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This article is based on a contrastive analysis of three decrees dealing with the administration of nomadic pastoralists in twelfth-century Iran, two issued by the Saljūq sultan Sanjar and one by a dynasty of slave emirs (the Atabegs of... more
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      Eurasian NomadsDiplomatics (Medieval)Turkmen History and Its Tribal StructureTurco-Iranian World
Selçuklu-Moğol ilişkileri denildiğinde sahanın uzmanı olsun olmasın büyük bir çoğunluğun aklına gelen ilk olay 1243 yılında vuku bulan Kösedağ Savaşı’dır. Bu hezimetin ardından Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti ve onun hâkimiyeti altındaki Anadolu... more
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      Seljuks (Islamic History)MongolsMongol world empire SeljukTurkey Seljuks
Anatolian-Turkish Caravanserais in The Middle Ages in Terms of Interaction Between Cultures In the course of history, trade and commercial contacts had an important role in the diffusion of cultures and cultural products among different... more
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      HistoryWorld HistorySeljuks (Islamic History)Economic history/Trade history/Oriental trade
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireEarly modern Ottoman History
The history of the Crusades is filled with stories that are sometimes ironic, sometimes interesting, sometimes admirable and sometimes horrific. Sometimes a fated war could have been tied to hours, siblings and friends could be subjected... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesHistory of Crusades
Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades February 2021 Seminar
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      CrusadesMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of Iran
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      Mongolian StudiesEurasian NomadsHistory of MongoliaHistory of the Mongol Empire
INT_sadid_al_din_muhammad_awfi_le_gemme_della_memoria.indd 7 26/11/18 09.44
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      Persian LiteratureNarrativeSouth Asian StudiesIranian Studies
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyMedieval HistoryAnatolian Studies
Öz Türk tarihinin yetiştirdiği dünyâca ünlü ilim ve fikir adamlarından biri olan Mehmed Fuad Köprülü (1890-1966), özellikle Osmanlı tarihinin kuruluş devri hakkındaki tartışmaların iyice alevlendiği bir dönemde en zorlu tartışmalara... more
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      Modern HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMongolian Studies
This paper collects and evaluates all available data from the Byzantine and Eastern (Armenian, Arabic, Syrian, Turkish) sources that demonstrate that the Battle of Mantzikert (August 26, 1071 AD) was not, at least in diplomatic terms, a... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryDiplomatic HistoryMedieval History
This thesis surveys origins of the Seljuk double-headed eagle, a cosmological symbol spread in art and architecture of medieval Anatolia after the arrival of the Seljuk Turks. It concentrates on Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia with... more
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      Islamic ArtSeljuks (Islamic History)Turkish Art (Archaeology)Early and Medieval Islamic Art and Architecture
Syllabus of a graduate course offered at METU Architectural History
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      Islamic' ArchitectureSeljuks (Islamic History)Early and Medieval Islamic Art and ArchitectureIslamic architecture
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      Medieval IslamHistory of the Mongol EmpireMongolsMongol world empire Seljuk
Since the seventeenth century, scholars have argued that kinship as an organizing principle and political order are antithetical. This book shows that this was simply not the case. Kinship, as a principle of legitimacy and in the shape of... more
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsHistorical SociologyMedieval History
In Turkish historical researches although it is mentioned that women have equal rights with men and their activities in political and even military matters in Turkish history, when it comes to the Seljuks, the presence of women in the... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen and Gender Issues in IslamSeljuks (Islamic History)Islam and women
Jalal al-Din Mangburni, the "last Khwarazmshah", heroic fighter against the Mongol invasion.
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      Islamic HistoryIranian HistoryTurco-Iranian WorldMongol and Timurid period in the history of Iran, Central Asia
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
1071 yılından sonra Anadolu’nun Türkleşmesi için uzun mücadeleler verilmiştir. Bizans’a karşı girişilen mücadeleler ve akabinde Haçlı Seferleri, Türklerin Anadolu’daki mücadelesinin temel noktasını teşkil etmiştir. 1176 yılında... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesIslamic StudiesHistory of the Mongol Empire
Fuad Köprülü'nün Anadolu’da İslamiyet adlı eseri birçok bakımdan onun Türk Edebiyatında İlk Mutasavvıflar başlıklı çalışmasını tamamlamaktadır. Köprülü’nün bu metinde yürüttüğü çeşitli tartışmalar, aradan geçen yüzyıl boyunca Abdülbâki... more
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      Medieval HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesIslamic StudiesReligion in Turkey
Özet Malazgirt Zaferi'nin ardından Selçuklularla Bizans arasındaki çekişmelere sahne olan Kastamonu bölgesinin fethi, Çobanoğulları Uc Beyliği zamanında tamamlanmıştır. Anlaşıldığı üzere, bu bölgede Bizans'ın son direniş merkezi Gideros... more
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      Anatolian StudiesAnatolian HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol EmpireMedieval Anatolia (Seljuk, Mongol)Mongol world empire Seljuk
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      Central Asian StudiesSyntaxTurco-Iranian WorldLanguage contact
Moğolların tarihe isimlerini kalın harflerle yazdırmaları, Temucin’in Cengiz Han ünvanı alarak Moğolların başına geçmesi ile olmuştur. Moğollar; Çin’den Orta Asya’nın derinliklerine, buradan Hindistan’a, Karadeniz’in kuzeyine, Anadolu ve... more
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      Mongolian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyIslamic Studies
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranMedieval IslamAbbasid History
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of IranEurasian Nomads
This paper provides an overview of mosque architecture in the period of the Golden Horde in Crimea. It aims to investigate the archeological evidence and the scarce written sources and compile them to gain a broader understanding of the... more
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol EmpireCrimean TatarHistory of Golden Horde
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      Islamic' ArchitectureSivasMimarlik TarihiSeljuk and Ottoman Architecture
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesHistory of Crusades
Bu metin 9 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi günü Kayseri BÜSAM Şehir Akademi'de  verilen konferansın yazılı halidir. Metinde Selçuklu mimari sembolizmi çeşitli bezeme motifleri ve kozmolojik kavramlar aracılığıyla açıklanmaktadır.
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      Islamic ArtIslamic StudiesIslamic' ArchitectureSeljuks (Islamic History)
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      Central Asian StudiesHistory of IranCentral Asia (History)Turkey
An overview of Seljuk history and of Seljuk cities in Anatolia, also includes a brief guide to the most important Seljuk sites in the city of Konya.
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      AestheticsArchitectureIslamic ArtIslamic' Architecture
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      Seljuks (Islamic History)Art History-Seljuk artMongol world empire Seljuk
Türk-Moğol hâkimiyet mücadelesinin Anadolu’daki ilk büyük karşılaşması, Anadolu Selçukluları ile Moğollar arasında gerçekleşen Kösedağ Savaşı (1243) olmuştur. Bu ilk karşılaşma Anadolu’yu vatan haline getiren Selçukluların, Moğol vesayeti... more
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      Anatolian StudiesMongolian StudiesMamluk StudiesAnatolian History
SUMMARY Mustafayev Sh.M. From the Seljuks to the Ottomans. Ethno-political processes in the Turkic milieu of Asia Minor in the 11-15 centuries. The monograph analyzes the complex ethno-political processes in Asia Minor on a broad... more
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      Ethnic StudiesOttoman HistoryOttoman StudiesByzantine Studies
A 2003 paper dealing with the following questions: Are nomadic states and armies extensions of the primary form of social organisation? Which kinds of military organisation can be observed in the Great steppe and in the mixed zone? The... more
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranEurasian NomadsTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Diplomatic HistoryComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsComposition and Rhetoric
Yayına hazırlamış olduğumuz Mehmet Altay Köymen Külliyatının üç cilt halinde Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafından basımı tamamlanarak araştırmacıların ve okuyucuların istifadesine sunulmuştur. Böylece, rahmetli müellifin, hayatta iken kendisinin... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesTurkeyAbbasid History
Anadolu coğrafyasının merkezî denilebilecek ancak dağlarla etrafı çevrelenmiş bir yerleşim yeri olan Ermenek’in tarihi Eski Çağ’a kadar uzanır. Stratejik konum açısından önemli bir yerde bulunan Ermenek tarih boyunca Asurluların,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMongolian StudiesMedieval Islam
SCHOLARSHIP ON THE VISUAL CULTURES of ancient and early medieval Eurasia has recently benefited from art history’s renewed interest in questions that transcend political and cultural boundaries.1 Issues of cross-cultural interaction,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySocial TheoryArchaeology
Anadoluda İlk  isyan , ilk devrim
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      Anthropology of AlevismBatinismMongol world empire SeljukTurkey Seljuks
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      Ibn KhaldunTimurids (Islamic History)Turco-Iranian WorldIndo-Persian
Oğuzların Boz-Ok koluna mensup olan "Bayat" boyu, hepsinin en büyüğü olan ve aynı zamanda eski devirlerde Oğuzların hâkim kısmını oluşturan Boz-Ok boyları arasında Kayı boyundan sonra gelen ikinci ve en büyük boydur. Bayatlar denildiği... more
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      Asian StudiesOttoman HistoryCentral Asian StudiesOttoman Studies
Hülegü Han’ın erken yaşamı, ailesi ve yetiştiği çevre hususları hakkında ülkemizde ve dünyada çalışmalara rastlanmamaktadır. Özellikle Hülegü Han’ın gençliği hakkında bilgi neredeyse yok denecek kadar azdır. Bundan dolayı Hülegü Han’ın... more
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      HistoryIranian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol EmpireIranian HistoryMongols
Money as a means of coordinating human decisions and economic exchange is a complex social invention. It must always adjust to the prevailing economic, political and juridical conditions. Seen from another angle, its design and evolution... more
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      Economic HistoryIslamic NumismaticsUmayyads (Islamic History)Buyids (Islamic History)
A study of the Khwarazmian Empire, late 12th and early 13th century.
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      Central Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsIranian HistoryCentral asian history