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We thank Mr Daniel Travo for pointing out the typos in the approximated off-diagonal terms of the velocity matrix and the Berry connections at the beginning of the section 3. The corrected expressions are v k z isv k K k ss F»+ and k z k... more
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
For most of the last century, condensed matter physics has been dominated by band theory and Landau's symmetry breaking theory. In the last twenty years, however, there has been an emergence of a new paradigm associated with... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryMathematical SciencesGauge theoryPhysical sciences
We extend the concept of superadiabatic dynamics, or transitionless quantum driving, to quantum open systems whose evolution is governed by a master equation in the Lindblad form. We provide the general framework needed to determine the... more
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
We derive a spin-orbital Hamiltonian for a triangular lattice of e g orbital degenerate (Ni 3+) transition metal ions interacting via 90 • superexchange involving (O 2−) anions, taking into account the on-site Coulomb interactions on both... more
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      PhysicsTransition-Metal OxidesPhysical sciencesMagnetic Susceptibility
Quantum computation is a fast-growing, multi-disciplinary research field. The purpose of a quantum computer is to execute quantum algorithms that efficiently solve computational problems intractable within the existing paradigm of... more
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      Physical sciencesQuantum ComputerNew Physics
Engineering materials at the nanoscale by combining controlled nanomaterial synthesis and directed assembly methods offers the potential to create new electronic and optical devices with improved performance and functionality.... more
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      NanowiresTransport PropertiesThin FilmHigh performance
Self-pumped slow light, typically observed within laser gain media, is created by an intense pump field. By observing the rotation of a structured laser beam upon transmission through a spinning ruby window, we show that the slowing... more
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsRaman SpectroscopyRamanInelastic Neutron Scattering
We report the development of laser diagnostic techniques based on Stark spectroscopy of xenon and krypton atoms. Measurements of Stark spectra from the sheath regions of glow discharges were performed. Experimental results were compared... more
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
We report recent transport and thermodynamic experiments over a wide range of temperatures for the Mott-like system Ca 3 Ru 2 O 7 at high magnetic fields, B (≤ 30 T). This work reveals a rich and highly anisotropic phase diagram, where... more
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      NewPhysical sciencesOscillationsNew Physics
To analyze the influence of Ca 2+ microdomains on the global cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration, we consider the polarization and activation of T-cells after the formation of an immunological synapse as a model system.
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
We consider the dynamics of a movable mirror in a Fabry-Perot cavity coupled through radiation pressure to the cavity field and in contact with a thermal bath at finite temperature. In contrast to previous approaches, we consider... more
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      Quantitative analysisPhysical sciencesBrownian MotionOscillations
The light does not penetrate deeply into the skin tissue because of tissue turbidity. Light penetration depth in skin tissue can be increased by using optical clearing agents such as glycerol, glucose and dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO). The... more
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      UltrasoundQuantitative analysisSkinModulation Transfer Function
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      PhysicsOpticsOptical CommunicationMagnetic field
The mechanisms of sterilization and decontamination of surfaces are compared in direct and post discharge plasma treatments in two low-pressure reactors, microwave and inductively coupled plasma. It is shown that the removal of various... more
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      Hospital InfectionNewPhysical sciencesPlasma Treatment
Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is a strong candidate for application in future planar waveguide integration technology, whether or not luminescence is extracted from the silicon. We review recent research on photonic devices based on... more
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      NewPhysical sciencesPhotonic CrystalSilicon on Insulator
Matter-wave interferometry is a powerful tool for high-precision measurements of the quantum properties of atoms, many-body phenomena and gravity. The most precise matter-wave interferometers exploit the excellent localization in momentum... more
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
A new physical method of analysis of samples containing small quantities of aluminium is described. The sample is bombarded with fast protons and the resulting 7;-rays are analysed by the Ge(Li) technique. The high selectivity of these... more
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      Analytical ChemistryInorganic ChemistryQuantitative analysisStainless Steel
A new physical method of analysis of samples containing small quantities of aluminium is described. The sample is bombarded with fast protons and the resulting 7;-rays are analysed by the Ge(Li) technique. The high selectivity of these... more
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      Analytical ChemistryInorganic ChemistryQuantitative analysisStainless Steel
With this review, the decision process necessary to finalize and prioritize the initial science program for the 12 GeV Upgrade is formally underway.
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      Quantum ChromodynamicsQuantum MechanicsAccess To InformationWeak interaction
Supplier relationship management is an important challenge for shippers in logistics outsourcing. This paper attempts to understand the factors which affect inter organizational relationships performance in third party logistics and... more
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      Conflict ResolutionSupplier relationship managementCase StudyConceptual Model
This contribution was written on the occasion of the conference entitled “A Not-Newtonian Research Program for Acupuncture – From Biomedicine to LH Medicine”, organised on 1 and 2 June 2018 by the Sigmund Freud University and the... more
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      Quantum PhysicsHealingNew PhysicsThird Millennium Physics
Standard Model contributions to the electron, muon, and tau lepton anomalous magnetic moments, a l = (g l − 2)/2, are reviewed and updated. The fine structure constant is obtained from the electron ge − 2 and used to refine the QED... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsStandard ModelFine Structure Constant
While educational reforms in introductory physics are becoming more widespread, how these reforms are implemented is less well understood. This paper examines the variation in faculty practices surrounding the implementation of... more
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      PhysicsCase StudiesPhysics EducationSCIENCE TEACHING
Laboratory based torsion balance experiments allow sensitive tests of gravitational forces and of forces much weaker than gravity. Our EotWash group at the University of Washington has used torsion balances to set new limits on the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringPhysicsDark Matter
We perform a comprehensive study of the allowed range for the Tevatron tbar{t} forward-backward asymmetries in six representative new physics models: a flavour-changing Z' boson, a scalar isodoublet, a W' boson, a heavy axigluon, a... more
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      High Energy PhysicsStandard ModelNew Physics
A Lorentz force flowmeter is a device for the contactless measurement of flow rates in electrically conducting fluids. It is based on the measurement of a force on a magnet system that acts upon the flow. We formulate the theory of the... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsMagnetic fieldPhysical sciencesLaboratory experiment
We review observational evidence for a matter-antimatter asymmetry in the early universe, which leads to the remnant matter density we observe today. We also discuss bounds on the presence of antimatter in the present day universe,... more
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      Dark MatterAntimatterPhysical sciencesNew Physics
In this paper we propose a new physically plausible, anisotropic Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for fitting and for importance sampling in global illumination rendering. We demonstrate that the new model is better... more
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      Monte CarloReal-time renderingMaterials DesignData Fitting
Semiconductor devices generally take advantage of the charge of electrons, whereas magnetic materials are used for recording information involving electron spin. To make use of both charge and spin of electrons in semiconductors, a high... more
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      ScienceIII-V SemiconductorsMagnetic MaterialsSemiconductor Devices
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      BibliometricsObesityAustraliaPhysical Activity
We present theoretical and experimental investigations of threeterminal nanoelectromechanical relays based on suspended carbon nanotubes. A charge is induced in the nanotube by applying a voltage to an underlying gate electrode thus... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
Without the MCNC and ISPD98 benchmarks, it would arguably not have been possible for the academic community to make consistent advances in physical design over the last decade. While still being used extensively in placement and... more
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      Design ResearchPhysical DesignNew Physics
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingA Priori KnowledgeCommon Knowledge
An efficient solution for the multivariable submarine control design at low-depth conditions under the influence of wave disturbances is presented. The analysis and control design process is carried out under the framework of individual... more
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      Civil EngineeringOcean EngineeringControl DesignSeismic analysis and design
Modern theories of everything, or theories of the grand unification of all physical interactions, try to describe the whole world starting from the first principles of quantum theory. However, the first principles operate with... more
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      Functional AnalysisPhysicsQuantum TheoryQuantum Mechanics
A new physical quantity, E h ¼ 1 2 Q vh T , has been identified as a basis for optimizing heat transfer processes in terms of the analogy between heat and electrical conduction. This quantity, which will be referred to as entransy,... more
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      EngineeringHeat TransferHeat and Mass TransferMathematical Sciences
A new physical module for the biophysical simulation code PARTRAC has recently been developed, based on newly derived electron inelastic-scattering cross-sections in liquid water. In the present work, two modules of PARTRAC describing the... more
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Double-slit diffraction is a corner stone of quantum mechanics. It illustrates key features of quantum mechanics: interference and the particle-wave duality of matter. In 1965, Richard Feynman presented a thought experiment to show these... more
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      Physical sciencesNew Physics
An inexhaustive review of Hawking radiation and black hole thermodynamics is given, focusing especially upon some of the historical aspects as seen from the biased viewpoint of a minor player in the field on and off for the past thirty... more
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      Hawking RadiationPhysical sciencesBlack HoleBlack Hole Thermodynamics
Individually visible scratches, also called isolated scratches, are very common in real world surfaces. Although their microgeometry is not visible, they are individually perceptible by the human eye, lying into a representation scale... more
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      High resolution satelite imageNew PhysicsMaterial PropertiesPhysics based Modeling
We perform a comprehensive study of the allowed range for the Tevatron tbar{t} forward-backward asymmetries in six representative new physics models: a flavour-changing Z' boson, a scalar isodoublet, a W' boson, a heavy axigluon, a... more
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      High Energy PhysicsStandard ModelNew Physics
The HERA electron--proton collider has collected 100 pb$^{-1}$ of data since its start-up in 1992, and recently moved into a high-luminosity operation mode, with upgraded detectors, aiming to increase the total integrated luminosity per... more
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      PhysicsElectroweak Symmetry BreakingHigh Energy PhysicsLarge Hadron Collider
The aim of this essay is to distinguish and analyze several difficulties confronting attempts to reconcile the fundamental quantum mechanical dynamics with Born's rule. It is shown that many of the proposed accounts of measurement fail at... more
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      PhilosophyQuantum MechanicsMeasurement ProblemNew Physics
Due to the interaction of physics and astrophysics we are witnessing in these years a splendid synthesis of theoretical, experimental and observational results originating from three fundamental physical processes. They were originally... more
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      X-ray BinariesActive Galactic NucleiQuantum MechanicsCritical Mass
The present modern physics is based on non-empirical abstract ideas and mathematics, it hasn't solved any fundamental problems rather it has creates lot of problems and big crisis in physics, its claim to have been solved the problems of... more
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      Philosophy of PhysicsFoundations of PhysicsClassical PhysicsNew Physics
Two standard physics problems are solved in terms of the Lambert Ï function, in order to show the applicability of this recently defined function to physics. Other applications of the function are cited, but not described. The problems... more
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      Quantum MechanicsProblem SolvingMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Einstein's special theory of relativity revolutionized physics by teaching us that space and time are not separate entities, but join as "spacetime". His general theory of relativity further taught us that spacetime is not just a stage on... more
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      General RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativityGeneral Theory of RelativityGravitational Wave Detectors
This article presents a review of the current state of the art in the research field of cold and ultracold molecules. It serves as an introduction to the Special Issue of the New Journal of Physics on Cold and Ultracold Molecules and... more
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      Physical sciencesQuantum ComputerTechnological DevelopmentNew Physics
With applying of new proposed electromagnetic gravity Lagrangian together with Einstein-Hilbert equation not zero space curvature was derived. The curvature gives "a priory" postulate of equivalence of mass and electromagnetic field... more
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      Modern physicsElectromagnetic FieldNew PhysicsExperimental Data