Moral Contractarianism
Recent papers in Moral Contractarianism
Unser Alltag ist geprägt von moralischen Konflikten, d.h. von Auseinandersetzungen mit den Normen und Werten der überkommenen und von uns gelebten Alltagsmoral. Wir befinden uns, wenn nicht permanent, so doch regelmäßig in Situationen, in... more
Bajo el rótulo de “contractualismo” se agrupan diversas teorías que sostienen que la obligatoriedad de las normas descansa en el consentimiento de quienes están vinculados por ellas. No obstante, esta caracterización general obvia... more
Proceeding from the assumption that moral discourse is best conceived of as a practice in the technical sense specified by John Rawls, this paper dis-cusses whether it is possible, adequate or even necessary to take up a legis-lative... more
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a função da "deliberação coletiva" na arquitetônica argumentativa da obra Do Contrato Social de Rousseau. A tese subjacente é a seguinte: a estrutura da deliberação em Rousseau implica numa concepção... more
Jean Hampton argues that we can detect exploitation in personal relationships by thinking about what we would agree to were we to set aside the emotional benefits we receive from those relationships. Hampton calls her account "feminist... more
This article discusses the question whether modern societies require some kind of a social glue in order to remain stable. This social glue (termed the ‘moral surplus’) is regarded as a moral capacity or capability which goes beyond the... more
Man, as he seems bent on proving, has it within his power to render the earth a barren and hostile environment for posterity. The increasing awareness of this fact has led many to argue that we have a moral duty to conserve in unpolluted... more
Esta seção apresenta os principais argumentos que revelam a importância da biodiversidade para a humanidade, tanto aquela domesticada e cultivada, como aquela outra selvagem que se manifesta em habitat terrestres (florestas), aquáticos... more
This chapter aims at presenting and scrutinizing a contractarian approach to lib-ertarianism, which has been proposed by a Canadian philosopher, Jan Narveson, known as the main proponent of so-called contractarian libertarianism. The... more
La presente investigación explora las consecuencias normativas y metaéticas del contractualismo hobbesiano llevado al terreno de la moral, buscando actualizar la propuesta clásica con descubrimientos clave sobre nuestra historia evolutiva... more
In his book, The Grounds of Moral Judgment, Russell Grice argues for a thesis he calls "the contract ground thesis," which connects the interest of members of a group in making a contract to the existence of an obligation and reason to... more