New Realism
Recent papers in New Realism
El presente texto es el prólogo para mi traducción de Q. Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica" (Santiago: Roneo, 2020), que co-escribimos M. Ramírez y yo. Contiene una explicación general del 'realismo especulativo' y el rol... more
Quentin Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica, seguido de "La bola de billar" de I. Asimov. Santiago: Roneo, 2020. Traducción y notas de Meillassoux por Jean-Paul Grasset B. Prólogo de Jean-Paul Grasset B. y Mario Teodoro... more
This thesis studies new forms of realism in Spanish prose in the 2000s, from a corpus of four novels. It contemplates what makes the contemporary reality aesthetic, what its epistemology is, and what links it bears to other forms of... more
El presente texto es el prólogo para mi traducción de M. Gabriel, "El poder del arte", Santiago: Roneo, 2019. Contiene una localización general de Markus Gabriel en el panorama del "nuevo realismo" y el previo "realismo especulativo",... more
Here, I follow one of the more exciting and under-explored consequences of grounding media as metaphor - the (not so) sudden compatibility of media ecology with the claim that fictional objects are real. This paper explores what... more
Hace unos meses, un amigo y colega, profesor en una universidad española, escribía un tuit que borró al día siguiente, por alguna razón que desconozco. El tuit preguntaba: "¿Qué idea filosófica es tan claramente falsa que muy... more
Daß alle unsere Erkenntnis mit der Erfahrung anfange, daran ist gar kein Zweifel", sentenzia Kant in apertura alla prima Kritik. L'affermazione che tutte le nostre conoscenze inizino dall'esperienza, ahimè, è ancora "cosa" dubbia. Sul... more
This paper sets out four fundamental theses. The first (REALITYSM) is the critique of the postmodern hypothesis according to which all reality is socially constructed, a thesis that led to a distorted conception of the media as... more
Cite as:
Bianca Trovò. (2013, January 7). Dall'approccio ecologico all'embodiment: l'inemendabilità del reale secondo l'ottica gibsoniana (Version 1). Zenodo.
Bianca Trovò. (2013, January 7). Dall'approccio ecologico all'embodiment: l'inemendabilità del reale secondo l'ottica gibsoniana (Version 1). Zenodo.
Catalogue text for the exhibition of Gyula Konkoly, hungarian contemporary artist. (Detail from the catalogue) - Hungarian and English
in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2017), S. 174-182.
This paper aims to get a general overview over this question : can the conception of reality as it is consecrated in Clément Rosset's theory, as being a totality and of which little can be known, be opposed to the one promoted by Markus... more
Markus Gabriel nem csupán az újrealizmus kitüntetett képviselő-je, hanem az "újrealizmus" elnevezés kiötlője is-beszámolója szerint egy 2011-es nyári napon, egy Maurizio Ferrarisszal eltöltött nápolyi ebéd során javasolta e terminus... more
W]rite about yourself. Don't imitate literary models. Of course, imitating literary models is the best thing one can do. -Harry Mathews, "The Art of Fiction No. 191" 1 These include sections in works of autobiography studies which are... more
Realism and new realism need to be reconsidered in terms of new representatives of the literature in America. One of the prominent names who skillfully employs these literary currents in his fiction is Philip Roth. In this paper I... more
Markus Gabriel, "El poder del arte". Santiago: Roneo, 2019. Traducción, prólogo y notas de Jean-Paul Grasset B.
Reseña publicada en Revista de Humanidades N° 37, 3 (Enero-Junio 2018): 341-345 (Scopus)
Quello di “fusione degli orizzonti” è senza dubbio uno dei concetti-chiave dell’ermeneutica filosofica di Gadamer. Introdotto in Verità e metodo per indicare l’integrazione reciproca tra l’orizzonte di partenza dell’interprete,... more
This is a discussion of what I call Le Guin's dark realism. A version of this paper was presented at the conference Héritages d'Ursula Le Guin. Science, fiction et éthique pour l'Anthropocène which was held in Paris between the 18th and... more
"Introduction to New Realism" provides an overview of the movement of contemporary thought named New Realism, by its creator and most celebrated practitioner, Maurizio Ferraris. Sharing significant concerns and features with Speculative... more
RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es elaborar un concepto de cine a partir de las posiciones de autores clásicos y contemporáneos sobre el tema. Se trata de una elaboración que articula una aproximación histórica y otra sistemática.... more
Excerpt from Ch. 5 of Capitalism's Holocaust of Animals: In order to equate the human and the non-human animal in the chain of destruction that sustains economy and technology, or to render them equal in the instance of necessary killing,... more
This is a brief capsule review of Markus Gabriel's recent work Fields of Sense: A New Realist Ontology published in the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal.
Phenomenology has entered its second century showing essential advances along with movements that have raised questions about its scope and limits. When Phenomenology ceases to be so and enters into field considered even... more
"En nous penchant dans les pages suivantes sur l’argumentation que Quentin Meillassoux élabore à l’appui de sa pensée, nous aimerions tenter de faire ressortir un problème dans l’argument qu'il développe lorsqu’il prétend identifier le... more
Speculative realism has grown strong in philosophy, challenging what its supporters call philosophies of correlation. Aiming at a renewal of previous ideas, this train of thought relies on mechanisms to indicate its originality and report... more
The argument of this dissertation is that despite the intellectual gendered burden of the problem of disembodiment I define, it can be employed from within the limitations of a gendered account in feminist philosophy of the... more
Literary Studies of contemporary works of literature, in the absence of a canon, are to a high degree directed by order-making umbrella terms. Using the umbrella term “new realism” as example the study examines (1) its relationship with... more
Entre las diferentes tendencias de la filosofía contemporánea, el llamado "nuevo realismo" es probablemente uno de los más interesantes. El "Nuevo Realismo" no es simplemente un "regreso" a la realidad, un reconocimiento banal y trivial... more
ASCA Workshop 2019 ‘Realities and Fantasies’ Relations, Transformations, Discontinuities 10-12 April, organized by Divya Nadkarni, Alex Thinius, Nadia de Vries. Keynote lectures: • Jonathan Culler (Cornell University): Fantasizing... more
Encyclopedia entries, bets, gains and losses, research projects, books, lessons, relationships, votes, credits, exams certificates, exams, records, academic degrees, students, professors, art works and consumerist literature, cathedrae,... more
My topic arose from a feeling of surprise, even stupefaction, facing the philosophical configuration of the last 30 years. Indeed, philosophical production seems to be reduced to a unique claim which we could summarize (to invoke A.... more
politiQue et philosophie du postmoderne au nouVeau réalisme maurizio FeRRaRis postmodernisme et populisme
Se trata de una sencilla incursión por el mundo de Paul Boghossian desde una de sus obras más importantes: El miedo al conocimiento.
In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten hat in Frankreich und Italien eine Abwendung vom neoavantgardistischen und vom postmodernen literarischen Paradigma und eine Überwindung von deren Zentrierung auf tendenziell selbstbezügliche,... more
"TRANSCENDENTAL REALISM" - draft - Monist "New Realism".