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Video event detection (VED) is a challenging task especially with a large variety of objects in the environment. Even though there exist numerous algorithms for event detection, most of them are unsuitable for a typical consumer purpose.... more
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      Object Recognition (Computer Vision)Video ProcessingImage segmentationImage Registration
A research area in Computer Vision focuses on the identification of articulated objects, such as human actions and movements of the hand, which can be used in human-computer interaction, surveillance, and other tracking systems. Two... more
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      Computer VisionRobot VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)
Illumination invariance remains the most researched, yet the most challenging aspect of automatic face recognition. In this paper we investigate the discriminative power of colour-based invariants in the presence of large illumination... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
Vehicle detection and classification are daily challenges for computer vision algorithms. The wide range of applications, together with the large amount of data available, raises interest towards these topics up to the point at which new... more
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      Computer VisionOpenCv or Computer VisionObject RecognitionBackground Subtraction
Human computer interaction (HCI) and sign language recognition (SLR), aimed at creating a virtual reality, 3D gaming environment, helping the deaf-and-mute people etc., extensively exploit the use of hand gestures. Segmentation of the... more
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      OpenCv or Computer VisionHuman-Computer Interaction
Dynamically changing background ("dynamic background") still presents a great challenge to many motion-based video surveillance systems. In the context of event detection, it is a major source of false alarms. There is a strong need from... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
The job of this research is to filter the diseased part of the leaf from the leaf images. The authors proposed and implemented image processing technique using OpenCV for separating the diseased part of the leaf from the image of the... more
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      Image ProcessingOpenCv or Computer VisionEdge DetectionFeature Extraction
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsRobotics (Computer Science)
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      Computer VisionComputer EngineeringStereo Vision (Computer Vision)OpenCv or Computer Vision
It is well known that this soiling can reduce the generation efficiency in PV system. In some case according to the literature of loss of energy production in photovoltaic systems can reach up to 50%. In the industry there are various... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Cartesianism
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionComputer EngineeringOpenCv or Computer Vision
Lecturers spend an awful lot of time and effort to manually mark assignments. When marking assignments, lecturers go through a repetitive process of opening files, working through checklist, calculating grades, recording them, etc. It... more
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      Object Recognition (Computer Vision)Object Tracking (Computer Vision)OpenCv or Computer VisionDeep Learning
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionOpen Source Software
Skin cancer is the most common among all cancers and its early diagnosis increases the patient's chances of healing. One of the ways to make this diagnosis is through dermatoscopy. Dermatoscopy is a technique that consists of recognizing... more
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      Machine LearningEmbedded SoftwareOpenCv or Computer VisionSkin Cancer
Our aim is to estimate the perspective-effected geometric distortion of a scene from a video feed. In contrast to most related previous work, in this task we are constrained to using low-level, spatio-temporally local motion features... more
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      EngineeringOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Computer ScienceAlgorithms
To detect the lane lines in a road sample video and show the detected lines in the frame by processing each frame image
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      OpenCv or Computer VisionLine DetectionOpenCV
DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM SISTEMA DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO E AUTENTICAÇÃO BIOMÉTRICA RECONHECIMENTO FACIAL Atividade prática supervisionada e apresentada ao curso Ciência da Computação, para fins de conhecimento na área. Orientador: Rafael do... more
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      SoftwareOpenCv or Computer VisionPython Programming
Detection, tracking, and counting of moving vehicles are very essential for continuous monitoring, tracking, and controlling of moving vehicles. The recorded video provides a better solution, when compared to other techniques, as it... more
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      OpenCv or Computer VisionBackground SubtractionForeground Detection
International Journal of Computer Vision and machine learning (IJCVML) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the advanced vision computing. The goal of this journal... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Image Recognition (Computer Vision)Shape reconstruction (Computer Vision)
Here we report a haptic virtual reality simulator for root canal treatment (endodontic procedures). A virtual jaw model was extracted from CT data of a live patient and the volumetric data obtained were visualized using a Marching Cubes... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsComputer GraphicsComputer Vision
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)OpenCv or Computer Vision
This method proposed solves for the pose of an object and is most applicable in robotics. The calculation of camera pose estimation has been solved in many ways. The general solution involves finding the relationship between the object's... more
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      Computer VisionObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Machine VisionC++ Programming
It does contain deprecated functions but its more than a handful for beginners!
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      Computer VisionOpenCv or Computer VisionOpenCV
This research shows how to use colour and movement to automate the process of recognising and tracking things. Video tracking is a technique for detecting a moving object over a long distance using a camera. The main purpose of video... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingOpenCv or Computer VisionImage Processing with OpenCV
We hereby declare that the content of this project report entitled "Autonomous Vehicle prototype" submitted to the "DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES", is a 1 record of an original work done by us under the guidance of Supervisor "Sir... more
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      Machine LearningOpenCv or Computer VisionTensorflow
This project and experiment were conducted with the aim of utilizing the human hands as an object to operate computers. It is intended to support and use technologies in the field of contactless shopping/payments. The program is developed... more
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      Image ProcessingGesture RecognitionOpenCv or Computer VisionImage Processing with OpenCV
In the development of new interfaces for the vehicles, or simply in the study of the influence in driving performance of some factor of interest, an evaluation has to be performed. There are different ways to measure the driving quality... more
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      Road safetyOpenCv or Computer VisionCar DetectionSDLP
Realtime video and image processing is used in a wide variety of applications from video surveillance and traffic management to medical imaging applications. This paper presents the implementation of an canny edgedetection using in... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingFace RecognitionOpenCv or Computer Vision
This paper deals with an efficient method for gender detection based on the audience’s voice in a natural environment. Some features such as Third quartile, entropy, mean frequency act as a key feature; these features are then used to... more
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      Machine LearningData AnalysisOpenCv or Computer VisionDeep Learning
In a smart security system, automatic face recognition is the most challenging task from the past decade in computer vision. The applications of computer vision and face recognition have increased day by day with new dimensions and new... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingFace Recognition (Engineering)OpenCv or Computer Vision
Accurate Object Detection was always a big deal and an important part of the Information Technology era. After the arrival of Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies, the efficiency and accuracy for Object Detection increased... more
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      Teaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and LearningE-learningMachine Learning
Accurate Object Detection was always a big deal and an important part of the Information Technology era. After the arrival of Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies, the efficiency and accuracy for Object Detection increased... more
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      Computer ScienceTeaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and LearningMachine Learning
Face recognition is an easy task for humans. Experiments in have shown, that even one to three day old babies are able to distinguish between known faces. So how hard could it be for a computer? It turns out we know little about human... more
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      RoboticsComputer VisionAutonomous RoboticsOpenCv or Computer Vision
The tutorial provides a detailed discussion on what you need to create a cascade of classifiers based on Haar-like features, which is the most common technique in computer-vision for face and eye detection. This tutorial is designed as... more
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      RoboticsComputer VisionImage ProcessingOpenCv or Computer Vision
Sortation is the process of identifying items on a conveyor system and diverting them to specific destinations using a variety of devices controlled by task-specific software. Sorters are applied to different applications depending upon... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOpenCv or Computer VisionDeep Learning
This study presents an open source method for detecting 3D printing anomalies by comparing images of printed layers from a stationary monocular camera with G-code-based reference images of an ideal process generated with Blender, an open... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputer VisionOpen Source SoftwareReal-time Systems
This report presents a Condition monitoring system for a belt drive lathe machine. This study was motivated by the fact that machine production time was wasted during planned maintenance when, most times, the machines did not require any... more
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      Machine LearningOpenCv or Computer VisionDeep LearningMechanical Vibration and Machinery System Dynamics
El reconocimiento de objetos, la detección de eventos, la reconstrucción de escenas y la restauración de escenas, son parte de las aplicaciones donde se emplea la Visión por Computador. Se conoce como Visión Artificial o Visión por... more
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      Computer VisionOpenCv or Computer VisionRaspberry Pi
Morfologi adalah proses mengidentifikasi bentuk dengan basis region (citra bertipe biner dan grayscale). Tujuan morfologi adalah untuk memperbaiki hasil segmentasi. Operasi-operasi morfologi yang sering digunakan:
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    • OpenCv or Computer Vision
This paper presents a recognition system, which can be helpful for a blind person. Hand gesture recognition system and face recognition system has been implemented in this paper using which various tasks can be performed. Dynamic images... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingBlindnessFace Recognition
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      Computer VisionOptimisation techniquesOpenCv or Computer VisionGPU
This file include the program code and its explanations. the process: web-cam capturing in real time, changing the color to gray scale, smoothing medianBlur, normlized histugram, pixel with the maximum value and the one with minimum value... more
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      Image ProcessingFace DetectionOpenCv or Computer VisionImage Processing with OpenCV
The job of this research is to filter the diseased part of the leaf from the leaf images. The authors proposed and implemented image processing technique using OpenCV for separating the diseased part of the leaf from the image of the... more
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      Image ProcessingOpenCv or Computer VisionEdge DetectionFeature Extraction
Waste management in Ghana has in recent times been a subject of discourse that pervades most of its industrial cities. The provision of waste bins at vantage points by waste management institutions is not enough to solve the problem of... more
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      OpenCv or Computer VisionInternet of Things (IoTs)
Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry professionals alike. The areas of application of these two disciplines range widely, encompassing fields such as medicine, robotics, and security... more
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      Computer ScienceScientific VisualizationArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
For hand-disable people, controlling computer with peripheral devices such as mice or keyboards is a huge obstacle and being one of the reasons that prevent them from integrating with the modern world. Along with the development of... more
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    • OpenCv or Computer Vision
This paper explains how we can calibrate stereo camera setup and then create a disparity map from them and then convert it into point cloud which can be further used for several applications. All this is done using two open source... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine VisionOpenCv or Computer VisionStereoscopic 3-D
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Future Technology Project– II OpenCV object tracking and following Robot GÖRÜNTÜ İŞLEMEDEN YARARLANILARAK NESNE TESPİTİ VE TAKİBİ ROBOTU Ataturk University Hardvard University Massachusetts... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Humanoid Robotics