ERP system
Recent papers in ERP system
The implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is nowadays a key issue for companies. The problems that can appear during their integration, which is always a difficult task, are nowadays better identified, even if their... more
Two important classes of information systems, Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, have been used to support ebusiness process redesign, integration, and management. While both technologies... more
For the last decade or so, the biggest category of the IT investment has unarguably been Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Most of the bigger corporations in the developed countries have implemented ERP systems with an aim to achieving... more
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been witnessed. This evolution reflects both the increasing maturity of information technology and also the business outlook of firms seeking to use IT for competitive advantage. In this paper we... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are highly complex information systems. The implementation of these systems is a difficult and high cost proposition that places tremendous demands on corporate time and resources. Many ERP... more
Purpose – Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems if successfully implemented bring about competitive advantages. On the other hand, project failure could, in an extreme case, cause an organisation to go out of business. Mapped against... more
During the last years some researchers have studied the topic of critical success factors in ERP implementations, out of which 'training' is cited as one of the most ones. Up to this moment, there is not enough research on the management... more
In this paper, the authors contrast complex thinking and reductionism in organizational transformation processes, focusing on enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. ERP has been promoted as a management panacea, and has resulted in... more
This paper presents an extension to the technology acceptance model (TAM) and empirically examines it in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation environment. The study evaluated the impact of one belief construct (shared... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are commonly used in technical educational institutions(TEIs). ERP systems should continue providing services to its users irrespective of the level of failure. There could be many types of... more
Studies on the adoption of innovations by companies generally include micro-level and mesolevel variables in order to explain a company's receptiveness to innovations. This study adds to the literature by investigating the role of... more
This paper considers the impact of ERP implementations upon the role of management accountants, upon management accounting in general, and upon business processes. It does so in the context of the perceived success of the ERP... more
This work present business process monitoring agents we developed called Probes. Probes enable to control the process performance aligning it to the company’s strategic goals. Probes offer a real time monitoring of the strategic goals... more
... This led to a larger nation-wide research project that aimed at identifying the next ... The purpose of this paper is to establish a research framework for the IMERAS project. ... Second intellectual resistance, this has to do with... more
AX 2012 Administration Training
A Higher Education ERP system can be used as a solution to integrate and increase the efficiency of the Romanian university processes. This paper examines the application of ERP software in Romanian Universities. We made an SWOT analysis... more
The international grocery chain Lidl wanted to replace a conglomerate of individual software solutions with a unified standard software supplied by SAP. The epic failure of the project named eLWIS is a prime example of the need to learn... more
Previous studies have estimated the failure rate of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations to be between 40 to 60%. This high failure rate also extends to ERP adoption by Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in developing... more
The coronavirus outbreak has affected the normal functioning of a lot of businesses. Amongst some of the worst-hit industries are Gyms. Due to multiple points of contact throughout the Gym, the spread of the virus could increase. Hence,... more
Many sources speak to the symptoms that result in ERP implementation failure but few speak to the root cause of these failures. The root cause has more to do with the wrong implementation strategy. Today, the majority of ERP... more
Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is expensive and time consuming. A substantial cost is associated with pre-implementation involvement and training designed to encourage acceptance and effective implementation of... more
Since the study of ERP systems is a new area, there is very little theoretical or empirical research on the topic. Limited studies have been conducted in the past, but now, due to the magnitude of the ERP phenomenon, the need for such... more
En el comienzo Si bien en el mundo las primeras computadoras electrónicas comienzan a utilizarse en la década del 50, en la Argentina de los años 60 la computación estaba restringida a organismos públicos y algunas empresas de servicios... more
Keeping the record of finances and efficient management of money coming in and going out of the business is very important for a business success. If business owners do not manage accounting data properly, they can fall short of money to... more
A Web-based ERP system developed for attacking business problems and managing real-world business processes ranging from simple office automation procedures to complicated supply chain planning is presented. The system's Web-aspect... more
Advanced business applications like enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) are characterized by a high degree of complexity in data, functionality, and processes. This paper examines some decisive causes of this complexity and their... more
Purpose-This study aims to examine organizational factors (i.e. top management support, training and education, enterprise-wide communication) that may influence the enterprise resource planning system implementation success in Iran.... more
Though several key enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation factors, including top management commitment and support, change management, and consultantsÕ support haven been broadly discussed in literature, other factors such as... more
This paper reports on a comparative case study of 13 industrial firms that implemented an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. It compares firms based on their dialectic leaming process. All firms had to overcome knowledge barriers... more
The present study provides empirical evidence on the economic benefits of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. We use a modified value chain approach and identify several ratios for each component of the value chain to reflect... more
Le sujet de ce mémoire de fin d’étude porte sur la gestion des projets de mise en place des systèmes ERP, et plus précisément la problématique de l’impact du bon choix de l’intégrateur sur la réussite et la qualité du projet ERP. Les... more
Economic globalisation and internationalisation of operations are essential factors in integration of suppliers, partners and customers within and across national borders, the objective being to achieve integrated supply chains. In this... more
Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, optimum portfoyun belirlenmesinde ya da yatirim karari alinmasinda kullanilan geleneksel yontemlere yenilikci acidan bir bakis atmaktir Klasik yaklasimlar insan gozu araciligiyla karar vermeye dayaliyken, dunyada... more
The Internet of things is a platform, which connects and controls the real word objects through a wireless network. This paper presents a novel approach to collect the data from the sensors, which resides on a Mechatronic devices. Using... more
The convergence of ERP and process automation is the cornerstone of that idea that has given birth to efficacious enterprise architectures in recent times. While the Enterprise Resource Planning system contributes to the seamlessness of... more
A lot of research has been undertaken focusing on ERP systems lifecycles, but very little paid attention to retirement. ERP retirement means the replacement of an ERP with another. The aim of this research paper is to investigate why and... more
This paper describes the impact of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) across the stages of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations using the responses from 86 organizations that completed or are in the process of completing an ERP... more
Purpose -This paper aims to study an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software selection problem. The primary goal of this paper is to propose a two-phase procedure to select an ERP vendor and a suitable ERP software.... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have emerged as the core of successful information management and the enterprise backbone of organizations. The difficulties of ERP implementations have been widely cited in the literature but... more
Globalization rolls out the speed of market evolution is growing along with the severity of competition. New products appear daily. Retail and distribution are shifting to e-commerce. Changing market conditions impose increasingly... more
The research literature on ERP systems has exponentially grown in recent years. In a domain, where new concepts and techniques are constantly introduced, it is therefore, of interest to analyze the recent trends of this literature, which... more
Streszczenie: Opracowanie ma na celu zaprezentowanie informatycznych narzędzi wykorzystywanych w zarządzie najmem mieszkań. Zostały omówione zarówno dedykowane narzędzia informatyczne wspomagające zarządzanie, jak i przykład użycia... more
focus that support specific businesses-for example, solutions for flight carriers. The size and lead time of such projects can compare to a full-size software development project. provides an overview of the different actors involved in... more
Business information system is an area of the greatest significance in any business enterprise today. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects are a growing segment of this vital area. These software systems are designed and installed... more
Business organizations worldwide are adopting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. A number of studies deliberate the adoption and implementation of ERP, but few investigate the success of the system. To our knowledge, this is the... more