Occupy Movement
Recent papers in Occupy Movement
Amerického fi losofa s českými kořeny, který od osmdesátých let rozvíjí svou radikálně ekologickou teorii anarchoprimitivismu, jsme se ptali na jeho postoj k technologiím, dobrovolnictví a kultuře protestu. Mluvili jsme také o deziluzi... more
This chapter describes framing processes of the 15M or Indignados Movement in Spain. We explore the framing processes that underlie mobilization in social media from a framing perspective. Dynamic network analysis of tweets referring to... more
Sánchez-Mateos Paniagua, Rafael (2013) "El impulso milagroso que levanta = The Miraculous impulse that rise up", Nolens Volens 6, 24-32.
In January 2017, after decades of preparation, Christo announced his decision to withdraw his largest to-date project that was supposed to be set in Colorado (Jones, 2017), as a protest against the programme of the new US president,... more
This article aims to discuss how Bartleby, Herman Melville's literary character from the homonymous story, Bartleby, The Scrivener re-emerged in the Occupy Movement in Wall Street. It intends to argue that Melville's story has been... more
Although networked movements have often been described as leaderless, I propose that they not only display different kinds of leadership phenomena but, when understood in their own terms, also function in a similar way to the " societies... more
A consideração de um espaço qualquer como um “espaço de liberdade” é relativa às experiências que este espaço possibilita. Entendemos, pois, que não há uma forma específica, fixa e fechada que permita compreender ou caracterizar a... more
Shortly before the demise of the worldwide Occupy movement, two watershed events mark its final transformation. Two collaborations with international art exhibitions in Germany, that not only changed the fate of the movment, but brought... more
These reviews were rejected by the Berkeley Non-Profit Radical Newspaper Slingshot. The first co-legitimized the research of Gilens and Page's work determining the US Government is an oligarchy. The second was Robert Ogman's work... more
Celebrity politics are conceived as performative (Street, 2004; Wheeler, 2012; Brassett, 2016; Andrews; Lopes; Jackson, 2015), in the sense of being able to enact symbolic identifications with this or that cause and thus reshape social... more
Debt cancellation in its Ancient Near Eastern context is an act and prerogative of sovereign power. This raises challenges for conceptualizing debt cancellation/Jubilee today as a radical or progressive practice.
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
Occupy Wall Street was a movement of many faces. Its impact on the public debate was significant, sparking support and criticism from a variety of sources. The occupation of the park, a ‘privately owned public space’, awoke the interest... more
"Reading Geoffrey Pleyers’ account of the alter-globalization movement has a certain poignancy, as well as engendering a sense of excitement and the glimmer of new possibilities. ... Pleyers is very good on the limitations and... more
Deploying the Foucauldian concepts of 'conduct' and 'counter-conduct', this article provides an analysis of 'Occupy Sussex' – a two-month long student occupation launched in opposition to the outsourcing of service staff at the University... more
It is not uncommon to conceive of the Occupy Movement as a powerful civic protest that failed to mobilize politically. The literature on #Occupy is limited to: a) academic accounts of how the movement fits existing theories about social... more
We are the 99 per cent of the population who are subjected to the system and you are the one per cent who benefit from disproportionately high advantages. The slogan of the indignant is forceful and carries a populism which breaks with... more
Nancy Adajania, 'In What Does the " Formerness " of the West Reside? An Itinerary of the Contemporary from Societies in Transition' in Maria Hlavajova and Simon Sheikh eds., Former West: Art and the Contemporary after 1989 (Utrecht: BAK... more
This paper examines the antecedent and contingent causes sparking the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. Spurred by two contingent events generating pre-emptive and backlash mobilization, the movement is a spontaneous transformation of the... more
First proof of the book - so not the same as the published version, but close to it. For citation purposes it would be advantageous to cross-check with final published version.
In this interview, Walter Benn Michaels talks about his trajectory from being a student involved in the anti-war movement in the late 1960s to becoming an English professor, whose critique of what he calls " left neoliberalism " and his... more
""Politics is always about nomination. It is about naming a political subjectivity and organizing politically around that name.– Simon Critchley (2007, 103) This paper situates Guy Standing’s recent work on ‘the precariat’ within a... more
A bullshit job is a job which is so pointless that even the person doing the job secretly believes that it shouldn’t exist. And there are more now than ever. In his book, David Graeber, the best-selling author of Debt: The First 5000... more
In a photograph showing a roaring crowd from above, people cover the urban landscape like so many ants occupying a square. Another image brings us downward and a little closer: we see masses confronting security forces as a water cannon... more
Dünyanın üzerinde bir hayalet geziniyor… sosyal medyanın hayaleti. Bu hayalet yeni bir dünyanın dilini konuşuyor ve sanaldan gerçeğe tüm sokaklarda artık bu dil konuşuluyor.
En este artículo se reseñan un puñado de incidentes recientes de carácter "despreciable," acontecidos dentro del marco de movimientos de oposición política en Puerto Rico, pres-tando particular atención a la manera en que dichos... more
Tecnologia e politica intessono la trama della realtà sociale. L’elaborato esamina il rapporto tra social media e movimenti globali, analizzando l’azione collettiva di protesta sia online che offline. Gli interrogativi sulle... more
An anthology of 50 articles from the Platypus Review, the monthly broadsheet newspaper of the Platypus Affiliated Society, including authored articles, interviews and public forum transcripts, 17 written by Chris Cutrone.
The past few years have seen an unexpected resurgence of street-level protest movements around the world, from the rise of anti-austerity protests in Spain, Greece, and Israel to the global spread of the Occupy movement. This collection... more
“Art + Squat = X” by Alan W. Moore Unpublished; submitted How and why are artists involved with squats and occupied social centers? The artworld is flexible, but squatting is subcultural. Counterculture and exodus are two ways to think... more