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An effective way for managing and controlling a large number of inventory items or stock keeping units (SKUs) is the inventory classification. Traditional ABC analysis which based on only a single criterion is commonly used for... more
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      Operations ResearchMulti Criteria Decision MakingMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureMulticriteria Decision Analysis
The application of multiattribute decision analysis to personal consequential decision problems can be unhelpful particularly where the analysis fails to help the decision maker to discover new values, or where the decision maker is... more
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      Multi Criteria Decision MakingMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureBusiness and Management
Created by the State Department's Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, the Civilian Response Corps (CRC) contains a diverse pool of qualified and ready-to-deploy civilian professionals that support conflict... more
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      Decision MakingDecision AnalysisMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureBusiness and Management
We propose a log-based analysis tool for evaluating web application computer system. A feature of the tool is an integration software log with infrastructure log. Software engineers alone can resolve system faults in the tool, even if the... more
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      Software EngineeringInfrastructure PlanningSoftware TestingSoftware Development
This paper outlines the approach to the evaluation of sustainability of current and future electricity supply options of interest for a major Swiss utility Axpo Holding AG. The motivation behind this effort has been to provide a solid... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureCost EstimationSpectrum
Inter-organizational Global Software Development (GSD) has become a common reality for many projects. It is well established that distance makes difficult to interact and to cooperate effectively. Scrum, a consolidated Agile methodology,... more
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      Project ManagementMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureScrum
Selection of new geographies in which to expand is a key decision for businesses aspiring to go beyond the opportunities in the existing markets. The conventional approaches of market selection can only provide a set of systematic steps... more
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      EconomicsResearch MethodologyMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureBusiness and Management
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis does not provide an analytical means to determine the importance of the identified factors or the ability to assess decision alternatives according to these factors.... more
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      Strategic PlanningMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureAhpSWOT analysis
Multi-criteria analysis of remediation alternatives to access their overall impact and cost/benefit, with focus on soil function (ecosystem services and goods) and sustainability Final Report of the SNOWMAN-MCA project carried out as part... more
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      Environmental ScienceEcosystem ServicesMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureSoil Functions
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
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      EngineeringDesignRenewable EnergyControl
Most commonly, sustainability indicator sets presented as lists do not take into account interactions among indicators in a systematic manner. Vice versa, existing environmental indicator systems do not provide a formalized approach for... more
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      Decision MakingMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureAnalytic Network ProcessCognitive Map
So far, competing forecasting models are compared to each other using a single criterion at a time, which often leads to different rankings for different criteria -a situation where one cannot make an informed decision as to which model... more
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      Multi-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureMathematical Sciences
In this paper a collective choice function (CCF), formulated within a p-metric distance function framework, is proposed as a generator of several compromise consensuses. Even though, the proposed CCF is not smooth, it is however... more
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      Multi-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureBusiness and ManagementSocial ChoiceGoal programming
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      Analytic Hierarchy ProcessMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureEntropyBusiness and Management
In complex strategic decision-making situations the need for well-structured support arises. To evaluate decision alternatives, information about the situation and its development must be determined, managed and processed by the best... more
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      Decision Support SystemsStrategic Decision MakingMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureMathematical Sciences
Several Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) models for use in health technology assessment (HTA) have been developed over the years, including some for orphan drugs. However, there is no general consensus yet on MCDA structure and... more
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      PharmacoeconomicsMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructure
Nigeria is a West African country, often referred to as the "Giant of Africa" due to its population of over 177 million and an estimated GDP of over US$587 billion; abundant natural resources including one of the largest natural gas and... more
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      SocioeconomicsSDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Infrastructure PlanningGreen Infrastructure
The vital importance of a reliable and safe drinking water supply makes efficient risk management necessary for water utilities. Risks must be assessed and possible risk-reduction measures evaluated to provide relevant decision support.... more
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      Civil EngineeringWater EngineeringDecision AnalysisRisk assessment
Control Benchmarking Multi-criteria decision analysis Uncertainty Monte Carlo simulation a b s t r a c t The evaluation of activated sludge control strategies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) via mathematical modelling is a complex... more
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      Decision MakingWaterMonte Carlo SimulationWastewater Treatment
ABSTRACT Supported by a network of researchers and practitioners, the goal programming (GP) model is alive today more than ever and is continually fed with theoretical developments and new applications with resounding success. The... more
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      Multi-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureBusiness and Management
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      Multi-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureBusiness and Management
This paper presents some preliminary results from a research study conducted on solar energy resource assessment in Oman. GIS-based spatial multi-criteria evaluation approach, in terms of the FLOWA module was used to assess the land... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureSolar Energy
Grass biogas/biomethane has been put forward as a renewable energy solution and it has been shown to perform well in terms of energy balance, greenhouse gas emissions and policy constraints. Biofuel and energy crop solutions are... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsRenewable EnergyMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructure
Use of online matrimony for matchmaking is rapidly growing in India. One of the major difficulties faced by the users of such websites is the long time taken to realize the matches. We propose an integrated approach to matchmaking in... more
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      Fuzzy LogicMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureAhpBusiness and Management
The topic of ‘how mega transport projects should be assessed’ continues to generate disputes amongst academics, infrastructure specialists, investors and governments alike. This Ph.D. research sought to explore the applicability of... more
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      Decision MakingInfrastructure PlanningTransport PlanningImpact Evaluation
Multi-criteria analysis (MCA), in the literature also known under the names of multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM), multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), multi-objective decision analysis (MODA), multiple-attribute... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationImpact EvaluationPerformance AppraisalsDecision-Making
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      Infrastructure PlanningMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureTrenchless Technology
In the 21st century, adequate and reliable infrastructure for a country is essential for sustainable development and improving competitiveness in a world influenced by globalization. Indonesia is a country that still requires a... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningTransportation Infrastructure SystemsMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructurePublic Private Partnerships
Although additive layer manufacturing is well established for rapid prototyping the low throughput and historic costs have prevented mass-scale adoption. The recent development of the RepRap, an open source self-replicating rapid... more
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      Polymer EngineeringManufacturingPlastic TechnologyLife Cycle Assessment
The financial inclusion is a crucial element in the fight against poverty. The ability to take effective decisions regarding the use and management of money with required informed judgments is financial literacy. It enables a person to... more
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      Development EconomicsMacroeconomicsEconomic GrowthSustainable Development
This report’s main aim is to propose a methodology for assessing state-budget-funded projects based on a rigorous selection model, including clear and effective prioritization criteria. This report first argues that project prioritization... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureInfrastructure DevelopmentInfrastructure
In Greece Sanitary landfilling is the most common way of disposing of municipal solid wastes. However, one of the major problems in waste management now a days concerns is the selection procedure of the most appropriate site for their... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringDesign multi-disciplinary practiceLandfill DesignMulti Criteria Decision Making
In order to solve a number of real decision-making problems, over time, a number of multiple criteria decision-making methods have been proposed. The EDAS method is one of the newly proposed methods; its computational procedure can be... more
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      Decision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingJudgment and decision makingDecision Sciences
Decision analysis can be defined as a set of systematic procedures for analysing complex decision problems. Differences between the desired and the actual state of real world geographical system is a spatial decision problem, which can be... more
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      Decision AnalysisMulti Criteria Decision MakingMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureNature
Abstract: Landfill selection in an urban area is a critical issue in the urban planning process because of its enormous impact on the economy, ecology and the environmental health of the region. With the growth of urbanization as well as... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban PlanningEnvironmental HealthWaste Management
This paper aims to present an implementation of classical DEA models in R, a free software and open source, highly extensible that offers a variety of functions and graphical routines for data analysis. In this work we show both the CRS... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)EconomicsEnergy EconomicsStatistics
A spatial decision support system (SDSS) based on multi-criteria and multi-objective decision analysis is applied in a case study in Ethiopia to reduce soil erosion on the basis of reallocation of crops according to their capacity to... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementDecision AnalysisAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessMultidisciplinary
Research of Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique for Decision
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      Game TheoryDecision MakingDecision And Game TheoryDecision Support Systems
This paper presents an integrated approach for the identification of potential candidate landfill sites in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone via a two-stage analysis. In the first-stage analysis, Geographical Information Systems (GIS)... more
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      Human GeographyMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureGeographic Information SystemGIS
The present paper delineates a three-step algorithm for the analytic network process (ANP) structure design. When defining the decision goal and the alternative set, one can use the three-step algorithm proposed in this paper, first, to... more
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      Multi Criteria Decision MakingAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureAnalytic Network Process
The main goal of green supply chain management (GSCM) is to reduce the negative environmental impacts in all activities and stages of a supply chain. Evaluation of suppliers in a supply chain according to environmental criteria can help... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementDecision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingJudgment and decision making
Intersections are critical places which experience high levels of accidents due to the availability of vehicle movements from different directions. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that significantly contribute to... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransportation EngineeringSafety Engineering
Because of the possible harmful effects of construction equipment on the environment, evaluation of them can be considered as a helpful activity to move toward the sustainability in construction. This evaluation process could involve some... more
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      Decision MakingDecision Support SystemsDecision Making Under UncertaintyMulti Criteria Decision Making
In this paper we give an overview of the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for transport project appraisal. The aim of this review is to provide an outline of the increasing use of MCDA methods in the evaluation of transport... more
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      StakeholdersUrban And Regional PlanningMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructureMobility
We applied marine spatial planning (MSP) to manage conflicts in a multi-use coastal area of Kenya. MSP involves several steps which were supported by using geographical information systems (GISs), multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA)... more
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      Environmental ManagementKenyaIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)Multidisciplinary
A key factor to attain success in any discipline, especially in a field which requires handling large amounts of information and knowledge, is decision making. Most real-world decision-making problems involve a great variety of factors... more
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      Decision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingJudgment and Decision Making (Judgment And Decision Making)Decision Sciences
In recent years Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) has become pertinent even in regions without sustained overload conditions caused by dense traffic operations. Increasing traffic volumes in the face of constrained resources has created... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringDecision MakingOperations ManagementOperations Research
Supply chain risk management research has mainly mistreated the important of sustainability issues. Moreover, there is little knowledge about sustainable management of risk and supply chain and the way they impose losses for firms. Risk... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementDecision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingPolicy Analysis and Decision Making
As a practical popular methodology for dealing with fuzziness and uncertainty in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM), Fuzzy AHP (FAHP) has been applied to a wide range of applications. As of the time of writing there is no state of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDecision MakingDecision Making Analysis and ModelingPolicy Analysis and Decision Making