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Changes of consumption habits regarding glass vessels (13th-20th century) in Tallinn. Popular science article based on MA thesis
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      History of EstoniaGlass (Archaeology)Medieval Glasses (Archaeology)Post-medieval glass
Since historical memory is a vital element of national unity and identity in oppressed nations that challenges the legitimacy of an occupying power, an important goal of the oppressors becomes the distortion of this memory. The Soviet... more
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      Discourse AnalysisJournalism HistoryCommunismCollective Memory
In general, histories of the Russian Revolution do not touch upon events in the Baltic provinces of the empire in any detail. Only the apparently exceptionally large number of Latvians who supported the Bolsheviks in the election to the... more
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      History of EstoniaSocial DemocracyRussian EmpireHistory of Latvia
Myten om “den gamla goda svensktiden” och dess betydelse för Estland, Aktuellt om Historia, 1, 2016, pp. 53-66.
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      History of EstoniaSwedish HistoryEstonian HistoryHistory of Sweden
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      History of Estoniaearly Middle Ages
Latyshi and Chukhontsy: locals and strangers in Estonia and Latvia during the Livonian War (1558–1582) The medieval and early modern society in Estonia and Latvia was multilingual. The language of the people of higher social status was... more
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      OnomasticsRussian HistoryHistory of EstoniaLatvian History
Th e Miracle in Narva, 11 May 1558: On the History of Russian Polemics against the Reformation in the 16th Century Narva was the fi rst town occupied by Russian forces in 1558 during the Livonian War (1558–1582). Th e conquest of this... more
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      Reformation HistoryRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian HistoryHistory of Estonia
Ethnobotany can be defined as a discipline that studies use of plants by ordinary people and the accompanying practical applications, religious beliefs, naming of plants and stories about them. In the article, we study the role of... more
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      EthnobotanyHistory of EstoniaEstonia
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      Medieval HistoryHistoriographyRussian HistoryHistory of Estonia
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      Russian LiteratureSoviet HistoryBaltic StudiesLiterary Canon
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      Military ArchitectureHistory of EstoniaSwedish HistoryFortifications
Ajalooline Ajakiri, 1, 2016, 3-8
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      History of EstoniaEstonian History
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      SemioticsTranslation StudiesIdentity politicsUrban Studies
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyHistory of EstoniaViking Age ScandinaviaIcelandic Sagas
Läbi aegade on inimene saanud oma toidu teda ümbritsevast loodusest. Ka meie esivanemad on siin maal elades saanud kõigepealt põhitoidu ja hiljem leivakõrvase just loodusest. Kuigi potentsiaalselt söödavate taimede hulk on Eestis... more
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      EthnobotanyEthnographyEthnobiologyHistory of Estonia
The Silver Cup of Elam, an astoundingly beautiful drinking flagon, resides in the Archaeological Museum of Tehran, capital of Iran. Persian laborers found the silver cup in 1966 while digging an irrigation ditch near Persepolis, the... more
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguageEstonian LanguageHistory of Estonia
Akadeemia 8, 2017, pp. 1427-1499
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      History of EstoniaSwedish HistoryEstonian HistoryHistory of Sweden
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      Sports HistoryBaltic StudiesRussian HistoryHistory of Estonia
The article focuses on religious activity in Estonia during the First World War, repressions and religious discrimination, religious propaganda etc.
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      Church HistoryFirst World WarHistory of Estonia
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      History of EstoniaPolitics of MemoryMonuments
ÖZET Anton Hansen Tammsaare'nin adını taşıyan beş bölümlük edebiyat klasiğine dayanan, Tanel Toom'un ilk uzun metrajlı denemesi"Gerçek ve Adalet" filmi, saygılı, iyi yapılmış bir edebi uyarlamanın kendi ülkesi Estonya'da kabul görerek,... more
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      HistorySociologyPhilosophyArt History
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesHistory of EstoniaEstonian History
This doctoral thesis has english summary about 20 pages
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      Military HistoryHistory of Estonia
The article analyses issues related to the participation of national minorities in the Estonian War of Independence of 1918–1920. Due to the low numbers of national minorities, they were not treated as a serious problem in the Republic of... more
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      Military HistoryHistory of Estonia
Представленные в сборнике "Резиденты сообщают..." неизвестные документы советской внешней разведки раскрывают подоплеку событий 1939 - 1940 гг., приведших к инкорпорации стран Прибалтики в состав Советского Союза. Ложившиеся на стол... more
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      Baltic StudiesSoviet Union (History)History of EstoniaLithuanian History
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the restoration of Estonia's independence, it has become commonplace to emphasize that at least during the latter stages of Soviet occupation most Estonian artists (or at least those with... more
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      Soviet RegimePost-Soviet StudiesSoviet Union (History)Lenin
Praca omawia sytuację wewnętrzną w Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1587-1589. Wówczas po rozdwojeniu sejmu elekcyjnego i wojnie między Zygmuntem Wazą a Maksymilianem Habsburgiem, tron polski zdobył królewicz szwedzki. Pierwsze lata panowania... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ElitesHistory of EstoniaHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
After the Second World War 'homeland Estonians' and 'Estonians living abroad' co-existed on two sides of the Iron Curtain equally maintaining to be the rightful bearer of a 'true' Estonianess. Based on a sample of life story interviews... more
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      Refugee StudiesBaltic StudiesIdentity politicsNationalism
The region called Livonia (corresponding to modern Estonia and Latvia) emerged out of the rapid transformation caused by the conquest, Christianisation and colonisation on the north-east shore of the Baltic Sea in the late twelfth and the... more
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      CrusadesBaltic Sea Region StudiesHistory of CrusadesHistory of Estonia
Archaeology can contribute greatly to our understanding of past metalworking. The main goal of this thesis is to provide new information on Estonian metalworking between the 7th–17th centuries, based on archaeological sources. During this... more
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      History of EstoniaArchaeometallurgyMetallographyMetal Casting
Джон Роузамериканский офицер, остзейский барон, русский волонтёр В конце октября 1893 г. во время работы в Чикаго Всемирной «Колумбовской» выставки два иностранных джентльмена посетили Пенсильванское Историческое общество. Осматривая... more
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      American HistoryRussian HistoryAmerican RevolutionHistory of Estonia
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      Soviet Union (History)History of EstoniaLithuanian HistoryBaltic States
This is a short presentation of chapter 5 in the anthology "Christianity and War in Medieval East Central Europe and Scandinavia", ed. R. Kotecki, C.S. Jensen & S. Bennett (Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2021), 97-115. The entire book can... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesBaltic Sea Region StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
What happens to an imperial economy after empire? How do economics, security, and ideology interact at the new state frontiers? Does trade always break down ideological barriers? The eastern borders of Poland, Latvia, and Estonia... more
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      Human GeographySoviet HistoryBorder StudiesPolish History
This is the second edition of this translation. Errors present in the 1st edition were corrected and the translation now follows strict chronological order. In addition to being on the Internet... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBaltic StudiesRussian History
Впервые выходящие на русском языке воспоминания Августа Виннига повествуют о событиях в Прибалтике на исходе Первой мировой войны. Автор внес немалый личный вклад в появление на карте мира Эстонии и Латвии, хотя и руководствовался при... more
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      Baltic StudiesFirst World WarSocial movements and revolutionRussian Revolution
Abstracts available in Estonian and Russian
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      Economic HistoryComparative HistoryBaltic StudiesSocial History
Saaremaa (known also as Ösel in Swedish and German) is the second largest island in the Baltic Sea. German crusaders conquered it, as they did with the rest of Estonia, in the beginning of the 13th century. The aim of the present... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologySocial ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyHistory of Estonia
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      Funerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)History of EstoniaBurial Practices (Archaeology)
This article addresses the issue of how it was possible to justify a crusade to a region, such as the eastern shore of the Baltic, where there were no sacred shrines to protect or Christian lands to reconquer. Adopting a pluralist... more
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      High Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
The Reformation has often been seen as a force which diminished the North-South connections. Even though it certainly was a new obstacle, relations not only continued but reached unprecedented levels. When Johan III became the new King of... more
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      Naval HistoryHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern EuropeHistory of Estonia
The essay deals with the activities of the Relief Centre for the Political Prisoners in the USSR (Eesti Vangistatud Vabadusvõitlejate Abistamiskeskus – EVVA), established in Stockholm in 1978 and managed by Ants Kippar. The EVVA was the... more
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      History of EstoniaSoviet DissidentsSoviet Dissidents, Soviet Dissent, National Resistance Movement, and Nonviolent resistance, Baltic States
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      Social and Collective MemoryPost-Socialist SocietiesCommemoration and MemoryHistory of Estonia
This is a special issue of the Acta Historica Tallinnensia on historical studies in Estonia in the first two decades of the twenty-­first century. The whole issue is open access and available for free:... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of EstoniaEstonian HistoryHistorical methods
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      Identity politicsNational IdentityMemory StudiesCommemoration and Memory
Рукописи статей на рассмотрение можно присылать на адрес главного редактора или подавать через регистрационную форму на сайте журнала: Приём материалов к публикации полностью бесплатный.
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      Medieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesShakespeareHistory of Costume
The main aim of this dissertation is to investigate how its two objects of research – Estonian Nordic identity and the World War I-era Estonian activist regionalism – were related to each other. More particularly, it is a study of how the... more
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      Political HistoryWorld War IFirst World WarScandinavian history
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      Military HistoryHistory of HungaryHistory of EstoniaHistory of Romania