Modeling in Chemical Engineering
Recent papers in Modeling in Chemical Engineering
Reduction of water activity aw can extend the shelf life and improve the quality of foods. After the optimal water activity has been selected, based on Karel’s aw-spoilage graphs, a simple decision scheme in this document helps to choose... more
Reduction of water activity aW can improve the shelf life and the quality of foods. After selecting the optimal water activity, a simple decision scheme helps to choose the best equation (“Law”) to calculate or adjust the water... more
We introduce a methodology to solve nonlinear systems of equations with bound constraints, and two or more roots. In order to find more than one root, this methodology uses an appropriate global optimization algorithm together with a... more
Part of each feasibility study of a food production plant is to make an estimation of the “future” investment costs in such a plant. In this document, the investment cost estimation method of Zevnik-Buchanan is explained, in 10... more
This is the complete finalized format for plant design and economic analysis mini project which emphasized on the phosphoric acid production. There are differences in terms of production since we split the 1st reactor into two separate... more
The Kozeny–Carman equation is a traditional permeability–porosity relationship which has been used in many models of real problems related to flows in porous media. In spite of this, some limitations of this well-known equation has... more
""Part of each feasibility study of a food production plant is to make an estimation of the “future” investment costs in such a plant. In this document, three rapid investment cost estimation methods are explained: 1) the indexed 0.6... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
The use of akernattve fuels from renewable vegetable sources has become increasingly widespread in recent yeats. In addition to other olternative fuels srch as ethanol, methanol or biogas (methane), fatty acid methyl esters are... more
For a vast class of dynamical networks, including chemical reaction networks (CRNs) with monotonic reaction rates, the existence of a polyhedral Lyapunov function (PLF) implies structural (i.e., parameter-free) local stability. Global... more
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Abstract Methods, parameterisations and models have been developed, which give insight in processes that are important for deposition of nitrogen compounds to the sea. This knowledge has been applied to the Kattegat Strait for which a... more
We have studied the chemical evolution in the central core of a contracting cloud representing W3 IRS4. We modified the equation of temperature to satisfy the physical conditions of W3 IRS4. The chemical rate equations and the... more
We present a numerical solution for the dead zone model which describes the solute transport in a subsurface and horizontal flow constructed wetland. This model is a system of two mass balance equations for two conceptual areas: the main... more
The phenomenon of double retrograde vaporization (DRV) has been simulated using the group contribution equation of state coupled with the Michelsen computational procedures for calculating phase envelopes. This behavior was studied for a... more
A B S T R A C T Using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, we studied the electrochemistry of polyoxome-talates (POMs), specifically the redox properties of Mn in tri-Mn-substituted W-based Keggin ions. For direct comparison... more
The phenomenon of double retrograde vaporization (DRV) has been simulated using the group contribution equation of state coupled with the Michelsen computational procedures for calculating phase envelopes. This behavior was studied for a... more
This work introduces the Least Dot Products (LDP) method, a new algorithm for phase stability analysis of thermodynamic mixtures. Starting with the fact that tangent plane distance function (the objective function used in global stability... more
Two methods for solving stiff systems of ordinary differential equations describing nonlinear chemical kinetics in air quality models, namely the hybrid and the quasi-steady state approximation (QSSA) schemes, are compared with respect to... more
We present a numerical solution for the dead zone model which describes the solute transport in a subsurface and horizontal flow constructed wetland. This model is a system of two mass balance equations for two conceptual areas: the main... more
We have investigated the use of nanofiltration for treatment of effluent from the first alkaline extraction stage (called 'E1') of a bleached Kraft pulp plant. We report nanofiltration tests with a laboratory cross-flow unit 'CELFA P-28'... more