleMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
A total of 1496 investigated colourless glass analyses have been collected with the aim of achieving a clear geographical, typological, chronological and compositional overview on this particular type of glass. Based on manganese and... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
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      Art HistoryMamluk StudiesDecorative ArtsMedieval Art
Medieval and post-medieval glassworks in Northern Austria
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      Glass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
Sklo je jedným z najstarších materiálov vyrobených človekom. Vo viac ako päťtisíc ročnej histórii s výnimkou posledných cca 550 rokov boli sklené výrobky luxusným tovarom určeným pre na-jvyššie spoločenské vrstvy. Jeho výskyt v určitom... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Medieval and Postmedieval Glass
Studie byla publikována v roe 2020 v publikaci Krajinou archeologie, krajinou skla / The study was published in 2020 in the publication Through the Landscape of Archaeology, Landscape of Glass. ISBN 978-80-7581-024-3.
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      ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesGlassMedieval Archaeology
The aim of the work is to present selected issues related to the table culture of Silesian burghers in the late Middle Ages and early modern times, through the analysis of artifacts made of materials commonly used in that period, such as... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyHuman Eating BehavioursArcheologia
A set of 46 fragments decorated with the filigree technique were unearthed in Lisbon and dated to the 16th and 17th centuries. The aim of this investigation is to combine the archaeometric study of the glass together with the technology... more
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      ArchaeometryMedieval Glasses (Archaeology)Medieval and Postmedieval Glass
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      Glass (Archaeology)Ancient GlassRoman GlassAncient Glass Analysis
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelCrusader ArchaeologyHistory of CrusadesMedieval Glasses (Archaeology)
Glass artefacts dating back from the Roman period to the Post Medieval period were found during archaeological excavations in 2005 in the upper layers of the site in the St Theodore Quarter in Pula. The glass artefacts presented in this... more
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      Ancient GlassRoman GlassLate Roman GlassMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
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      Medieval ArchaeologyGlass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Post-medieval glass
Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Art and Architecture, ed. by Ellen C. Schwartz, 2021 (print and online)
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      Art HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyDecorative Arts
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      ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
Studenice koje je otkriveno prilikom arheolo{kih iskopavawa tokom osamdesetih i devedesetih godina pro{log veka i u periodu od 2010. do 2013. godine. U proteklim kampawama na|en je 621 ulomak stakla iz razdobqa od kraja 12. veka do... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyGlass (Archaeology)Medieval and Postmedieval GlassMedieval and Modern Glass
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      Medieval StudiesRenaissance StudiesMedieval Glasses (Archaeology)Medieval and Postmedieval Glass
A book on the Post-medieval glass finds (bottles, beakers, bowls etc.) from the underwater sites in Croatia (Istra and Dalmatia). A question of provenance and dating is addressed. Chapter on probable post-medieval glass workshop in bay... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Underwater ArchaeologyPost-Medieval ArchaeologyGlass Beads
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of Russian NorthGlass (Archaeology)Glass Beads
Glassworks archeology in Lower Austria and the neighboring Austrian regions.
In Tschechisch und Deutsch.
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      Glass (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
International expeditions extensively excavated Lower Nubia (between the First and Second Nile Cataracts) before it was submerged under the waters of Lake Nasser and Lake Nubia. The expeditions concentrated on monumental architecture and... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyLate AntiquityGraeco-Roman EgyptNubian-Egyptian Relations
Early Modern Glass Production at the Manor of Reichenau am Freiwald, Lower Austria This publication draws together all available sources about glass production in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the manor of Reichenau am Freiwald (Lower... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassGlass ProductionMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
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      Ceramics (Art History)Glass (Archaeology)Renaissance RomeCeramics (Archaeology)
Laureato in Lettere, indirizzo classico presso Università degli studi di Bologna nel 1993.
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      Medieval PotteryHistory of Religious WomenMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
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      Late Middle AgesGlass ProductionMedieval and Postmedieval GlassMaterial Culture Food and Table Ware Glass Vessels
Durante a intervenção arqueológica urbana decorrida na Praça da Figueira entre 1999 e 2001, foi identificada uma parte significativa do Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, demolido em 1775, em consequência da sua ruína após o terramoto de... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)ArqueologíaPostmedieval ArchaeologyMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
In association with the archaeological surface survey, certain researches were conducted in Uşak province and its districts in the years 2014-2017. The discoveries revealed that the city existed continuously from the Late Classical Period... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Ancient GlassRoman GlassAncient Glass Analysis
This paper examines selected groups of excavated table glass from the three urban centres of Exeter, Pool and Plymouth. By examining the changes in provenance and range of forms present, it is possible to chart the evolving patterns of... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyGlass (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassPost-Medieval Archaeology
Статтю присвячено новому вивченню матеріалів зі склоробної майстерні, дослідженої В. А. Богусевичем на території Митрополичого саду Києво-Печерської лаври 1951 року. На підставі аналізу колекції розкопок і польової документації уточнене... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Glass (Archaeology)Old Rus'Late Medieval Archaeology
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      Economic HistoryGlassMedieval Glasses (Archaeology)Medieval and Postmedieval Glass
Sabine Jäger-Wersonig/Heike Krause/Ingeborg Gaisbauer/Werner Chmelar/Kinga Tarcsay
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      Postmedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia PostmedievaleMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
I 15 of a batch; historical furnace temperatures were too low to melt the sand itself. Thus, to some extent, the history of glass is also a history of application of various fluxes. The invention of cristallo in Venice, of a quality that... more
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      Medieval and Postmedieval GlassGlass AnalysisFacon De Venise
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      Glass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassGlasses
In 2017 a small-scale test pit excavation was carried out at Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald (Bez. Rohrbach) in order to establish the dating and spectrum of production at this site, known thanks to numerous finds of glass beads (prayer beads... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassNative American Glass Trade BeadsGlass Beads
Currently only available for purchase
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      Glass (Archaeology)Post-medieval glassMedieval and Postmedieval GlassGlass Analysis
U radu se prikazuju dvije vrlo česte skupine predmeta, koje se nalaze na morskom dnu, a potječu iz novog vijeka. To su staklene boce i čaše te glinene lule. Zajedničko im je to što su ih u velikoj mjeri koristili pomorci i ribari, krateći... more
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      Clay Tobacco PipesPost-medieval glassPost-Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval and Postmedieval Glass
Le 8e colloque international de l’AFAV, tenu à Besançon en décembre 2016, a regroupé un grand nombre de spécialistes du verre médiéval. Présentées dans ces actes, les communications renouvellent, grâce à une approche interdisciplinaire,... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyGlass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)
Exploratory excavations carried out in Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald, Upper Austria, uncovered the remains of an unrecorded glassworks. Part of a furnace was exposed, along with glass beads and buttons, as well as holloware and flat glass... more
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      Glass (Archaeology)Native American Glass Trade BeadsGlass BeadsMedieval and Postmedieval Glass