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The field of digital image processing is reviewed with reference to its origins, progress, current status, and prospects for the future. Consideration is given to the evolution of image processor display devices, developments in the... more
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      Information SystemsOptical EngineeringImage ProcessingImage Analysis
A topical review of numerical and experimental studies of supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fiber is presented over the full range of experimentally reported parameters, from the femtosecond to the continuous-wave regime.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOptical EngineeringApplied MathematicsLaser Physics
A novel region-based active contour model (ACM) is proposed in this paper. It is implemented with a special processing named Selective Binary and Gaussian Filtering Regularized Level Set (SBGFRLS) method, which first selectively penalizes... more
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      Optical EngineeringImage segmentationMatrix TheoryActive Contour Model
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
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      Optical EngineeringDigital Image ProcessingVeterinary Sciences
I ntegration of images from different sensing modalities can produce information that cannot be obtained by viewing the sensor outputs separately and consecutively. This paper introduces a hierarchical i mage merging scheme based on a... more
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      Optical EngineeringImage ProcessingVisual perceptionNumerical Analysis
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      EngineeringOptical EngineeringApplied MathematicsOptics
Poly(vinylferrocenium) perchlorate/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PVF + /PEDOT) composite film was synthesized electrochemically on Pt electrode in a methylene chloride solution containing a mixture of poly(vinylferrocene) (PVF)... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringChemical EngineeringOptical Engineering
This paper presents the activities in the field of shearography in chronological order and highlights the great potential of this holographic measurement technology. After a brief introduction, the basic theory of shearography is... more
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    • Optical Engineering
Xϩ294 pages, illustrations, index, references, lists of additional readings, two appendixes, problems following each chapter ͑except Chap. 2͒, and solutions at the end of book ͑Appendix 2͒.
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      Optical EngineeringOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
A new methodology for fusing satellite sensor imagery, based on tailored filtering in the Fourier domain is proposed. Finite-duration Impulse Response (FIR) filters have been designed through an objective criterion, which depends on... more
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      Optical EngineeringRemote SensingData MiningPrincipal Component Analysis
CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Theory 3. Experiment and data 3.1. Experiment 3.2. Data 4. Comparison of ß2 values to theory 4.1. Two-photon absorption theory 4.2. Comparison to theory 5. Self-refraction 6. Optical limiter 7. Conclusion 8.... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical physicsOPTElectrical And Electronic Engineering
We present a new design for simultaneous strain and temperature measurement using a high-birefringence fiber loop mirror (HiBi-FLM) concatenated with a temperature-insensitive long-period grating (LPG) written in a photonic crystal fiber... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringOptical EngineeringQuantum Physics
In this paper, a power and bandwidth efficient pulsed modulation technique for optical wireless (OW) communication is proposed. The scheme is called optical spatial modulation (OSM). In OSM, multiple transmit units exist where only one... more
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      Optical EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationChannel CodingOptical Communication
A method to merge images from different sensing modalities for visual display was introduced by Toet, van Ruyven, and Valeton in 1989, which produces a fused image by nonlinear recombination of the ratio of low-pass (RoLP) pyramidal... more
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      Optical EngineeringImage ProcessingImage RepresentationImage fusion
The high-energy/high-power section of the NIF laser system contains 7360 meter-scale optics. Advanced optical materials and fabrication technologies needed to manufacture the NIF optics have been developed and put into production at key... more
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      EngineeringOptical EngineeringPlasma PhysicsQuantum Mechanics
The concentration of the main minerals present in human hair is measured on several subjects by Calibration-Free Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy ͑CF-LIBS͒ and compared with the results obtained through a commercial analytical... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOptical EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsAnalytical Chemistry
We review the history and current status of ion exchanged glass waveguide technology. The background of ion exchange in glass and key developments in the first years of research are briefly described. An overview of fabrication,... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Half a century has passed since Theodore Maiman's small ruby rod crossed the threshold of laser emission. The breakthrough demonstration earned headlines, but in the early years the laser was called "a solution looking for a problem," and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOptical EngineeringApplied OpticsOptical physics
A new optical encoding method for security applications is proposed. The encoded image (encrypted into the security products) is merely a random phase image statistically and randomly generated by a random number generator using a... more
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      Optical EngineeringPhase RetrievalFunctional ImagingOptical physics
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      Optical EngineeringComputational ComplexityImage ReconstructionMaximum Likelihood
A pixel-based color-mapping algorithm is presented that produces a fused false color rendering of two gray-level images representi ng different sensor modalities. The resulting images have a higher information content than each of the... more
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      Optical EngineeringImage fusionColor ImageReal Time
Free space laser system performance is limited by atmospheric turbulence that has been described for many years by Kolmogorov's power spectral density model because of its simplicity. Unfortunately several experiments have been reported... more
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      Optical EngineeringTurbulenceFree Space OpticsStratosphere
Commercial EUV lithographic systems require multilayers with higher reflectance and better stability than those published to date. This work represents our effort to meet these specifications. Interfaceengineered Mo-Si multilayers with... more
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      Optical EngineeringProceedingsOpticalInterfaces
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      Optical EngineeringFiber Bragg gratingOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
During the last decade, significant advances in the field of remote detection of ultrasound have taken place. Optical systems with increasing sensitivity for monitoring ultrasound on samples with optically rough surfaces have been... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringOptical EngineeringSensors and SensingOptical Measurement Methods
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      Optical EngineeringOptical computingSpatial Light ModulatorOptical Information Processing
This paper addresses a novel robust watermarking method for digital images using local invariant features. Most previous watermarking algorithms are unable to resist geometric distortions that desynchronize the location where copyright... more
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      Optical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital WatermarkingImage Watermarking
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      Optical EngineeringPhysicsSensorsHuman Motion
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      Optical EngineeringWavelet TransformOptical physicsShift Invariant
We propose adaptive anomaly detectors that find materials whose spectral characteristics are substantially different from those of the neighboring materials. Target spectral vectors are assumed to have different statistical... more
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      Optical EngineeringAnomaly DetectionSensorsOptical physics
We have proposed and demonstrated a novel radio-overfiber (ROF) architecture by using only one phase modulator and one optical filter to generate DWDM optical millimeter (mm) signals and realize wavelength reuse for upstream data... more
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      Optical EngineeringRadio over fiberHigh FrequencyCost effectiveness
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      Mechanical EngineeringOptical EngineeringComputer ScienceMedicine
We propose and experimentally verify a scheme to engineer arbitrary states of traveling light field up to the two-photon level. The desired state is remotely prepared in the signal channel of spontaneous parametric down-conversion by... more
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      Optical EngineeringOpticsTechnologyQuantum Optics
An iterative method is introduced for determining the exposure schedule for multiplexing holograms in saturable recording materials, such as photopolymers. This method is designed to share all or part of the available dynamic range of the... more
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      Optical EngineeringMultiplexingOptical physicsHolograms
Restoration for actual atmospherically blurred images is performed using an atmospheric Wiener filter that corrects simultaneously for both turbulence and aerosol blur by enhancing the image spectrum primarily at those high frequencies... more
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      Optical EngineeringQuantitative analysisHigh FrequencySeasonality
A method to perform a predictive search for a given amplitude and phase modulation response in twisted nematic liquid crystal displays is presented. The algorithm is based on a simple physical model that we recently proposed and that... more
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      Optical EngineeringOpticalOptical physicsLiquid Crystal Display
The continuing development of new and fundamentally different classes of imaging spectrometers has increased the complexity of the field of imaging spectrometry. The rapid pace at which new terminology is introduced to describe the new... more
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      Optical EngineeringRemote SensingImaging Mass SpectrometryOptical physics
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      Optical EngineeringOptical fiber sensorRefractive IndexEVANESCENT WAVE
With the rapidly increasing aggregate bandwidth requirements of data centers there is a growing interest in the insertion of optically interconnected networks with high-radix transparent optical switch fabrics. Silicon photonics is a... more
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      Optical EngineeringPhotonicsOptical CommunicationOptical switching
A quantitative analysis of linear temperature-dependent coupled thermoelectronic diffusion waves in the generation of the laserinduced IR photothermal radiometric signal from a photoexcited, plasmawave-dominated, semi-infinite... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
We examine some fundamental theoretical limits on the ability of practical digital holography ͑DH͒ systems to resolve detail in an image. Unlike conventional diffraction-limited imaging systems, where a projected image of the limiting... more
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      Optical EngineeringComputer ScienceOpticalOptical physics
A method of image analysis is proposed for detection of local defects in materials with periodic regular texture. A general improvement and enlargement of vision system capabilities for versatility, full automatism, computational... more
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      Optical EngineeringComputational EfficiencyHuman VisionGabor Filter
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      Optical EngineeringHolographyRefractive IndexOptical physics
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      Optical EngineeringKineticsCell CultureSaccharomyces cerevisiae
The work done to provide images sensors (CCDs and CMOS) with a wide dynamic range is reviewed. The different classes of solutions, which consist of logarithmic sensors, `clipped' sensors, multimode sensors, frequency-based sensors,... more
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      Optical EngineeringSensorsOptical physicsImage Sensor
All-optical networking can be the sole approach to provide the huge bandwidth required for future networks. The essential elements in such an optical network are optical switches. A number of options have been proposed in order to... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical CommunicationNeural NetworkOptical Switch
Soft X-ray tomography (SXT) is becoming a powerful imaging technique to analyze eukaryotic whole cells close to their native state. Central to the analysis of the quality of SXT 3D reconstruction is the estimation of the spatial... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOptical EngineeringAlgorithmsPhotography
It has been a challenge to finish optical glass surface due to their hard and brittle nature. Moreover tight tolerances of surface figure and finish make polishing a more critical operation. This work reports the results of an... more
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      Optical EngineeringManufacturingSurface RoughnessMaterial Removal Rate
The tutorial describes essential features of moiré patterns, as well as the circumstances, when the moiré patterns appear and how to estimate their characteristics (parameters) such as the orientation and period. The moiré effect is... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering