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While digitalization of cultural organizations is in full swing and growth, it is common knowledge that websites can be used as a beacon to expand the awareness and consideration of their services on the Web. Nevertheless, recent research... more
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      DrupalContent Management Systems (CMS)InformationWebsites
While digitalization of cultural organizations is in full swing and growth, it is common knowledge that websites can be used as a beacon to expand the awareness and consideration of their services on the Web. Nevertheless, recent research... more
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      DrupalContent Management Systems (CMS)InformationWebsites
Definition of nine visit segments of the Tate website
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumOnline MuseumMuseum
While digitalization of cultural organizations is in full swing and growth, it is common knowledge that websites can be used as a beacon to expand the awareness and consideration of their services on the Web. Nevertheless, recent research... more
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      DrupalContent Management Systems (CMS)InformationWebsites
Art museums are institutions with the general purpose to acquire, preserve and provide access to the works of art. 1 Thus, they have the unique ability to decide which art works will represent man's finest works, shaping -in this way -an... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesBritish HistoryMuseums and Exhibition Design
ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Η παρούσα εργασία μελετάει το ρόλο του σύγχρονου μουσείου μέσα από ένα δείγμα τριών ιστοσελίδων υπαρκτών μουσείων τέχνης (real museums on digital). Παρουσιάζει τα αποτελέσματα από την παρατήρηση των ιστοσελίδων, σε σχέση με την... more
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      Museum learningMuseum StudiesDigital MuseumContemporary Art
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    • Museum websites
Si presentano i risultati dell'indagine sulla visibilità online del patrimonio culturale siciliano (realizzata nel volume "La visibilit@ sul web del patrimonio culturale siciliano. Criticità e prospettive attraverso un survey on-line con... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationDigital DivideMedia Studies
The exhibition of the Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham Museum and Gallery is reviewed along with the accompanying publications ‘The Staffordshire Hoard’ and ‘Beasts, Birds and Gods: Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard’ and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMuseologyDigital Media and Learning
In this paper, we analyse trends of the first wave of museum websites (from the 1990s to the early 2000s) to understand how the characteristics of the Internet (specifically the World Wide Web), of museum staff, and museum audiences... more
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumHistory of TechnologyOpen Source Software
In this paper, we analyse trends of the first wave of museum websites (from the 1990s to the early 2000s) to understand how the characteristics of the Internet (specifically the World Wide Web), of museum staff, and museum audiences... more
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumOpen Source SoftwareDigital History
Resumo [PT] O cruzamento entre a arte e as tecnologias digitais tem vindo a afirmar-se, progressivamente, como um tema fundamental na cultura contemporânea. Um pouco por todo o mundo, multiplicam-se as exposições, os festivais, as... more
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      Museum StudiesContemporary ArtNet ArtNew Media Art
Understanding our audiences is a key element in the design of the digital experiences we offer. Our digital strategy principles aim for an approach that is audiencecentered and insightdriven. But what does this mean in practice? How can... more
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumOnline MuseumVisitor studies
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      Cultural DiffusionMuseum websites
The concept of the distributed multimedia information resource «Digital Encyclopedia of the Hermitage. Volume 1. Archaeology» The project of scientific cooperation between the Siberian Feder al University (Krasnoyarsk) and the State... more
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      CooperationEncyclopediaMuseum websitesHermitage Museum
"La valorizzazione culturale e museale attraverso le nuove tecnologie costituisce un tema innovativo ed in costante evoluzione per chi si occupi, oggi, sia di economia, marketing e gestione museale che di comunicazione, fruizione e... more
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      ArchaeologyDigital DivideNew MediaTourism Marketing
"Proponendosi come naturale ‘evoluzione’ del precedente lavoro intitolato “Il museo contemporaneo, fra tradizione, marketing e nuove tecnologie” (Aracne, Roma 2011), il volume inquadra inizialmente le problematiche riguardanti le ICT e il... more
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      MarketingReligionArchaeologyInformation Technology
"We consider the provision of museum Web sites with respect to gender issues from a number of different perspectives. Design issues for Web access, the use of technology such as Web logs by women, together with some more specialist... more
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      Feminist SociologyMedia SociologySociology of CultureGender Studies
In this paper, we analyse trends of the first wave of museum websites (from the 1990s to the early 2000s) to understand how the characteristics of the Internet (specifically the World Wide Web), of museum staff, and museum audiences... more
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      Museum StudiesDigital MuseumHistory of TechnologyOpen Source Software
В тезисах рассматривается зарождение концепта виртуального музея, а также его последующий транзит в современное состояние. В литературе анализируются виртуальные музеи в сравнительно узкой исторической перспективе, их история связывается... more
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      Museum websitesистория музеев
In 2001, Bellido (2001: 231-232) listed the advantages of museums' appearing on the Internet. For example, the ability to offer their information at anytime and place in the world, or the capacity for a museum to update its own... more
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    • Museum websites
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    • Museum websites
Versión española English version Sitios Web de museos de Cataluña: Análisis y propuesta de evaluación Autor: Ricard Monistrol, Cristòfol Rovira, Lluis Codina Situación en la jerarquía: Inicio -> Números publicados -> Núm. 4, mayo... more
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    • Museum websites
Il presente articolo costituisce una riflessione sui siti web museali, che ne analizza obiettivi e ragioni di creazione. Pubblicato nel portale Musei-it
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      Museum StudiesMuseum websites
Versión española English version Sitios Web de museos de Cataluña: Análisis y propuesta de evaluación Autor: Ricard Monistrol, Cristòfol Rovira, Lluis Codina Situación en la jerarquía: Inicio -> Números publicados -> Núm. 4, mayo... more
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    • Museum websites
While digitalization of cultural organizations is in full swing and growth, it is common knowledge that websites can be used as a beacon to expand the awareness and consideration of their services on the Web. Nevertheless, recent research... more
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      DrupalContent Management Systems (CMS)WebsitesMuseum websites
This paper discusses an innovative, international, collaborative approach that we used to present and interpret archeological data found along the length of the BTC and SCP oil and gas pipelines (the “pipelines corridor”) from the Caspian... more
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      CaucasusTurkeyCapacity BuildingDigital Anthropology
In the final scene of "Raiders of the Lost Ark", a crate containing the object of Indiana Jones' quest is wheeled into an immense warehouse for indefinite storage and questionable research access. Unfortunately, this fate is not all that... more
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    • Museum websites
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    • Museum websites