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Introduction : la motivation morale 1. Les variétés de l'internalisme a. L'Internalisme Moral b. L'Internalisme du Jugement moral c. L'Internalisme des Raisons d'Agir 2. Une explication par la nature des faits moraux a. L'Internalisme... more
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      Moral RealismMoral MotivationMotivational InternalismReasons internalism
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      A. J. AyerMotivational InternalismNoncognitivismJudgment Internalism
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEthicsPhilosophy of Action
Introduction : motivation morale et métaéthique Imprégné par une éducation religieuse, Gédéon considère que la prière du soir est moralement obligatoire. Dieu le dit dans la bible, et Il ne ment jamais. Les convictions de Gédéon sont bien... more
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      MetaethicsMotivational Internalism
This essay appears in the Auslegen volume on Kierkegaard's Either / Or (Entweder-Oder).I argue that my earlier interpretations of the "choice" to become an ethical chooser is supported by Judge Wilhelm’s defense of marriage in Either/Or... more
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      KierkegaardThe Theology of Søren KierkegaardInternalism/ExternalismSoren Kierkegaard
In contemporary metaethics, various versions of hybrid expressivism have been proposed according to which moral sentences express both non-cognitive attitudes and beliefs. One important advantage with such positions, its proponents argue,... more
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      PragmaticsMetaethicsExpressivismMoral Judgment
A cryptonormative judgment, roughly speaking, is a judgment which is presented by the agent who makes it as non-normative (either generally or in some particular respect), but which is in fact normative (either generally or in that... more
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      Moral PsychologyIdeologySelf-KnowledgeNormativity
Some parts of language and thought plausibly mix the doxastic with the attitudinal. An effective example of this is provided by racial or ethnic slurs, such as 'roundhead', 'China Swede', or 'dumb Finn' -derisive terms used for the... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEthicsPragmaticsTheories of Meaning
We argue that a relational model of normative concepts can explain why the relation between normative judgment and motivation isn't purely external and contingent. This approach undercuts the motivation for adopting a hybrid theory of... more
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      MetaethicsConceptsMotivational Internalism
Motivational internalism and externalism – that is, theories about moral motivation – have played central roles in meta-ethical debate mainly because they have been thought to have implications for the constitutive nature of moral... more
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      MetaethicsMoral JudgmentMotivational Internalism
Motivational internalism postulates a necessary connection between moral judgments and motivation. In arguing for and against internalism, metaethicists traditionally appeal to intuitions about cases, but crucial cases often yield... more
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      Experimental philosophyMetaethicsMotivational Internalism
According to the established understanding of the Frege-Geach problem, it is a challenge exclusively for metaethical expressivism. In this paper, I argue that it is much wider in scope: The problem applies generally to views according to... more
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      Moral PsychologyMetaethicsInternalism/ExternalismNon-cognitivism
The Nicomachean Ethics opens with some preparatory, although important, claims about the nature of the end for which all other things we do are said to be means. After having labelled this end "the highest good," Aristotle asks: "Will not... more
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      John McDowellAristotle's EthicsMotivational InternalismReasons internalism
Motivational externalists and internalists of various sorts disagree about the circumstances under which it is conceptually possible to have moral opinions but lack moral motivation. Typically, the evidence referred to are intuitions... more
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      Meta-EthicsRelativismMoral JudgmentMotivational Internalism
According to the established understanding of the Frege-Geach problem, it is a challenge exclusively for metaethical expressivism. In this paper, I argue that it is much wider in scope: The problem applies generally to views according... more
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      Moral PsychologyMetaethicsInternalism/ExternalismExpressivism
Review of Ethics and Practical Reason (OUP, 1997), eds. Garrett Cullity and Berys Gaut, in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 1997.
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      EthicsPractical ReasoningPractical Reasons and RationalityMotivational Internalism
Motivational internalism (MI) holds that, necessarily, if an agent judges that she is morally obligated to ø, then, that agent is, to at least some minimal extent, motivated to ø. Opponents of MI sometimes invoke depression as a... more
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      DepressionMoral MotivationMotivational Internalism
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      Moral PsychologyMotivational Internalism
Este texto tem a intenção de percorrer panoramicamente alguns pontos de referência importantes no debate contemporâneo sobre o problema da motivação moral no contexto da discussão entre posições cognitivistas e não-cognitivistas em ética.... more
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      Motivational InternalismEpistemologiaÉtica e Filosofia Moral
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      MetaethicsMotivational InternalismMoral Error Theory
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      MetaethicsKantian ethicsBernard WilliamsMotivational Internalism
We argue that there is significant evidence for reconsidering the possibility that moral judgment constitutes a distinctive category of judgment. We begin by reviewing evidence and arguments from neuroscience and philosophy that seem to... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophical PsychologyMetaethicsInternalism/Externalism
It is often observed in metaethics that moral language displays a certain duality in as much as it seems to concern both objective facts in the world and subjective attitudes that move to action. In this paper, I defend The Dual Aspect... more
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      H.P. GriceInternalism/ExternalismNon-cognitivismExpressivism
According to (cognitivist) judgment internalism, there is a conceptual connection between moral judgment and motivation. This paper offers an argument against that kind of internalism that does not involve counterexamples of the amoralist... more
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      Motivational InternalismFrege-Geach problemJudgment Internalism
We argue that a relational model of normative concepts can explain why the relation between normative judgment and motivation isn't purely external and contingent. This approach undercuts the motivation for adopting a hybrid theory of... more
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Assertions of statements such as 'it's raining, but I don't believe it' are standard examples of what is known as Moore's paradox. Here I consider moral equivalents of such statements, statements wherein individuals affirm moral judgments... more
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      Moore's ParadoxPractical Reasons and RationalityMoral MotivationMotivational Internalism
Absstrad Inspired by an analogy between moral and secondary properties, some moral philosophers have argued that moral properties are dispositions. According to one version of this view, most clearly represented by Jonathan Dancy, a moral... more
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      Internalism/ExternalismJohn McDowellMotivational InternalismJudgment Internalism
(1) Urteile sind die einzigen Typen von Gegenständen, die Inhalt unserer Erkenntnisse sein können, und die einzigen, die Thesen von Argumentationen sein können. Epistemische Rationalität ist deshalb an Urteile gebunden: Ziel der... more
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      MetaethicsMotivational InternalismMoral SemanticsRichard M. Hare
Analyses of moral value judgements must meet a practicality requirement: moral speech acts characteristically express pro- or con-attitudes, indicate that speakers are motivated in certain ways, and exert influence on others’ motivations.... more
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      MetaethicsExpressivismMotivational InternalismMoral Semantics
Motivational internalism is the thesis that captures the commonplace thought that moral judgements are necessarily motivationally efficacious. But this thesis appears to be tension with another aspect of our ordinary moral experience.... more
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      Meta-EthicsMoral MotivationMotivational InternalismAmoralism
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We argue that there is significant evidence for reconsidering the possibility that moral judgment constitutes a distinctive category of judgment. We begin by reviewing evidence and arguments from neuroscience and philosophy that seem to... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMetaethicsInternalism/ExternalismMoral Judgment
A persistent objection against metaethical expressivism is that it is committed to a strong version of internalism which is unable to explain the fact that a person's moral judgment and her motivation may come apart in certain... more
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      Internalism/ExternalismExpressivismMoral MotivationNon cognitivism
Philip Pettit, Michael Smith, and Tyler Burge have suggested that the similarities between theoretical and practical reasoning can bolster the case for judgment internalism - i.e. the claim that normative judgments are necessarily... more
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      Motivational InternalismTheory of Reasons for Action
According to pure expressivism, some normative sentences express only desire-like states. In this paper I examine the prospects of pure expressivism with regard to capturing the truth of (PRACTICALITY), a form of motivational internalism,... more
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      Meta-EthicsMoral PsychologyDesirePractical Reasoning
Cognitivist motivational internalism is the thesis that, if one believes that 'It is right to ϕ', then one will be motivated to ϕ. This thesis—which captures the practical nature of morality—is in tension with a Humean constraint on... more
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      Moral MotivationCognitivismMotivational InternalismHumean theory of motivation
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyExperimental philosophy
According to a persistent objection against metaethical expressivism, this view is committed to a strong version of internalism which is unable to account for cases where a person's moral judgment and motivation come apart. Recently,... more
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      Internalism/ExternalismNon-cognitivismExpressivismMoral Motivation
(This could be the maddest paper I have ever written.) I argue that aesthetic concepts are different from ethical and epistemic concepts with regards to action-guidance and motivation. I draw on Williams' discussion of thick concepts... more
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