Recent papers in Normativity
This paper aims to develop a new understanding of normativity based upon the priority of the ordinary. By relying upon diverse sociological and philosophical traditions, the paper seeks to emphasize the ordinary tacit assumptions which... more
in "Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del diritto", 2/2021. ABSTRACT: Definisco “normativismo trascendentale” la concezione per la quale le norme giuridiche non sono oggetto di una conoscenza possibile, ma sono ciò attraverso cui è... more
Wittgenstein’s Investigations proposed an egalitarian view about language games, emphasizing their plurality (“language has no downtown”). Uses of words depend on the game one is playing, and may change when playing another. Furthermore,... more
Não obstante o apreciável labor produzido pelas historiografias portuguesa e brasileira no que concerne à História Eclesiástica e Religiosa na Época Moderna, os comportamentos luxuriosos da sociedade e, particularmente, os do clero nem... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Biosemantics is an inclusive naturalistic philosophical account of the intentional content of both mental and linguistic representations. As it is well known, Millikan explains the normative dimension of intentional content in terms of... more
Review of the book Robert Brandom's Normative Inferentialism
Non-naturalist realists are committed to the belief, famously voiced by Parfit, that if there are no non-natural facts then nothing matters. But it is morally objectionable to conditionalise all our moral commitments on the question of... more
Our intuitions related to art are generally associated to ideas such as creativity, freedom of expression, experimentation. The fact that so many artists (especially writers, but also musicians, painters, performance artists) are or have... more
In phenomenology, normality is neither an objectively measurable average nor a mere historical or social construct. Rather than being understood from without, looked at from the outside of lived experiences, normality is approached from... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Nature B.V.. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your... more
Education permanente, Tome 196, n°3, p. 175-184. Cet article interroge l’activité de soins aux personnes âgées dépendantes et le rôle joué par le collectif de travail dans le développement et les transformations de cette activité. Source... more
Revue de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Tome 20, n°1, p. 91-104. Cet article étudie les relations entre le travail de soins et les contraintes temporelles. L’objectif est de comprendre les effets de ces contraintes sur... more
This article suggests a tentative model for the legal conceptualization of the great variety of instruments by which international institutions exercise public authority, brought to light by the thematic studies of this project. If one... more
If language and thought are to be taken as objective, they must respond to how the world is. I propose to explain this responsiveness in terms of conditions of correction, more precisely, by taking thoughts and linguistic utterances to be... more
Feministisch-kritischer Wissenschaft geht es um eine engagierte wissenschaftliche Praxis, die sich von der Kritik an Ungleichheitsverhältnissen, Ausschlüssen und Diskriminierungen qua Geschlecht absetzt und an Vorstellungen von... more
—ABSTRACT— Since the publication of Truth, Paul Horwich's 'Minimalism' has become the paradigm of what goes under the label 'the deflationary conception of truth'. Despite the many theoretical virtues of Horwich's minimalism, it is... more
In this article I comment on the fact that the Internet and social media are often depicted as orthographically unregulated spaces in public and political discourses on young peoples’ use of social media. I point out that adolescent... more
Toilets in modern water closets rise up from the floor like water lilies. The architect does all he can to make the body forget how paltry it is, and to make man ignore what happens to his intestinal wastes after the water from the tank... more
Fabra (1956) conté una proposta per a la grafia de les paraules compostes que és estructural (les regles estan vinculades, §4) i humanista (posa les regles dins del saber dels parlants, de manera que les poden dominar, §6). En canvi, la... more
To explain an intentional action one must exhibit the agent's reasons. Donald Davidson famously argued that the only clear way to understand action explanation is to hold that reasons are causes. Davidson's discussion conflated two... more
De bundel 'Goed werk' heeft me geraakt, zet me aan het denken en biedt me houvast. Het boek raakt me, omdat veel bijdragen duidelijk maken hoe de professional van vandaag in de knel zit tussen consumentisme, professionalisme en... more
Samuel Scheffler has argued that people value tradition for its own sake because they view it as accumulated experience, and as playing an important role in forming their personal integrity, structuring their lives, and providing them... more
The objective of this paper is to describe cross-country similarities and differences in national pride and to explain national pride variations on the individual and country levels. The analysis in this paper is applied to different... more
Morality and rationality are both normative: the moral claim "you ought to help others" is a genuine normative judgment, as well as the prudential maxim "you ought to brush your teeth twice a day". But it seems that there is a crucial... more
________________________________________________________________________ Publicado en el Diario Oficial N º 236, Tomo Nº 369 del 19/12/05 con vigencia desde el 1º/06/06 REGLAMENTO TÉCNICO CENTROAMERICANO RTCA 23.01.29:05 INFORME Los... more
Hegel's "Philosophy of Spirit" applies two different notions of 'social practice'-one as a condition of possibility for intentional action and another one as the living actuality within which an action is initiated and takes place. Both... more
This paper explores certain issues that arise at the borderline between conceptual analysis and metaphysics, where answers to questions of a conceptual nature compete with answers to questions of an ontological or metaphysical nature. I... more
In this discussion, I shall present a general account of dilemmas - including, as I shall explain, both practical and epistemic dilemmas. According to this account, dilemmas are analysed in terms of conflicting values. Roughly, a dilemma... more
Though legal positivism remains popular, HLA Hart's version has fallen somewhat by the wayside. This is because, according to many, the central task of a theory of law is to explain the so-called " normativity of law. " Hart's theory, it... more
The nature of legal norm and legal provision are considered in the article, as well as the character of the relationships and interactions of the notions is determined. Attention is drawn to the fact, that there is not only a lack of... more
This chapter makes a close reading of a short vignette in Eyrbyggja saga - the attempted forced marriage between the Swedish berserk Halli and Víga-Styrr's daughter Ásdis - exploring the ways that various norms and normative expectations... more
Limpiar Vetec de honda paso a paso
This paper presents a particular interpretation of Urmson's account of supererogatory actions, defends that interpretation and discusses the lacunae in the account so interpreted, and then introduces and defends a novel theoretical... more