Sociology of Emotion
Recent papers in Sociology of Emotion
Critical Race Theory (CRT) revolutionized how we investigate race in education. Centralizing counterstories from people of color becomes essential for decentralizing white normative discourse-a process we refer to as realities within the... more
Invitation to the Sociology of Emotions guides students through some of the most interesting concepts and findings in the sociology of emotions. The text includes scores of empirical examples from the literature, is written in an engaging... more
Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of... more
Cross-border solidarity has captured the interest and imagination of scholars, activists and a range of political actors in such contested areas as the US-Mexico border and Guantanamo Bay. Chandra Russo examines how justice-seeking... more
Working Paper EXPLORATORY STUDY ON EMOTIONAL WELL BEING OF MBA GRADUATES IN DIGITAL ERA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE *Prof Dr.C.Karthikeyan, Professor and Director, T.John College, Bangalore, Affiliated to Bangalore... more
Research on nursing has focused heavily on the gendered aspects of nursing care while often overlooking diversity within the workforce, including age-related dynamics and multi-generational conflict on the job. This chapter explores the... more
The practitioners of village stability operations operate nearly entirely in the spaces of communities damaged by combinations of traumatizing violence, loss, displacement, starvation, death and dismemberment. Their organization,... more
Employing a "social constructionist" approach, according to which emotions are culturally conditioned expressions of values, this study considers how the sect behind 1QS used the emotions of love and hate to teach its members the proper... more
La sociedad moderna comenzó su andadura con la promesa de alcanzar la mayor felicidad para el mayor número. Pero la conquista de la felicidad, considerada por Aristóteles como el bien supremo, fue muy pronto sustituida por el logro de... more
Musik ist für viele eine ätherische, immaterielle Kunst, die im Gegensatz zur Sprache keine verbal deutbare Bedeutung besitzt. Von keinem geringeren als Victor Hugo stammt das Aperçu: »Das Reich der Musik beginnt da, wo das Reich der... more
This article addresses the psychic and emotional challenges associated with enabling learners to apprehend their role in, and vulnerability to, the evolving climate crisis. Global warming is arguably one of the most cognitively as well as... more
Souvent rabattue sur des stéréotypes réducteurs, la protection animale constitue une cause militante des plus anciennes et complexes. Du début du XIX e siècle jusqu'à nos jours, de multiples entrepreneurs de morale s'indignent du... more
A father and daughter are sitting at the kitchen counter, the daughter's school books spread between them as the father watches the news on his laptop. The daughter's mobile beeps. She reads the message and begins gathering her books,... more
en línea) mora /24 (2018) 215 RESEÑAS [215][216][217][218] Amours clandestines. Sociologie de l'extraconjugalité durable Marie-Carmen Garcia (2016) Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, coll. « Sexualités » 280 pp.
Perché la società contemporanea è così af fascinata dal crimine? In parte perché siamo diventati dei consumatori di sublime, un’e mozione intensa e fortemente ambigua, oggi sempre più mercificata. Attraverso l’espe rienza del... more
L'idée de construction sociale incarne de manière emblématique la manière dont nous rapportons théoriquement nos vies à des formes de fictions pratiques. En effet, la fiction désigne une construction, dont on peut présumer qu'elle n'a... more
L’articulation des émotions et des sentiments moraux avec les logiques d’engagement est désormais bien documentée, en revanche, elle l’est moins avec les processus de désengagement et de démobilisation. Ce sont ces deux articulations... more
Questo innovativo manuale introduce alla sociologia delle emozioni attraverso una puntuale disamina degli autori, delle teorie e dei concetti che definiscono il campo della disciplina. Partendo dai testi dei pensatori classici per... more
Discursive psychology (DP) offers a window onto the way emotion and cognition play out in everyday interaction. As one of the pioneers of DP, Edwards has been instrumental in shaping this approach, and his work on emotion and interaction... more
This book catalogues the ways that various emotions help and hinder us in politics, including not only the obvious short-run emotions of fear and anger but long-run moral emotions like shame and compassion and affective commitments such... more
Una introducción al concepto de cultura, a las relaciones entre cultura y sociedad, y a la influencia de la cultura en los individuos. La cultura es definida como un multiverso simbólico, compuesto de ideas, valores y emociones, contenido... more
This chapter demonstrates the importance of examining emotional development processes as the embodiment of social context. Context is defined broadly, including the ways that body and self operate as key contexts for emotional... more
La place qu'il faudrait assigner à Durkheim au sein d'une sociologie des émotions est loin d'aller de soi 1 . Si Durkheim évoque les émotions ou les sentiments, c'est généralement pour en proposer des comptes-rendus... more
En ce début d'année 2016 nous disposons de trois ouvrages, issus des meilleurs spécialistes du sujet, dans l'inscription de trois écoles historiques sur l'histoire des émotions au Moyen Âge : l'école française (Damien Boquet et Piroska... more
Turner's article is quite beneficial for understanding the theory of emotions from sociological approaches. He mentioned about the various sociological approximations, (also some exemplifications about the scholars' thesis--enlighten us... more
This study extends identity theory, particularly the structural program of identity theory in new directions by moving beyond the cognitive to the emotive components of the identity process Building on propositions by Stryker (2004)... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the issues on Psychology of Apology from various perspectives. In this paper, the writers will emphasizes on the definition of the apology, types of apology, the important and its benefits, the... more
What do a rnonastery and an airplane have in cornrnon? Both are closed cornmunities; rhere is no way out (at !east after the plane has started). Both are regulaced by rules different from those followed in the world outside. In both cases... more
The theoretical puzzle of how organizations deal with contradicting logics has been extensively investigated during the past two decades. This stream of research has fo-cused on the cognitive, but has overlooked emotions and power, which... more
Tourism has been frequently described as a commodified experience, but what characterizes this experience and how exactly is it commodified? This chapter first traces the historical processes that enabled the commodification of emotion,... more
Chapter 13: Emotions in Sports Stadia1 Mike S. Schäfer and Jochen Roose The ball changed possession, moving fast from one end of the field to the other. The tension mounted; it became almost unbearable. People forgot where they were... more