Mergers and acquisitionss (law)
Recent papers in Mergers and acquisitionss (law)
This unique book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European competition law, focused on case law analysis. Each chapter begins with an introduction which outlines the relevant laws, regulations and guidelines for... more
The Trade Competition Act B.E. 2560 has recently come into force. The Commission Notifications related to merger control was published in the Royal Gazette on 28 December 2018. The author wrote this article to communicate with the readers... more
After economic reforms era and post globalization, the business for Indian companies has been growing in context of new challenges as well as opportunities in the market. The firms have pressure due to presence of foreign MNCs, changing... more
¿Puede ser sancionada la sociedad absorbente en un proceso de fusión por las actuaciones cometidas por la sociedad absorbida antes de la fusión? El Tribunal de Luxemburgo se ocupa de esta cuestión en su Sentencia de 5 de marzo de 2015 que... more
Analisis de las Libertades Fundamentales de Libre Iniciativa Privada, Empresa, Competencia y Libre Acceso al Mercado, e Instituciones Educativas en el Perú Publicado en Mayo de 2015 en la Revista Actualidad Civil, N° 11, Instituto... more
The time United Nations was formed in mid-twentieth century, internationally, a critical mass of women had been educated, were employed outside the home, and had obtained enough legal and social freedom to participate in public life, even... more
The business now-a-days is fetching a considerable and prosperous tool of the development of an economy, which laid its foundation at an unmatched position in the state. The financial growth of a country is vibrant from the steadiness of... more
Georgios Zouridakis, 'Conference Report: ‘Cross-Border Mergers Directive: EU Perspectives and National Experiences’' (2018) 15 European Company Law, Issue 3, pp. 101–106
AUTOSAR XML (.arxml) is a format introduced by the Automotive Open System Architecture consortium to contain the data used in and required by Electric Control Units which is based on Automotive Open System Architecture. Electric Control... more
Notas sobre a incorporação da Imprensa Oficial do Estado de São Paulo (IMESP) pela Companhia de Processamento de Dados de São Paulo
SYAPUTRA (B1A109122) KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL UNIVERSITAS BENGKULU FAKULTAS HUKUM 2011 ii KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur saya panjatkan atas kehadirat ALLAH SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga saya dapat... more
This paper looks at the recent proposed acquisition of Argos by Sainsbury’s. Firstly the payment structure proposed by Sainsbury’s and the valuation- including any premiums- placed on Argos will be considered. This research identifies... more
Parties to a merger or an acquisition may have their own ideas as to how the transaction is to be structured or carried out, or the rights and obligations of each party. However, in order for the transaction to be enforced or upheld in a... more
Teoría económica y legal relacionada a la Transformación de Sociedades y Asociaciones, doctrina, práctica y jurisprudencia
Publicado en Revista Jurídica del Perú, N° 103, Septiembre 2009, Normas Legales Editores, Lima-Perú.
Publicado en Revista Jurídica del Perú, N° 103, Septiembre 2009, Normas Legales Editores, Lima-Perú.
This paper looks at the developments of merger and takeover activity in relation to Kenya, especially with regard to the heightened activity that has been observed in the securities markets. The applicable laws are considered and set out... more
A concise history of the legal techniques of accomplishing mergers and acquisitions in Germany, with references to Austria and Switzerland
Ever since the Indian Economy opened itself to the foreign market after the economic liberalization reforms of 1991, Mergers and Acquisitions have become a common phenomenon throughout India. In a highly competitive global environment,... more
Suwarsit 1220922102 MAGISTER HUKUM UPN "VETERAN" JAKARTA 2013 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Il decreto legislativo 147/2015 ha esteso l'ambito applicativo dell'exit tax alle operazioni straordinarie e ha riconosciuto l’applicazione del tax deferral anche al trasferimento di singole attività di una stabile organizzazione di un... more
Mergers and acquisitions have become the most acceptable route for growth and stability in the banking sector. The present study has showed that there is a tremendous upward growth of total assets and profits in post merger period when... more
This paper critically analyzes the scope and exceptions of the prohibition against financial assistance with a focus on Leveraged Buy Outs (LBOs) in the Spanish legal system. The authors endeavor to point out potential deficiencies that... more
Shareholder activism is a central issue in modern corporate governance and the importance of effective shareholder engagement has been put in evidence in the years leading up to the financial crisis of 2008. Indeed, in the last decades,... more
This study presents an evaluation of the implementation and effects of the provisions of EU law on cross-border mergers and divisions. In this context, it focuses, in particular, on the EU Directives on the division of public limited... more
JEL Classification: L10; L22; L40; O34 Improving shareholder value has often been cited as a merger determinant. Because mergers create larger firms and less competition, they may increase shareholder value through higher market share and... more
New evidence from acquisition decisions suggests that antitakeover provisions (ATPs) may increase firm value when internal corporate governance is sufficiently strong. We document that, in Germany, firms with stronger ATPs, and... more
A concise, but at the same time in depth analysis of EU Trademark Law, with many court cases discussed and explained.
The researcher in this project concentrates on the regulatory power of Competition Commission of India with respect to merger, the various factors which affect Mergers and Acquisitions under Competition Act, such as Appreciable Adverse... more
The Annual Scientific Seminar, organised jointly by the Florence School of Regulation, Communications & Media (FSR C&M), the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) and the Florence Competition Programme in Law and Economics... more
ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ Διεθνές Συνέδριο Εταιρικού Δικαίου στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου “Η Οδηγία για τις Διασυνοριακές Συγχωνεύσεις Εταιριών: Ενωσιακές Προοπτικές και Εθνικές Εμπειρίες”\“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national... more
Η ανάμειξη εξειδικευμένου επαγγελματία (εμπειρογνώμονα) στους εταιρικούς μετασχηματισμούς των συγχωνεύσεων και διασπάσεων αναδεικνύεται, κατά το ενωσιακό και εθνικό δίκαιο, ως ο σημαντικότερος μηχανισμός προστασίας (“ελεγκτική δικλείδα”)... more
A concise, but at the same time in depth description of trademark law in Greece with many court cases discussed and analysed.
Merger dan Akuisisi Wakaf untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are critical mechanisms for corporate growth and potentially for increased shareholder returns. The reality, however, often does not live up to the promise, as is borne out by empirical data on the high... more
In past literature, most studies discussed organizational fit from a single perspective instead of examining the positive and negative effects of high and low organizational fit through a comprehensive and concrete narrative and... more
The wide-spread adoption of merger regulations all around the globe raises the question of whether there is a one-size-fits-all merger policy, or whether some jurisdictions' economic characteristics affect their ability to effectively... more
Recently, the European Commission has conditionally authorized the Microsoft acquisition of LinkedIn by imposing a number of remedies to address the competition problems, mainly in the shape of foreclosing effects, that are expected to... more
and attention especially with the advent of intense globalization. This is evident from magnitude and growth of deals values and resultant 'mega-mergers' transacted in recent times. This research work attempts to assess the implications... more
For a firm entering into M & A is sometimes a choice and other times it is a compulsion. But if a Corporate wants to grow, it has to undergo organic as well as inorganic growth in form of M & A. The study of determinants of Mergers and... more
This essay, based on the theme ‘Antitrust trends in M&A’ is focussed on highlighting the neoteric changes in competition law framework and its implementation in the year 2017. The essay is loosely divided into three parts, progressing... more
For a firm entering into M & A is sometimes a choice and other times it is a compulsion. But if a Corporate wants to grow, it has to undergo organic as well as inorganic growth in form of M & A. The study of determinants of Mergers and... more
This report was commissioned by the client, Musgrave Group to provide new strategic directions for the company. The report begins with an overview of the company and an overview of the project to be undertaken. The next part of the report... more
One of the key processes that business leaders are using to grow their organizations is mergers and acquisitions (M&A). As such, the M&As are considered as a critical process with considerable implications for the company's profitability... more
Thorough planning is key for a successful merger. When competitors want to merge, they often have to go through lengthy merger review proceedings, during which antitrust rules restrict their ability to engage in efficient joint planning.... more