New Queer Cinema
Recent papers in New Queer Cinema
From its inception, depiction of sexuality on screen outside of heteronormative behavior has consistently been met with censorship by the state and negative criticism from the media. Yet, beginning with mid 1960s and spanning latter... more
Proposing a radical vision of cinema's queer globalism, Karl Schoonover and Rosalind Galt explore how queer filmmaking intersects with international sexual cultures, geopolitics, and aesthetics to disrupt dominant modes of world making.... more
(1981-1995) targeted gay community greatly. While they were suffering from the disease, they were blamed for spreading it. Urgent action was needed to highlight this issue which was ignored by the US government for far too long. Gregg... more
Trazemos neste artigo discussão sobre a película tailandesa The Iron Ladies, que mostrou em sua história o caso real de uma equipe que na década de 1990 disputou a liga nacional de voleibol masculino na Tailândia, composto por atletas com... more
Als B. Ruby Rich im März 1992 in der New Yorker Village Voice ein neues queeres Kino ausrief, brachte sie damit ein Phänomen auf den Punkt, das mit dem Toronto-Filmfestival ein Jahr zuvor begonnen und seit dem Sundance Film Festival die... more
KINO 2016 r. , nr 03, s. 24-27
Dąbrowska Diana:
Gatunek: artykuł
Słowa kluczowe:
Bohater artykułu: Haynes Todd
Tytuł: CAROL Reżyser: Haynes Todd
Dąbrowska Diana:
Gatunek: artykuł
Słowa kluczowe:
Bohater artykułu: Haynes Todd
Tytuł: CAROL Reżyser: Haynes Todd
In this paper, I posit a theoretical intersection that may seem counterintuitive on the surface, but through my analysis and interrogations, I hope to illuminate how each school of theory seems made to fit into the other. I will disclose... more
La ricerca di sé stessi e della propria identità, sia per quanto riguarda il piano fisico che per quanto riguarda il piano mentale, è sempre stata uno dei temi cardine di ogni forma narrativa. Attraverso concetti come "Cross - dressing" e... more
I´ve tried to make a genealogy of Appadurai´s transcultural landscapes including a Latin American perspective from Silviano Santiago´s inbetween space, Canclini´s interculturality among others so that I could read Wong Kar Wai´s Happy... more
Show Me Love is Sweden’s first and until recently only lesbian coming- out story.4 It has become a cult film of modern European and international gay cinema. Show Me Love is both a coming-of-age and a coming-out story, simultaneously a... more
Chapter included in Ronald Gregg and Amy Villarejo, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Queer Cinema
índice, introducción y selección de páginas del libro "Universo Almodóvar. Estética de la pasión en un cineasta posmoderno" (Alianza Editorial, 2017)
Im folgenden Überblick zu Queer Cinema Studies möchte ich nicht nur über Filme, ihre Inhalte und ihre Analyse mithilfe filmtheoretischer Begriffe sprechen, sondern auch auf die für Queer Cinema (Studies) relevanten Produktions-und... more
The research presented here shows the ways in which queer film festivals contribute to the production, exhibition and debate on genre films. Our study object to answer the initial question are the Queer Lisbon festival, held annually in... more
The present article refers to the media-image and symbolic construction of dissenting gender identities. Starting with sixty-five movies chosen along five years. Subsequently, a selection was made from each movie’s characters, finally... more
Este trabalho apresenta, de modo geral, a estruturação do cinema brasileiro contemporâneo de temáticas LGBT em torno das suas diferenças estéticas e políticas. À luz dos estudos de gênero, sexualidades e Teorias queer, é possível... more
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This essay, taken from my upcoming book A Gossip of Images (Duke University Press), considers the intimate and indiscreet circulation of images beyond the context of individual films and the moment of spectatorship. Referring specifically... more
Catálogo New Queer Cinema
This article argues that we are currently experiencing a renaissance of New Queer Cinema (NQC). The original NQC occurred in the early 1990s, which saw a wave of queer films that were successful on the mainstream international film... more
Queer Film Culture has a long history, which directly links queer film with its specific aesthetics and politics and the film festival as a setting characteristic for its audience and community experience. The oldest LGBT/Q film festival... more
Lana and Lilly Wachowski have redefined the technically and topically possible while joyfully defying audience expectations. Visionary films like The Matrix trilogy and Cloud Atlas have made them the world's most influential transgender... more
Dans la foulée du séminaire "Sociologie des homosexualités" (1998-2004) dirigé par Françoise Gaspard et Didier Éribon, une nouvelle génération de chercheuses et chercheurs s'est engagée avec résolution sur le voie des études gays et... more
This photo essay argues that Rituparno Ghosh’s phenomenal stardom as a queer icon in Bengal can be appreciated by analysing his influence on the Bengali stage in terms of queering it. It examines a few plays produced in the years... more
This thesis was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Film Studies at UNSW. ABSTRACT: The increased acceptance of the LGBT+ community has seen a proliferation of queer media in the 21st... more
Here is the introduction I authored to the Duke UP volume, _Reframing
Todd Haynes: Feminism's Indelible Mark_.
Todd Haynes: Feminism's Indelible Mark_.
This paper focuses on the first queer film from Tollywood, featuring Rituparno Ghosh as a transvestite filmmaker, who had by that time emerged as a cultural icon in Bengal. The paper deals with the politics of representation of the... more
This chapter focuses on Velvet Goldmine (1998) and argues that Todd Haynes represents Bowie's Ziggy Stardust persona as a series of phantoms in the Derridean sense. That is, figures that are both absent and present, material and... more
In this chapter, published in "Styling South Asian Youth Cultures Fashion, Media & Society" (I B Tauris and Bloomsbury, 2018) we examine Rituparno Ghosh, a queer filmmaker from Bengal, India, who left an indelible mark on the public... more
1. Multiculturalism and Its Monsters 2. Fleshed Out: On Meat and Excess 3. Performing the (Non)Human 4. Bodies, Boundaries, and the Death Drive 5. Desiring Bodies and the Vicissitudes of Transgression 6. The Pornography of Bare... more
Regardless of one’s sexual orientation, according to Anat Pick, the spectator can be queered by a film. Thus this essay will serve to analyse how Peirce’s film Boys Don’t Cry (1999) queers the spectator. In order to do so, I will provide... more
British television since 2000 has been rich with television films and mini-series that specifically deal with queer women’s issues that fall under the heritage genre. Nevertheless, scholarship on British heritage dramas has often remained... more
Elsewhere, I have proposed a new, hybrid school of theory that hopefully has incredible potential in application with film, and this essay will apply praxis to theory. I claim a mode of analysis engaged with the queer ecosemiotics of... more
This article explores how a reading down of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code and the emergence of identitarian discourses have variously effectuated the representation of queer characters in Bombay cinema. It offers close analysis of... more
This paper attempts at understanding the representation of the otherized identity of homosexual men suffering from HIV/AIDS in Hollywood movies. Through an analysis of movies such as Parting Glances (1986), Longtime Companion (1989), and... more
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