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Access to new technologies has often been difficult and inadequate for the needs of contemporary choreographers during the recent history of dance in Brazil. However, digital inclusion is now a government objective while economic and... more
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      Performing ArtsDance StudiesSoftware for choreographersMovement analysis
Buildings may be subjected to natural hazards such as earthquakes, winds and fires during their long-term use. Fire is a very common hazard and could be monitored and prevented using Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs). WSANs refer... more
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      Movement for actorsClustersCluster HeadacheThreshold
Synthesizing the pedagogy of acting with new findings in Neuroscience and archetypal understandings of human ways of learning and seeing. This book contains practical exercises for directors, actors, and teachers to use combining these... more
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      DirectingMovement for actorsAction ResearchActor Network Theory
Having studied body movement analysis in Paris 8 I'm applying it to analyze documentaries about Pierre Gagnaire and Michel Bras chefs to understand relationships between their movements and some of the specificities of their creativity in... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTheologyDance StudiesMovement for actors