Movies Review
Recent papers in Movies Review
Nuestra huella en el mundo ha traspasado todas las fronteras, no hay ni un solo continente que no haya sido poblado por nosotros los seres humanos, hemos logrado cambiar casi todas las cosas de la tierra, la hemos adaptado a nuestro... more
Based on real-life experiences of director Destin Cretton during his work at a residential care facility, the movie Short Term 12 assimilates the lives of a group of troubled teenagers and their caregivers, who through their own personal... more
A reaction paper after watching the movie Iron Jawed Angels.
This review was written for Hawaiian Pacific University's "Film Series", February 10, 2006. In Osama, Siddiq Barmak shows you his native country through the eyes of a young girl whose right to education is denied by misguided clerics who... more
La comunión y sincronía de Zac Efron que tiene con Lily Collins en la película Ted Bundy: Durmiendo con el asesino logra un brillante trabajo en un film que intenta explorar el contexto que rodeaba al asesino más famoso, carismático y... more
Room is a story about a mother and his boy who were living in a small space called ‘’room’’ for years. Jack and his mother Joy ,who are held hostage in a shed by a man who kidnapped Joy when she was a teenager. This condition is an exact... more
Luke was first introduced in 1977’s Star Wars, as living on the desert planet of Tatooine, working as a moisture farmer. Star Wars – Episode VIII – The Last Jedi’s depiction of Luke Skywalker is contradictive, and it fails to acknowledge... more
Brian De Palma, partially discusses the colonization of women's rights by neoliberalism, the problems with women's sexual liberation in Carrie (1976). There are two sides which had been processed in the movie, the unified girls and the... more
Review of Steve McQueen's 2008 British-Irish historical drama film Hunger, starring Michael Fassbender (as Republican leader Bobby Sands), Liam Cunningham, and Liam McMahon. The film is concerned with the 1981 Irish hunger strike.
11 books (free access to full PDF texts): Media Literacy Education and Film and Media Studies Media and Information Literacy Education Dictionary:... more
Genteel poverty is sad. Memories of better times, the harrowing struggle to keep up appearances, fading power and influence, dwindling finances unable to support posh lifestyles, diminishing prestige, and, more than anything else, the... more
Crazy Rich Asians is sentimental. It celebrates luxury, wealth and extravagance, unabashedly. It tries to manipulate the emotions of audiences. It is loud, dishy and extravagant. It has problems of structure, setup and pacing. And it... more
The normative sexuality themed movies are more popular and it tends to be houseful than some non-normal sexuality movies in Indian cinemas, where country is in a state of "half-modernized". But looking at the current situation in western... more
A historian's film review of Steven Spielberg’s 2012 film "Lincoln" just in time for the 156th anniversary of the dedication of Gettysburg
“Blade Runner 2049” movie is a sequel to the movie released in 1982 “Blade Runner 2019”. The movie is released on October 07 2017. The main plot of this movie continues backing the first one. This is a neo-noir genre science fiction film... more
'Eraserhead' (1977), directed by David Lynch, has intrigued and interested film critics for decades. A cinematic puzzle, David Lynch successfully creates a surreal and dystopian world through Eraserhead. With its twisted plotline and... more
Analisis Film dalam Unsur Naratif (Linear-Non Linear) dan Sinematik (Tata Rias) dalam film Crazy Rich Asians
“David Lynch’s “Lost Highway” is like kissing a mirror: You like what you see, but it’s not much fun, and kind of cold” (Ebert, 1997). Albeit disappointing, that is exactly how renowned film critic Roger Ebert describes ‘Lost Highway’... more
A movie review after watching the Bayaning Third World.
Movie review of "The Firm" from a legal perspective.
Reviewed by ZEYNEP KURTULUŞ KORKMAN Clair obscur is a film about the unlikely encounter of two women otherwise separated by class, education, and location. Elmas has little formal education and lives in a provincial town with her husband... more
Esta es una película que causó muchísimo impacto en el área y espacio audiovisual, fue la iniciación a este nuevo modo de" LIVE ACCION", a partir de ahí se generó una nueva mañana de transmitir las historias. Me tome la tarea de... more
Submitted by : Md. Hamza Kamal Mostafa, Roll no -70, 2nd semester, 5th batch,
This review was written for "Film for Thought" (Hawaii Council for the Humanities & Hawaii Film International Festival, Honolulu , 2013)
Cómo ver Sonic, la película 2 en línea gratis? HQ Reddit Video Sonic, la película 2 (2022) Película completa Ver en línea gratis Dailymotion [#Sonic, la película 2] Google Drive / [DvdRip-USA / Eng-Subs] Sonic, la película 2 !
I enjoy watching movies, as well as critiquing them. The movie I chose for this review is a multi-awarded adventure-drama film: The Life of Pi. Based on the novel written by Yann Martel, the movie follows “Pi” Patel, an Indian teenager,... more
I examined David Lynch's masterpiece Blue Velvet in psychoanalysis, voyeurism, gaze, identification, sexuality, feminist theory, fethishism and symbolism topics.
Widower father and his ambitious daughter-nurse.... their relationship, their daily interactions...all started a simple family drama... unfolding into an unexpected thriller- a survival thriller.
City of Paris and its two different interpretions in La Haine and Midnight in Paris When big cities emerged and people started to establish their own value and norm according to their new environments, cities started to have their own... more