Nature-Inspired Computing
Recent papers in Nature-Inspired Computing
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
MOFPA--Multi-objective flower pollination algorithm. This demo solves a bi-objective ZDT function of D=30 (dimensions), which can be extended to solve other multi-objective optimization problems. It is relatively straightforward to extend... more
This presentation introduces the standard firefly algorithm (FA), which also contains the links to the Matlab code (downloadable at Mathswork File Exchange) and the numerical simulations at Youtube.
The standard flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is inspired by the pollination characteristics of flowering plants. This demo solves the Ackley function of D=10 dimensions. It is straightforward to extend it to solve other functions and... more
Modern metaheuristic algorithms such as bee algorithms and harmony search start to demonstrate their power in dealing with tough optimization problems and even NP-hard problems. This book reviews and introduces the state-of-the-art... more
This presentation introduces the fundamental ideas of nature-inspired optimization algorithms, based on the book by Xin-She Yang, Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms, Elsevier (2014). These slides also contain the links to the Matlab... more
The multiobjective bat algorithm (MOBA) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm. This demo solves the bi-objective ZDT3 functions with D=30 (dimensions), and the obtained Pareto Front is displayed. It is relatively straightforward to... more
An accessible introduction to metaheuristics and optimization, featuring powerful and modern algorithms for application across engineering and the sciences From engineering and computer science to economics and management science,... more
Navigation abilities are crucial for survival in nature, and there are a wide range of sophisticated abilities concerning animal navigation and migration. Many applications are related to navigation and routing problems, which are in turn... more
Many optimization problems in science and engineering are challenging to solve, and the current trend is to use swarm intelligence (SI) and SI-based algorithms to tackle such challenging problems. Some significant developments have been... more
Many design problems in engineering are typically multiobjective, under complex nonlinear constraints. The algorithms needed to solve multiobjective problems can be significantly different from the methods for single objective... more
Firefly algorithm (FA) was developed by Xin-She Yang in 2008 and it has 1 become an important tool for solving the hardest optimization problems in almost 2 all areas of optimization as well as engineering practice. The literature has... more
This presentation explains the fundamental ideas of the standard Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), which also contains the links to the free Matlab codes at Mathswork file exchanges and the animations of numerical simulations (video at... more
The multiobjective firefly algorithm (MOFA) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm. This demo solves the bi-objective ZDT3 functions with D=30 (dimensions), and the obtained Pareto Front is displayed. It is relatively straightforward... more
The standard cuckoo search algorithm is inspired by the evolutionary characteristics of cuckoo-host interactions. This demo solves a function of d=15 dimensions. It is straightforward to extend it to solve other functions and optimization... more
Data clustering is a technique for clustering set of objects into known number of groups. Several approaches are widely applied to data clustering so that objects within the clusters are similar and objects in different clusters are far... more
Combinatorial optimization problems, specially those that are NP-hard, are increasingly being dealt with by stochastic, metaheuristic approaches. Most recently developed metaheuristics are nature-inspired and they are often inspired by... more
The multistage hybrid flow shop (HFS) scheduling problems are considered in this paper. Hybrid flowshop scheduling problems were proved to be NP-hard. A recently developed cuckoo search (CS) metaheuristic algorithm is presented in this... more
The standard firefly algorithm is inspired by the flashing patterns of tropical fireflies. This demo solves a function of d=10 dimensions. It is straightforward to extend it to solve other functions and optimization problems. The... more
Many applications related to autonomous mobile robots require to explore in an unknown environment searching for static targets, without any a priori information about the environment topology and target locations. Targets in such rescue... more
Reliability based design optimization (RBDO) problems are important in engineering applications, but it is challenging to solve such problems. In this study, a new resolution method based on the directional Bat Algorithm (dBA) is... more
This paper is dedicated to everyone who is interested in the Artificial Intelligence. John Henry Holland proposed Genetic Algorithm in the early 1970s. Ant Colony Optimization was proposed by Marco Dorigo in 1992. Particle Swarm... more
Citation Detail: Many problems in science and engineering can be formulated as optimization problems, subject to complex nonlinear constraints. The solutions of highly nonlinear problems usually require sophisticated optimization... more
Multiobjective design optimization problems require multiobjective optimization techniques to solve, and it is often very challenging to obtain high-quality Pareto fronts accurately. In this paper, the recently developed flower... more
Flower pollination algorithm is a recent metaheuristic algorithm for solving nonlinear global optimization problems. The algorithm has also been extended to solve multiobjective optimization with promising results. In this work, we... more
Increasing demands upon current computer systems, along with technological changes, create a need for more flexible and adaptable systems. Natural systems provide many examples of the type of versatile system required. This paper reviews... more
The bat algorithm (BA) has been shown to be effective to solve a wider range of optimization problems. However, there is not much theoretical analysis concerning its convergence and stability. In order to prove the convergence of the bat... more
Combinatorial optimization problems are typically NP-hard, and thus very challenging to solve. In this paper, we present the random-key cuckoo search (RKCS) algorithm for solving the famous travelling salesman problem (TSP). We used a... more
Flower pollination algorithm is a recent metaheuristic algorithm for solving nonlinear global optimization problems. The algorithm has also been extended to solve multiobjective optimization with promising results. In this work, we... more
The cross-ambiguity function (CAF) relates to the correlation processing of signals in radar, sonar, and communication systems in the presence of delays and Doppler shifts. It is a commonly used tool in the analysis of signals in these... more
Bat algorithm (BA) is a recent optimization algorithm based on swarm intelligence and inspiration from the echolocation behavior of bats. One of the issues in the standard bat algorithm is the premature convergence that can occur due to... more
The multiobjective cuckoo search (MOCS) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm. This demo solves the bi-objective ZDT3 functions with D=30 (dimensions), and the obtained Pareto Front is displayed. It is relatively straightforward to... more
A real-world newspaper distribution problem with recycling policy is tackled in this work. In order to meet all the complex restrictions contained in such a problem, it has been modeled as a rich vehicle routing problem, which can be more... more
A recent book on Nature-Inspired Computation with applications in Engineering.
These slides are the keynote talk by Xin-She Yang at LION2019 Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (Crete, Greece) .
The problem of reorganizing branches in an enterprise network is based on a weighted graph problem formulation. The suboptimal solution to this problem is obtained by applying a two-phase algorithm. The first is to decompose the graph... more
Global Optimization Techniques like Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Optimization and other optimization techniques were used in literature to solve complex optimization problems. Many optimization algorithms... more