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HIS4935 U03: Senior Seminar,
Fall 2015,
Draft Syllabus,
The English/British, Black, and Red Atlantics: Slavery and other Maritime Links
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      American HistoryAtlantic WorldBlack AtlanticAtlantic history
Officially, the 300-year enslavement of Africans in America desisted on December 06, 1865, by virtue of the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. (African slaves were brought to so-called Spanish Florida as early as the... more
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      Race and RacismGenocide StudiesSlaveryEveryday Racism
the course of the sixteenth century, more than two thousand people categorized as indios traveled to Castile. A handful dressed in colorful regalia-wearing feathered garments and bearing weapons-paraded before royal officials or posed for... more
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    • Native American Slavery
...they were a people from the rural villages of New Mexico, who found their common origins in the Spanish colony’s slave trade with the nomadic tribes of the region. Silences have grown from their history because its historical and... more
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      Chicano StudiesLatino/A StudiesNative American StudiesHistory of Slavery
In early colonial Latin America many of the women who had been distributed as war booty, taken in village raids, or illegally branded as slaves became the partners of Spanish men. This article privileges these severely compromised... more
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    • Native American Slavery
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      EthnohistoryNative American StudiesAmerican Indian HistoryHistory of Slavery