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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi microservices pada sistem informasi dosen (SIMDOSEN) Universitas Udayana menggunakan analisis Domain Driven Design. SIMDOSEN dikembangkan dengan arsitektur monolithic dan memiliki... more
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    • Microservices
Internet of Things (IoT) is a set of technologies that aim at fitting together smart devices and applications to build an IoT ecosystem. The target of this kind of ecosystem is to enhance interaction between machines and humans through... more
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      Smart DevicesInternet of Things (IoT)MicroservicesIoT architecture
Code smells and architectural smells (also called bad smells) are symptoms of poor design that can hinder code understandability and decrease maintainability. Several bad smells have been defined in the literature for both generic... more
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      Cloud ComputingMicroservices
Over the last several years, cloud computing has imposed as a major paradigm in software development by providing computer resources over the Internet. Among various cloud service models, Backend as a Service (BaaS) stands out as a model... more
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      Computer ScienceMicroservices
We propose a set of optimization techniques for transforming a generic AI codebase so that it can be successfully deployed to a restricted serverless environment, without compromising capability or performance. These involve (1) slimming... more
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      Deep LearningMicroservicesServerless ArchitectureLambda Architecture
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    • Microservices
Architecting is an indispensable activity in all spheres and paradigms of Software Engineering. DevOps, a portmanteau of Development and Operations, has a major adoption challenge in context to Microservices Architecture. Architecture... more
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      Software EngineeringMicroservices
Microservices are the developing application stage: It Microservices design isn't a publicity is the engineering that will fill in as the reason for some applications throughout the following scarcely any years. to abbreviate time to... more
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In this chapter we offer an overview of microservices providing the introductory information that a reader should know before continuing reading this book. We introduce the idea of microservices and we discuss some of the current research... more
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      Computer ScienceMicroservicesarXiv
This is a short review article on how we tested Filipo's monolithic application and what has changed with the transition to mi-croservice architecture. Containers and microservices are becoming increasingly popular, providing additional... more
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      Software ArchitectureAutomated Software TestingMicroservices
Fog computing has been regarded as an ideal platform for distributed and diverse IoT applications. Fog environment consists of a network of fog nodes and IoT applications are composed of containerized microservices communicating with each... more
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      ContainersInternet of Things (IoT)Raspberry PiService Deployment
Thurgood Marshall, Justice of the Supreme Court vii brief contents 1 ■ Escaping monolithic hell 1 2 ■ Decomposition strategies 33 3 ■ Interprocess communication in a microservice architecture 65 4 ■ Managing... more
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    • Microservices
Electrical engineering especially informatics engineering or commonly called Informatics has a role in the industrial revolution of 4.0 especially in handling business and disruptive Innovation. The manuscript describes it briefly with... more
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    • Microservices
Neste artigo vamos discutir o uso da arquitetura de microsserviços no desenvolvimento de aplicações para a nuvem, procurando ressaltar alguns benefícios e desafios.
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    • Microservices
The cloud is an emerging paradigm which leads the way for different approaches and standards. The architectural styles are evolving based on the requirements of the cloud as well. In recent years microservices is seen as the architecture... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringMicroservices
The Internet of Things has emerged as one of the most promising trends today. The speed of its adoption, however, has caused certain gaps. Amongst the most critical there is the one related with the security of the systems involved. This... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware ArchitectureSystems SecurityOAuth
Microservices have an inherent dichotomy. It strongly advocates fine-grain decomposition of business functions for better management of the function, but it introduces integration challenges. Any successful digital transformation with... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceSoftware Architecture
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceComputer Software
Distributed systems are very commonplace nowadays. They have seen an enormous growth in use during the past few years. The idea to design systems that are robust, scalable, reliable, secure and fault tolerance are some of the many reasons... more
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      Computer ScienceArchitectureMicroservices
The ecosystem of the Internet of Things is a set of physical devices such as sensors and actuators. It includes a set of servers and gateways that provide connectivity. These devices can be installed at three levels: the edge level, the... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringInternet of Things (IoT)Model Driven ArchitectureMicroservices
Internet of Things (IoT) is a set of technologies that aim at fitting together smart devices and applications to build an IoT ecosystem. The target of this kind of ecosystem is to enhance interaction between machines and humans through... more
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      Smart DevicesInternet of Things (IoT)MicroservicesIoT architecture
Businesses today need to respond to customer needs at unprecedented speeds. Driven by this need for speed, many companies are rushing to the DevOps movement and implementing Continuous Delivery (CD). I had been implementing DevOps and CD... more
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      Software EngineeringWeb ServicesMicroservicesDevops
In recent years, microservices architecture has emerged to become largely popular in DevOps practices and cloud services. Prime reasons for its meteoric rise are, its modular nature, robustness and scalability. Users today require an... more
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      ArchitectureMonolithic PillarMicroservices
Microservice architectures provide small services that may be deployed and scaled independently of each other, and may employ different middleware stacks for their implementation. Microservice architectures intend to overcome the... more
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    • Microservices
Evolution has always been a challenge for enterprise computing systems. The microservice based architecture is a new design model which is rapidly becoming one of the most effective means to re-architect legacy enterprise systems and to... more
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      Software EvolutionBuilding Private Cloud in Academic EnvironmentsLegacy SystemsMicroservices
Security has become paramount in modern software services as more and more security breaches emerge, impacting final users and organizations alike. Trends like the Microservice Architecture bring new security challenges related to... more
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      Information SecuritySecure CommunicationMicroservices
Context: Applying Microservices Architecture (MSA) in DevOps has received significant attention in recent years. However, there exists no comprehensive review of the state of research on this topic. Objective: This work aims to... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceComputer SoftwareSystems Software
There are multiple strategies to transform a system estate into an estate that is faster to deliver new features, easy to maintain, cost-efficient and robust. Of the many architectural styles for digital transformation, the architectural... more
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      Software EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceEnterprise ArchitectureComputer Engineering
Beats-Per-Minute (BPM) is a microservice-based platform that provides a monitoring solution for the continuous acquisition, analysis and visualisation of health related data. BPM combines Commercial Off-The-Self (COTS) Activity Trackers... more
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In the last years, cloud-native architectures have emerged as a target platform for the deployment of microservice architectures. The migration of existing monoliths into cloud-native applications is still in the early phase, and only few... more
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      Microservicescloud-native application
In the last years, cloud-native architectures have emerged as a target platform for the deployment of microservice architectures. The migration of existing monoliths into cloud-native applications is still in the early phase, and only few... more
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    • Microservices
It is a well-known fact that innovative e-learning concepts have pushed IT technologies to new levels of development or, reciprocally, innovative or even disrupting technologies have opened new possibilities for elearning. There are many... more
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      Open EducationOpen Educational Resources (Education)ElearningBlockchains
Serverless computing has become a compelling new model for the implementation of peripherals and utilities. It represents the emergence of computer systems, abstractions and interfaces, and pays tribute to the growing popularity and... more
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      Paas Framewok in Cloud ComputingMicroservicesServerless Architecture
Enterprise Resource Planning systems are software-intensive systems that are designed to automate as much as possible of the operations of a company. As well as promote best practices within the company for that particular industry.... more
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      ERP systemMicroservices
Model-driven development (MDD) is an approach to software engineering that aims to enable analysis, validation, and code generation of software on the basis of models expressed with dedicated modeling languages. MDD is particularly useful... more
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      Computer ScienceMicroservices
Microservice architecture is a cloud application design pattern that implies that the application is divided into a number of small independent services, each of which is responsible for implementing of a certain feature. The need for... more
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      Software TestingCloud ComputingSoftware Verification and ValidationMicroservices
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), considered a key enabler of Network "softwarization", promises to reduce the capital and operational expenditure for network operators by moving packet processing from purpose-built hardware to... more
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      Computer NetworksNFVNetwork Function VirtualizationMicroservices
The ecosystem of the Internet of Things is a set of physical devices such as sensors and actuators. It includes a set of servers and gateways that provide connectivity. These devices can be installed at three levels: the edge level, the... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringModel-Driven ArchitectureInternet of Things (IoT)Microservices
DECLARAT , IE Subsemnatul Dumitru Alexandru-Răzvan, candidat la examenul de disertat , ie la Facultatea de Matematică s , i Informatică, domeniul Informatică, programul de master Inginerie software declar pe propria răspundere că lucrarea... more
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      Software EngineeringNoSQLNET Software DevelopmentDomain Driven Design
Cloud computing is moving fast and continually progressing. Beyond the microservices architecture, a new paradigm appears to be evolving and complementing it. By using a serverless computing architecture, faster and more reliable... more
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      Cloud ComputingMicroservicesServerless ArchitectureFunction as a Service (FaaS)
The evolution of the power systems towards the smart grid paradigm is strictly dependent on the modernization of distribution grids. To achieve this target, new infrastructures, technologies and applications are increasingly required.... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemSmart Grid and Intelligent Micro GridSmart Grid
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) promises to reduce the capital and operational expenditure for network operators by moving packet processing from purpose-built hardware to software running on commodity servers. However, the... more
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      Computer NetworksResource AllocationNetwork Protocols and ArchitecturesNetwork Function Virtualization
Context: Microservices Architecture (MSA) has received significant attention in the software industry. However, little empirical evidence exists on design, monitoring, and testing of microservices systems. Objective: This research aims to... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceComputer SoftwareSystems Software
Abstrak PT XYZ di Jakarta Barat, merupakan salah satu PT XYZ yang bergerak dibidang e-commerce, developer perusahaan tersebut dalam mengembangkan sistem yang sedang berjalan masih menggunakan layanan monolithic arsitektur. Monolithic... more
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    • Microservices
The microservices architectural approach has important benefits regarding the agile applications' development and the delivery of complex solutions. However, to convey the information and to share the data amongst services in a verifiable... more
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      Cloud Computing and VirtualizationMicroservicesDockers containersIoT, Intelligent Cloud and Fog Computing
Containerization is the concept of packaging the entirety of the runtime of an application or service into an isolated, lightweight, platform-agnostic image which can then be deployed and run across various hardware platforms. It has... more
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      VirtualizationPaas Framewok in Cloud ComputingMicroservicesDocker
Microservices have been getting more and more popular in recent years, and several companies are migrating monolithic applications to microservices. Microservices allow developers to independently develop and deploy services, and ease the... more
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      Cloud ComputingMicroservices
In traditional SaaS enterprise applications, microservices are an essential ingredient to deploy machine learning (ML) models successfully. In general, microservices result in efficiencies in software service design, development, and... more
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      Machine LearningMicroservicesDocker
A multilayered autoscaling gets an increasing attention both in research and business communities. Introduction of new virtualization layers such as containers, pods, and clusters has turned a deployment and a management of cloud... more
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      VirtualizationPerformance MeasurementCloud ComputingElasticity
The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is developed as a pattern to distributed computing, enterprise integration and process of e-business in the early decade of 2000. The sudden increase of SOA and web services are subjected to the... more
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    • Microservices