Recent papers in Melancholy
A consideration of melancholy and its connection to genius in 'Melencolia I' and 'Hamlet'.
This work outlines a new methodology for film analysis based on the radical materialist thought of Baruch Spinoza, re-evaluating contemporary cognitive media theory and philosophical theories on the emotional and intellectual aspects of... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Lecture 1 on Zygmunt Bauman's "Retrotopia" (2017)
Richard Linklater’s celebrated Before trilogy chronicles the love of Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline (Julie Delpy) who first meet up in Before Sunrise, later reconnect in Before Sunset and finally experience a fall-out in Before Midnight.... more
The loss of the beloved, the fear or experience of it, either because of death or other reasons has been a repeatedly occurring theme in the work of Julian Barnes. In Before She Met Me, the fear of loss forms the subconscious of a... more
The article attempts to depict the experience of melancholy in family dramas by an Israeli playwright Hanoch Levin. With regard to their themes Levin’s domestic comedies can be divided into dramas of ‘lonely hearts’, ‘family... more
has been one of the most prominent Gothic writers up to this time.
A recent survey issued by the Pew Research Centre reveals that Asian Americans are “the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the United States” (Pew 2013). They epitomize the neoliberal capitalist success of... more
La mélancolie a sans cesse accompagné Kierkegaard. Sans jamais délier ce mal étrange de son expérience intime, Kierkegaard en a fait une catégorie générique capable de rendre compte de la réalité humaine. « Mélancolie » désigne ainsi une... more Nell’antica teoria umorale dei quattro temperamenti la melanconia è lo stato patologico dovuto al dominio dell’atra bilis, la fredda e secca “bile nera”, sugli altri umori... more
בקרב המסורת הפרשנית של הרומן "סיפור פשוט" מאת שמואל יוסף עגנון, חוקרים רבים ראו באהבה הרומנטית של הירשל העשיר לבלומה קרובתו הענייה כניגוד למוסכמות הבורגניות והקפיטליסטיות של החברה היהודית בתחילת המאה העשרים, שמנהגיה מגולמים בדמות אמו של... more
The paper deals with Clarissa's wasting combination of love and religious melancholy, and the way in which ailments of the mind have an immediate effect on the body in this period. George Cheyne's theories of melancholy and hypochondria... more
The word enthusiasm is derived from the Greek ἐνθουσιασμός/enthousiasmos and has a meaning of being possessed by a god (ἔνθεος/entheos) referring to θειασμός/theiasmos, ‘inspiration’. The person who is possessed by a god surpasses their... more
Previously published volumes in this series are listed at the back of the book.
Published in The Encyclopedia of Disability, D. Mitchell et S. Snyder (éd.), Sage Press, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2005
Charles Baudelaire skapte poesi ut av det upoetiske. Ved å sette ord på sjokkopplevelser, så kunne de erkjennes og erfares. Samtidig kan en hos Baudelaire lese en tro på skjønnhet og tradisjon. Denne ambivalensen kommer til uttrykk... more
This article examines two recent Turkish-German films, Lola + Bilidikid (Kutlug Ataman) and Auslandstournee (Ayşe Polat). Drawing on Butlerian theory of gender melancholy, this article explores the close relationship between transvestism,... more
Cílem této práce je filozoficko-antropologická interpretace Burtonova pojetí konceptu melancholie, potažmo člověka a světa tak, jak je obsaženo v jeho díle Anatomie melancholie . Primární snahou bude postupné nalezení odpovědi na otázku,... more
P r o o f C o p y 7 Shapes of Time: Melancholia, Anachronism, and De-Distancing Art-Historical Time 'The historian's special contribution', George Kubler writes, 'is the discovery of the manifold shapes of time. The aim of the historian,... more
Esej venujúca sa téme melanchólie na vybraných umeleckéch príkladoch. Melanchólia je zvláštnou formou nálady. Je smútkom, ktorý si sám seba uvedomuje. Alebo inak: melancholik si uvedomuje vlastnú náladu a projektuje ju do sveta mimo... more
This paper weaves together two recurring themes in philosophical and political debates of recent years: the idea, loosely inspired by Walter Benjamin, that describes melancholia as a dominant structure of feeling and desire among the... more
Melancholy is a distinctive feature of many of Melville’s characters, apparent from his first book, "Typee." In this autobiographical novel, both the narrator and his companion are represented as melancholy, a feature belonging to the... more
L'affect de dépersonnalisation n'est pas uniquement une réaction psychique à un environnement défaillant. Il peut aussi être le levier de la création. L’analyse de Virginie Foloppe oscille constamment entre ces deux formes de... more
In biomedical and public health discourses, “chronicity” has emerged as the prevailing model to understanding drug addiction and addictive experience. This approach is predicated on constructing and responding to addictive experience in... more
Este não é um livro sobre a experiência do fim do mundo durante a pandemia de COVID-19. O ensaio que a Zazie Edições publica agora em português, foi escrito entre setembro de 2017 e maio de 2018, em meio à proliferação global de crises... more
Čitanje kriminalističkog romana "Kneginja iz Petrinjske ulice" Marije Jurić Zagorke kao ishodišta za komparativnu analizu Freudovih studija o mazohizmu i melankoliji, a naspram konfiguracija mazohizma i melankolije u knjigama "Hladno i... more
In Yiddish Writers in Weimar Berlin, Marc Caplan explores the reciprocal encounter between Eastern European Jews and German culture in the days following World War I. By concentrating primarily on a small group of avant-garde Yiddish... more
The Author would like to point out Jacques Derrida's concept of hauntology which perfectly describes the experience of literature and contemporary world as haunted. Therefore, he follows closely the psychoanalytical concepts of phantom... more
ALICE IN CHAINS' statement on acquiescence, growing older, wiser and unsettled.
When conceived as the presence of the past, memory can be said to pervade the music of Maurice Ravel. At first glance, the number and range of these acts of musical memory—including pieces modeled on the Medieval ballade, the Renaissance... more
RESUMEN Si la modernidad involucra una mirada a través de la cual leer se puede leer la continuidad histórica ininterrumpida de la utopía social y la armonía de clase y el progreso del siglo xix, resulta fundamental explorar cuál es la... more
Søren Kierkegaard is well-known as an original philosophical thinker, but less known is his reliance upon and development of the Christian tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins, in particular the vice of acedia, or sloth. As acedia has... more
À Berlin, deux expositions sont actuellement consacrées à Aby Warburg (1866-1929), historien de l’art allemand : Aby Warburg: Bilder atlas Mnemosyne – Das Original (Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, jusqu’au 30 novembre 2020) et... more
From its invention onwards photography attributed with the ability to reveal the invisible and miraculous. During the nineteenth century Spiritualists used the medium in order to communicate the deceased, and these photographs were unique... more
The Cold War’s end infused electronic music in Berlin after 1989 with an ecstatic intensity. Enthused communities came together to live out that energy and experiment in conditions informed by past suffering and hope for the future. This... more
Essays by Rei Terada, David Clark, Tilottama Rajan, David Collings, Thomas Pfau, Joel Faflak, Richard Sha, Julie Carlson, Mary Favret, Jacques Khalip.
ii DECLARATION I declare that this dissertation is a true account of my own research and contains no work that has previously been submitted for a degree at any tertiary education institution, other than work which may have been produced... more
In this essay, I read Moby-Dick as an allegorical description of the process of Ishmael’s healing from melancholy. Ishmael’s inane reveries at the beginning of the story evolve into a productive and self-creative narrative power. His... more