Everyday Racism
Recent papers in Everyday Racism
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
My story on how one experienced Racism, Discrimination in Université Libre de Brussels. Hate continues because we stay quiet, shy away from denoucing it, speaking it or being compromised. Racism and hate or discrimination should never be... more
Is Africa a non-racial continent inhabited by racially undifferentiated peoples unschooled in, and unfamiliar with, the power and privileges of whiteness? This article surveys the quotidian, conceptual, spatial, and symbolic landscapes of... more
Racial hoaxes are becoming a popular discursive strategy to disguise racism, as well as a powerful means for triggering waves of fake news and outraged comments both on mainstream and social media. Built on grounds of plausibility and... more
In two studies, this thesis depicts the relationship between minority group status in the United States, perceived discrimination, and coping with stress. Past literature on coping and its types – problem-focused versus emotion-focused –... more
Schüler*innen untersuchen im Englischunterricht Alltagsrassismen mit dramapädagogischen Mitteln.// Learners explore everyday racism e.g. based on white privilege by means of drama teaching methods.
Sind antimuslimische Diskurse Ausdruck einer aktuellen Form des Rassismus? Anhand von Fallbeispielen – darunter auflagenstarke Buchpublikationen, Zeitungsartikel, Webseiten und Zuschriften an muslimische Verbände – geht Yasemin Shooman... more
Race and Racism in Modern East Asia juxtaposes Western racial constructions of East Asians with constructions of race and their outcomes in modern East Asia. It is the first endeavor to explicitly and coherently link constructions of race... more
Το κείμενο αυτό αποτελεί την αρχική μορφή της συνεισφοράς του γράφοντος στην έκθεση "Ρατσισμός και διακρίσεις στην Ελλάδα σήμερα" (Γαζάκης-Συρρή-Τάκης, 2014).
abstract This study engaged the relatively new method of on-line survey methodology to address a few key questions about perceptions of racism in Puerto Rico. The questions addressed whether Puerto Ricans perceive anti-black racism to... more
Officially, the 300-year enslavement of Africans in America desisted on December 06, 1865, by virtue of the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. (African slaves were brought to so-called Spanish Florida as early as the... more
The portrayal of Hispanics in American film and television has focused traditionally on negative stereotypes of the worst values and traditions of the Spanish-speaking communities in the country, with a racist and prejudiced... more
The notions of conviviality, everyday multiculturalism, ordinary cosmopolitanism focus on how people live together in contexts of cultural diversity. However, discussion has been to a large degree limited to the context of the... more
Video games are increasingly becoming an important media today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
This study will comprehensively analyze the article “Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The critical case of very young children” by Debra Van Ausdale and Joe R. Feagin from the journal of American Sociological Review (1996). From this... more
The "white Australia policy" has so far largely been discussed with regard only to its political-ideological perspective. No account was taken of the central problem of racist societalization, i.e. the everyday production and reproduction... more
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
"En nuestra vida cotidiana de habitantes del llamado “mundo occidental” abundan las situaciones en que la música suena mientras estamos ocupados en alguna otra actividad. Calles y plazas, transportes, supermercados, casas particulares,... more
The Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review ('the Review') is a peer-reviewed publication that is available online through the Australian Psychological Society. Its remit is to encourage research that challenges the stereotypes and... more
Video games are increasingly becoming an important medium today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
This article uses a Latina/o critical theory framework (LatCrit), as a branch of critical race theory (CRT) in education, to understand how discourses of racist nativism-the institutionalized ways people perceive, understand and make... more
Contemporary approaches to integrating "self" and the "other"—such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race relations, inclusiveness strategies, or identity politics—are flawed from the perspective of traditional thought. At their... more
From my childhood in a family of Algerian origin in Istres (Marseilles, France) to my present academic life in Berlin, an overview of the different stages of my career, with a focus on themes like migration, immigration, integration,... more
The term “microaggression” has experienced a lively existence in the field of psychology since its introduction in 1970s. Sociology has recently come to study microaggressions, yet, serious gaps remain in the study of microaggressions.... more
While a focus on institutional anti-racism challenges structural formations of racialized inequality, the inattention to quotidian resistance misses the complex manner in which racism is negotiated in everyday life. Examining ‘everyday... more
Reflecting on European colonialism in 1950 - at a time when discussions about what we now know as the European Union emerged in western Europe, Aimé Césaire wrote, . . . Europe is morally, spiritually indefensible. This idea is fairly... more
Unconscious mental processes (such as the automatic activation of racial stereotypes) can lead to such phenomena as negative pygmalion effects and stereotype threat, both of which directly interfere with black students' academic success,... more
Despite the fact that much of ‘the history of anti-racism consists of the actions of ordinary people’, studies on ‘everyday anti-racism’ remain little consolidated in racism and anti-racism theory (Bonnett, 2000: 88). Following from... more
The chapter deals with implicit meanings in political advertising. It argues that an adequate interpretation of some messages, particularly those that appear vague, ambiguous and semantically indeterminate, needs to be contextualized with... more
This article argues for the analytical potentials of the concept of spontaneity in our effort to understand critically the socio-spatial dynamics of Athens, but especially the contemporary collective protest actions in the city. Such... more
The portrayal of Hispanics in American film and television has focused traditionally in negative stereotypes of the worst values and traditions of the Spanish-speaking communities in the country, with a racist and prejudiced... more
Each year, Israel's young men and women are drafted into compulsory military service and are required to engage directly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This conflict is by its nature intensely complex and is played out under the... more
"“Bernstein’s powerful account of how the sentimental ideology of childhood innocence, and particularly its highly gendered manifestations, function to articulate racial hierarchies gives strong and detailed evidence for how paying... more
This chapter is theoretical and will briefly discuss the role of environmental epigenetics, and the vulnerability to physical and mental health-related disease passed down from the horrors of African slavery and what this racial history... more