Movement for actors
Recent papers in Movement for actors
Príspevok reflektuje časť štúdia vyučovacieho predmetu Herecká pohybová výchova IV. na Fakulte dramatických umení Akadémii umení v Banskej Bystrici dištančnou formou. Keďže denné štúdium a kolektívna tvorba neboli možné, hľadali sme iné... more
Príspevok reflektuje pedagogickú tvorbu pedagogičky Hereckej pohybovej výchovy, doc. Ireny Pavlitovej. Jej metodické postupy komparuje s metódou Moshe Feldenkraisa.
Access to new technologies has often been difficult and inadequate for the needs of contemporary choreographers during the recent history of dance in Brazil. However, digital inclusion is now a government objective while economic and... more
Synthesizing the pedagogy of acting with new findings in Neuroscience and archetypal understandings of human ways of learning and seeing. This book contains practical exercises for directors, actors, and teachers to use combining these... more
Keywords: ABSTRACT Singing; Formation of the Singer; Body and Vocal Language; Fusion of Methods; Musical Performance. Despite the relevance of studies on the role of the body, usually, the training dedicated to the formation of the body... more
The application of Laban's method in actor training has a long history that extends beyond his work in dance, and it is this area that this paper focuses on. Although Laban himself applied his method to the training of actors, it was... more
Podemos desenvolver um processo criativo pessoal em dança fundamentado nas Ações Físicas? Para responder a esta questão, norteadora de nosso trabalho, fundamentamos, descrevemos e analisamos o processo de criação da coreografia Homem, na... more
How could a basketball team function if the following questions were at the top of their training and performing lists? Do you mind if I touch you? Don't we need a 'violence coach' for this? Should we bring in an Intimacy coach to... more
An account of the making of Sandra Reeve's 'Absence' at Stanton St Gabriel
A short article describing an exercise for teaching a basic stage combat technique.
Having studied body movement analysis in Paris 8 I'm applying it to analyze documentaries about Pierre Gagnaire and Michel Bras chefs to understand relationships between their movements and some of the specificities of their creativity in... more
A leading figure in the development of twentieth century theatre practice, Jacques Copeau pioneered work on actor-training, physical theatre and ensemble acting, and was a key innovator in the movement to de-centralise theatre and culture... more