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The twelfth and thirteenth centuries witnessed an explosion of Christian interest in the meaning and workings of the natural world—a "discovery of nature" that profoundly reshaped the intellectual currents and spiritual contours of... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of Science
co-authored with Verena Bernardi
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      HistoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMonster Theory
A post-colonial reading of Bertha Mason from Jane Eyre
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      Victorian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesVictorian LiteraturePost-Colonialism
The idea of monstrosity is closely allied with the articulation of monsters in visual culture. In literature, especially in Gothic woks, it implies the spectacles of violence in which real monsters play a pivotal role in setting the... more
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      ViolenceIrish DramaMonstrosityMartin McDonagh
Escrito em meados do século XIV o livro Viagens de Jean de Mandeville foi um dos mais difundidos em fins da Idade Média. Existem mais 250 manuscritos diferentes em diversas línguas. Para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa utilizamos a... more
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      Monster TheoryMonsters and Monster TheoryThe Monstrous and OthernessMonstrosity
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      GeneticsBiological AnthropologyArt HistoryGenomics
The monstrous portrayal of Grendel's mother in the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf reflects a cultural resentment held against unwed mothers prominent during, but not confined within, the European Medieval era. Sex and illegitimate births have... more
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      Medieval LiteratureEcofeminismBeowulfAnglo-Saxon literature and culture
Stesichorus’ Geryoneis helps make sense out of the violent, disorienting act of colonization and establishes a collective cultural memory that is both distinct from and loyal to Greek convention. The poet creates a civic literature and... more
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      Gender and SexualityPost-ColonialismPolitics of the BodyMonstrosity
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      CannibalismVegetarianismMonstrosityBram Stoker
Laurell Hamilton in her Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series portrays a large community of monstrous creatures that populate a violent near-future American landscape. A number of critics have already explored the forms in which Anita, the... more
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      MasculinityFrench FeminismMonstrosityVampirism and Feminism
El texto es el borrador del capítulo aparecido en el volumen «Dexter, ética y estética de un asesino en serie» (Barcelona: Laertes, 2010) en el que se analizan las cuatro primeras temporadas de la serie.
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      Television StudiesMonstrosity
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      Critical PedagogyMonster TheoryPedagogyMonsters and Monster Theory
Singapore’s public housing scheme is unique in that it is the only emergent case of success: apartment blocks provided by the Housing Development Board (HDB) house more than 80% of the nation, creating a landscape of uniform architectural... more
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      ArchitectureHeterotopiaIdentity (Culture)National Identity
© Fotografía de la portada: Jaime Guerra Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio, sin autorización escrita del editor. La presente obra está amparada en las leyes de propiedad intelectual.
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      Queer StudiesFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesDominican RepublicMonstrosity
In this paper Foucault’s thought on monstrosity is explored. Monsters appear whenever and wherever knowledge/power assemblages emerge. That which eludes the latter, and which threatens to subvert them, is the monstrous. Foucault... more
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      Critical TheoryMonster TheoryMichel FoucaultMonstrosity
An introductory overview of monsters in Greek and Roman literature and culture, including discussion of what such monsters tended to represent.
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      EthnographyMonster TheoryAncient Near EastMonsters and Monster Theory
Ahmed Saadawi's Frankenstein in Baghdad, originally published in Arabic in 2013 and translated into English by Jonathan Wright in 2018, is set in the chaotic socio-political condition of post-invasion Iraq. The Nobel exacerbates the... more
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      Social MovementsEnglish LiteratureLiteratureIdentity (Culture)
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      Avant-Garde CinemaViolenceAnthropology of the BodyCinema
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      Contemporary ArtAnimal StudiesFashion HistoryAnimals in Art
A sensibilidade literária do século XIX, permeada pelo Romantismo, problematizou e tornou fluidas as fronteiras convencionais entre concepções antagônicas como belo e feio, bem e mal, real e fantástico. Redefiniu o que a tradição estética... more
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      MonstrosityVictor HugoMonsters and the MonstrousLiteratura inglesa
Yôkaigaku, the "Japanese demonology", and the creatures which it deals with, constitute a scientific field of study in Japan since the Meiji period (1868-1912) -when in 1886 Inoue Enryô founded the Yôkai Kenkyûkai (Association for yôkai... more
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophyModern and Contemporary Japan
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      SenecaEuripidesThe Monstrous and OthernessMonstrosity
The authors deploy a critical cultural critique that extends the work of monstrosity scholars and other researchers who are interested in the application of zombie apocalypse analyses to critiques of contemporary nationalistic and social... more
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      Film TheoryPostcolonial StudiesRace and RacismIsrael/Palestine
In the thesis "The Monstrous Other in Thomas Harris' Hannibal Lecter Novels and Their Film Adaptations", the author analyzes how the monstrosity of Dr. Hannibal Lecter manifests itself, juxtaposing his character with other foreground... more
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      MonstrosityThomas HarrisHannibal LecterSilence of the Lambs
Le monstre, cette figure mythique dont tous les artistes et les sociétés s’emparent pour raconter une histoire. Mais quel est-il ? Un cyclope dans L’Odyssée de Homère, une sorcière pour la société moyenâgeuse, la légende qui... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationMedia StudiesSocial Sciences
Dogs have an enduring symbolism in images and texts that encompass both positive and negative meanings. During the German Renaissance, whole groups of people in remote regions of the world were portrayed with the heads of dogs in both... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsCannibalismNorthern RenaissancePrints (Art History)
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      German LiteratureMonster TheoryAustrian LiteratureMonsters and Monster Theory
आतापर्यंत जगात अनेक महात्मे होऊन गेले. त्यांनी त्यांच्या त्यांच्या समाजासाठी उत्तुंग कार्य करून किर्ती संपादन केली. ते सर्वगुणसंपन्न नव्हते तरीसुध्दा त्यांच्या विषिश्ट लोकोत्तर कार्यामुळे व लोकसंग्रहामुळे ते अजरामर झाले. हे सर्व महात्मे... more
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      MonstrosityMarathas, Shivaji Maharaj
Abdi, Shadee and Bernadette Marie Calafell. “Queer Utopias and (Feminist) Iranian Vampires: A Critical Analysis of Resistive Monstrosity in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.” Critical Studies in Media Communication (Accepted for... more
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      Queer StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesRhetoric
Beginning with Plato and Aristotle, Western philosophy grounded in the Greek tradition has elided the female body with deformity and dysfunction. Viewed a mutilated male, the female body is framed as an aberration too incapacitated by its... more
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      Feminist TheoryReproductionMonster TheoryPhenomenology of the body
The figure of the giant has a long history in literature, from the Bible to classical epic poetry to the chanson de geste tradition of the Middle Ages. This project looks at this manlike form of monster in two anonymous works of the... more
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      English LiteratureMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesMedieval Studies
The dominant literate culture of early medieval England – male, European, and Christian – often represented itself through comparison to exotic beings and mon- sters, in traditions developed from native mythologies, and Classical and... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval English Literature
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      FeminismMonstrosityHorrorFemale Monstrosity
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      RomanticismVictorian StudiesVictorian LiteratureMonster Theory
Attitudes towards women as measures of all deviation from societal norms, beginning with the female body in itself, are often situated into the social conscious that justifies their exclusion from political and economic life. For those... more
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      Feminist TheoryWomen's HistoryPerformance ArtAbjection
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      SemioticsReligionChristianityCultural History
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      SemioticsReligionChristianityEastern European Studies
To date, the majority of scholars have framed the creature in Frankenstein as a monster. By focusing on a single embodiment, scholars have neglected the monstrous aspects pervasive in the novel and ignored the fact that Shelley’s creature... more
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      Nineteenth Century British History and CultureFrankensteinMonstrosityMary Shelley
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      History of ReligionsMonsters and Monster TheoryMythical and MonstrousMonstrosity
Scholarship on monstrosity has often focused on those beings that produce fear, terror, anxiety, and other forms of unease. However, it is clear from the semantic range of the term “monster” that the category encompasses beings who evoke... more
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      Monster TheoryMonsters and Monster TheoryThe Monstrous and OthernessMonstrosity
This paper seeks to explain Grendel's place in medieval society by comparing his rendition in Beowulf to his modern counterpart in "The 13th Warrior" - The Wendol. Both monsters help illuminate medieval social anxieties - allowing us to... more
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      Medieval HistoryFilm StudiesMedieval StudiesCannibalism
This annotated biblio/film/discography came out of a priming project funded by the University of York's Culture and Communications Research Champions funding during summer 2016. It is being expanded in 2017-18, due to Daiwa and ESRC... more
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      Japanese StudiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesChinese Studies
The paper analyzes the imagery of the Gigantomachy in Manilius' Astronomica, in two different functions: the first metaliterary and metascientific, the second in the form of mythical narration, identifying the intertextual relations with... more
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      Augustan PoetryLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philologyLatin Didactic Poetry
Platon dans sa République déclare: « Façonnons par la pensée une image de l’âme, pour que celui qui tient ces propos réalise ce qu’il dit. – Quelle image ? – Une image, comme celle de ces natures antiques dont les mythes rapportent la... more
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      HeroesMetamorphosesMonsters and Monster TheoryThe Monstrous and Otherness
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