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The principles of Saenger and Parkes on the analysis of word spacing in Insular manuscripts are here applied to the Irish ogam corpus. Differences in the adoption of aerated text between that corpus and the Anglo-Saxon epigraphic corpus... more
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      Irish StudiesCeltic StudiesMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsCeltic Studies
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      Irish StudiesOld Irish Language and LiteratureLatin EpigraphyDigital epigraphy
Even though the majority of sources concerning the onset of literacy in Wales and England (see Briggs 2010; Brown 2003, 2006; Colman 1992; Davies 1999; Edwards 2007; Elliot 1957; Fell 1994; Looijenga 2003; Lord 2003; McManus 1991; Opland... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLinguistic AnthropologyCeltic LinguisticsRunic inscriptions
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      Irish LiteratureJames JoyceModern Irish Language and LiteratureSeamus Heaney
First mentioned in February 5, 1693/4, when it stood in the ruins of St. Dogmael’s Abbey, Pembrokeshire, Wales, St. Dogmael’s Stone – located today inside St. Thomas’s Church – was considered ‘The Ogham Rosetta Stone’ because it is a... more
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      Irish StudiesCeltic StudiesBritish HistoryCeltic Philology
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      Old Irish Language and LiteratureAncient ScriptsEpigraphyOgham
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      ArchaeologyFolkloreShamanismArchaeology of Religion
The study presents a chronotope of linguistic and cultural changes that took place in England and Wales between the 4th and 8th centuries. It encompasses the areas of South Wales and Eastern England and describes the cultural practices of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAnthropological LinguisticsRunic inscriptionsEthnography of Communication
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      Performing ArtsAutoethnographyDanceIreland
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      Late AntiquityRoman BritainLate Roman BritainEpigraphy
The study presents a chronotope of linguistic and cultural changes that took place in England and Wales between the 4th and 8th centuries. It encompasses the areas of South Wales and Eastern England and describes the cultural practices of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryAnthropological LinguisticsRunic inscriptions
​ ​ The Brandsbut Pictish Ogham Stone inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
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    • Ogham Stones
Segundo o que se sabe atualmente, a Hibernia nunca sofreu qualquer invasão das legiões romanas. Do mesmo modo, também jamais foi anexada como província ao Império Romano. Apesar disso, temos inúmeras evidências de contatos culturais,... more
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      Ancient HistoryCeltic StudiesCeltic LinguisticsEarly Medieval Ireland
The following article seeks to traverse the eastern and western approaches to the study, use and practice of writing and art. To this extent, the first aim is to discuss the two types of cognition in relation to writing. Secondly, the... more
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      Art HistoryOrality-Literacy StudiesCultural MemoryRunes
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      Old Irish Language and LiteratureHistory of Reading and WritingMedieval EpigraphyHistory of Writing Systems
During the course of the summer the largest known coastal promontory fort in the country had its earthworks bull dozed. In the space of a week over lOOOm of earthworks were levelled. The destruction is part of a pattern of similar... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Conservation
Wir stellen die Ogham-Steine, deren Inhalte, die Beziehungen der auf Steinen vermerkten Personen, ihre Stammeszugehörigkeiten und weitere Metadaten als Linked Data bereit und ermöglichen somit deren Verarbeitung durch eine Reihe von... more
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      Semantic WebLinked Open DataOgham Stones
The monumental and apparently eternal nature of stone monuments has attracted considerable attention from archaeological and memory studies perspectives in recent years, yet few studies have yet examined the literary representations of... more
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      Cultural MemoryEarly and Medieval Irish, Irish History, Irish Literature, Medieval Literature, Medieval Studies, Celtic Studies, Irish StudiesMonumentsOgham Stones
​ ​ The Maulinward Stone inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
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      Pictish Ogham InscriptionsOgham Stones
The paper explored literary references to ogham stones from legal sources and sagas, and linked these to current debates on cultural memory and the history-literature debate.
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      Cultural MemorySagasEarly and Medieval Irish, Irish History, Irish Literature, Medieval Literature, Medieval Studies, Celtic Studies, Irish StudiesMonuments
The nexus between landscape, identity formation(s) and cultural memory has long been of interest to archaeology, cultural geography and various disciplines in the humanities. This article suggests that in medieval and early modern Irish... more
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      Memory StudiesCultural MemoryEarly and Medieval Irish, Irish History, Irish Literature, Medieval Literature, Medieval Studies, Celtic Studies, Irish StudiesOgham Stones
​ ​ The Clocha Oghaim Stone inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
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    • Ogham Stones