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      GeographyUrban SprawlMegacitiesSpatial planning
O presente trabalho trata da obra do grupo inglês Archigram, formado por seis arquitetos, cuja produção coletiva vai de 1961 a 1974. Aborda, de forma específica, o projeto para a Plug-In City, elaborado por Peter Cook (integrante do... more
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This editorial argues that the modern and contemporary Shanghai cityscape revolves around the dialectical reconciliation of opposing forces, such as communism and capitalism, east and west, colonial and cosmopolitan, in line with the... more
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      Chinese StudiesSurrealismShanghai
Inequality of income and wellbeing is not only unjust but also detrimental for social cohesion. Global and national inequalities have received considerable attention; however spatial inequalities, within cities are of equal concern.... more
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      Urban GeographySpatial AnalysisUrban PeripheryMegacities
This research examines the growing challenges of climate change and flood risks in Jakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in civil infrastructure. The study investigates how SUDS... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change ImpactsRural-urban resilience; climate change; Agro-ecosystems and human healthSUDS
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      URBAN SUSTAINABILITYSustainability
En el contexto de crecimiento urbano expansivo, caracterizado por la acumulación heterogénea de fragmentos y el desmantelamiento de los lazos sociales, las universidades latinoamericanas no pueden ser solo centros de conocimiento y... more
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Sixteen years of hourly atmospheric pollutant data (1996-2011) in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), and seven years (2005-2011) of data measured in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro (MARJ), were analyzed in order to study... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental SciencesMegacities
Jürgen Wasim Frembgens Buch „Sufi Hotel. Aufzeichnungen aus den Untiefen einer Megacity“ rückt das im Süden Pakistans gelegene Karachi, das der Autor „[d]ie größte muslimische Stadt der Welt“ (S. 11) nennt, in das Zentrum der... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyNarrative and interpretation
This paper claims that the Egyptian movie, Feathers (El Zohairy 2021) uses the genre of magical realism as a tool of postcolonial dissent and transcendence: by providing insight into social injustice, by transcending norms and realities,... more
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      Post-ColonialismMagical RealismEgyptian films
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the actual knowledge on the atmospheric pollution sources, transport, transformation and levels in the East Mediterranean. It focuses both on the background atmosphere and on the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric Modeling
The Solar Skyways project envisions a transformative approach to urban transportation by developing a solar-powered, fully automated, elevated personal rapid transit network. This innovative system aims to alleviate congestion, reduce... more
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    • Solar Energy
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    • Urban Cycling
Cairo has been described as a city of dualities, in the sense of its conflict between the traditions of the past and the modern values of the present. The city has witnessed rapid transformations in terms of its sociocultural aspects due... more
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      Film StudiesUrban StudiesEgyptCinema
Children enter school at the age of four. They do 2 years-nursery or kindergarten 4 years-primary (1 st to 4 th) 3 years-upper primary (5 th to 7 th) 3 years-secondary (8 th to 10 th) 2 years-higher secondary (11 th to 12 th) After that... more
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Usme is a village and former municipality in the south of Bogotá. Urbanisation has transformed the social and spatial structure of the village deeply. Agrarian production and distribution has been affected strongly by the global trend of... more
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      UrbanismPolycentric Urban RegionsMegacitiesUrban Growth
Metropolitan capitals and megacities epitomise urban development, offering immense potential for economic growth, cultural exchange, and technological advancement. These urban areas, home to millions, drive national and global economies... more
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      Development StudiesQualitative methodologyMetropolitan PlanningMegacities
Traffic Congestion is increasing in extensive manner globally as a result of inadequate road development, increasing number of vehicles, decreasing speed, increasing in accident rate, increasing fuel consumption rate etc. It increases the... more
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      Civil EngineeringTransportation EngineeringUrban PlanningCongestion Control
Trends in short‐lived high‐temperature extremes record a different dimension of change than the extensively studied annual and seasonal mean daily temperatures. They also have important socioeconomic, environmental, and human health... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceMedicineGlobal change
Megacities and rapidly urbanizing territories are contemporary issues which have now reached international attention and institutional recognition. Megacities and rapidly urbanizing territories in Southeast Asia especially are subject to... more
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      Urban StudiesPolicy makingMegacitiesBangkok
Flood is defined as overflow of water from banks of drainage system that can cause destruction of property and loss of life. It affects psychological, financial and health (Raphael et al., 2000). Floodwaters that initially flow in... more
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      Flood MitigationEnvironmental PlanningDrainageFlood Myth
The best theory is intensely practical.
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It seems to have become obligatory to introduce any article on 21 -century urbanization with a flood of milestones past or pending. They better reveal just how quickly the earth has and continues to urbanize. Common knowledge: in 2008 or... more
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      MegacitySmall Wars
The year 2005 marks the beginning of the "International Decade for Action: Water for Life" and renewed effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce by half the proportion of the world's population without... more
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      BusinessGlobal HealthUnited NationsDeveloping Countries
In the expanding megacities of Latin America and the Caribbean, providing essential services such as water, sanitation, energy, and transportation poses a significant challenge. This document presents insights derived from a 2023 survey... more
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      Climate ChangeUrban PlanningElectricityLatin America
Cholera is a severe diarrhoeal disease affecting vulnerable communities. A long-term solution to cholera transmission is improved access to and uptake of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Climate change threatens WASH. A systematic... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeMedicineMultidisciplinary
Bats are one of the least-studied vertebrate groups in Chile. We sampled six fruit farms in the Mediterranean-climate zone and three in a semiarid zone during 2015 and 2016, respectively. We assessed if activity (passes) and foraging... more
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Forma urbana y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible Urban form and sustainable development goals
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Traffic Congestion is increasing in extensive manner globally as a result of inadequate road development, increasing number of vehicles, decreasing speed, increasing in accident rate, increasing fuel consumption rate etc. It increases the... more
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      Civil EngineeringTransportation EngineeringUrban PlanningCongestion Control
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      EngineeringTransportation Engineering
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    • Developing Country
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the actual knowledge on the atmospheric pollution sources, transport, transformation and levels in the East Mediterranean. It focuses both on the background atmosphere and on the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric Modeling
The risk presented by pluvial flooding has emerged as a critical issue in urban water management. Pluvial flooding occurs when precipitation intensity exceeds the capacity of natural and engineered drainage systems, and it is expected to... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceClimate ChangeHydrology
Trends influencing parking 246 Digital disruptors 246 Spatial planning policies 250 Mobility preferences 252 Key tasks for parking research 253 Conclusion 255 Acknowledgments 256 References 256 Parking is an orphaned research field,... more
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      Regional SciencePolitical ScienceParking
Péricles Alves Nogueira, minha mais profunda gratidão pela confiança e incentivo. Por ter me estimulado e orientado na trajetória inquieta da construção deste conhecimento. Meu registro de admiração pela enorme capacidade acadêmica e... more
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Au recensement de 2001, la population urbaine de l'Inde s'élevait officiellement à 286 120 000 habitants, soit l'équivalent de la population des Etats-Unis entiers. Cependant, comme le taux d'urbanisation reste faible... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesPolitical ScienceUrbanisation
Mega-urbanization is a major driving force of environmental changes and sustainability because of its speed, scale and worldwide connectivity. Megacities, due to their spatial extent, multicultural demographic structure and... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyEcologyBiological Sciences
Cholera is a severe diarrhoeal disease affecting vulnerable communities. A long-term solution to cholera transmission is improved access to and uptake of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Climate change threatens WASH. A systematic... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeMedicineMultidisciplinary
Breuste J., Schnellinger J., Qureshi S., Faggi A.: Urban ecosystem services on the local level: Urban green spaces as providers. Ekologia (Bratislava), Vol. 32, No. 3, p. 209-304, 2013. Ecosystem services are provided at different spatial... more
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      BusinessGeographyEcosystem ServicesGreen Infrastructure
In realtà, dopo le Visioni, viene voglia non solo di attraversarlo, lo Stretto. Ma di tuffarcisi dentro, gustarlo, agirlo e contemplarlo, viverlo.
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This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the actual knowledge on the atmospheric pollution sources, transport, transformation and levels in the East Mediterranean. It focuses both on the background atmosphere and on the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAtmospheric ScienceAtmospheric Modeling
Sixteen years of hourly atmospheric pollutant data (1996-2011) in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), and seven years (2005-2011) of data measured in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro (MARJ), were analyzed in order to study... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental SciencesMegacities
this paper attempts to explore factors influencing car ownership and car use rates. through regression analysis, the effects of common urban transport policy measures on car ownership and car use rates are estimated. in addition, dynamics... more
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      BusinessPsychologyStatistical AnalysisEast Asia
Research Gap Currently, there is a knowledge gap in the literature about Airbnb's presence in the Philippines. Following the study of Mendoza et al., (2018) which determined the determinant factors of Airbnb occupancy rate in the province... more
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      BusinessRevenueSharing EconomyOccupancy
As opposed to the traditional market model, which is based on possession, the ‘Sharing Economy’ is based on sharing and utilizing services and products among others. Airbnb founded by Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky in 2008, is one the best... more
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      BusinessRevenueSharing EconomyOccupancy
Forma urbana y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible Urban form and sustainable development goals
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Urbanization is a global process that has taken billions of people from the rural countryside to concentrated urban centers, adding pressure to existing water resources. Many cities are specifically reliant on renewable freshwater... more
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      Environmental ScienceWater resourcesCancerEcology
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    • Geography
It is widely agreed that sustainable public transport is important for developing cities. However, there is a wide variation in definition of sustainable public transport. Thus, this article has an aim to explore the sustainability of... more
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      BusinessURBAN SUSTAINABILITYSustainability
From the dawn of history, as the human population has continuously increased, so have the water and wastewater disposal requirements. Water management was not a serious problem as long as the population numbers were low and concentrations... more
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      Water Resources ManagementEconomyUrbanisationMegacities