Recent papers in Osteometry
This study aims to develop age-at-death standards for Valley of Mexico skeletal collections. Using 159 individuals, with a dental age-at-death between 0 to 15 years, we develop linear and quadratic inverse regression models of age-atdeath... more
The identification of human skeletal remains is one of the most important objectives of anthropologists working in medico-legal contexts. The establishment of identity from human bones is based on four main characteristics: age, sex,... more
Este trabajo pretende incluir la discusión de la variabilidad, tanto interespecífica como intraespecífica, en los esquemas de análisis de diferenciación morfológica de las poblaciones modernas de las especies de camélidos sudamericanos.... more
Depuis plus de 50 ans, dans le domaine de l’archéozoologie française et européenne, les études et les données relatives à la taille des animaux domestiques s’accumulent de manière importante. Elles nourrissent notre compréhension globale... more
Recently we have managed to elaborate a method to evaluate the permanent marks caused by work and lifestyle on horses’ metatarsus, which is suitable to establish – even in the absence of associated artefacts - the way horses of... more
The aim of this paper is to present the results of the biometrical analysis carried out on cattle, sheep/goat and pig measurements from a number of Spanish archaeological sites, dated between Roman and post-medieval times. The results... more
La presente memoria propone revaluar la explotación de los camélidos durante el Periodo Intermedio Tardío (PIT) en la cuenca del Maipo-Mapocho, a través de los sitios RML 008 Blanca Gutiérrez y RML 015 Familia Fernández, ubicados en la... more
The analysis of faunal remains from archaeological sites can make significant contributions both to the interpretation and understanding of prehistoric subsistence and to the re-creation of palaeoecological and palaeobiological... more
Sheep and goats were among the first food animals to be domesticated. They have played an important role in peoples’ lives as providers of sustenance and clothing. These two related genera of bovids, classified within the tribe caprini,... more
This paper aims to highlight developments in archaeological knowledge relating to dog remains found in deposits from Late Prehistoric contexts at sites along the Iberian Peninsula. Preliminary results from ongoing osteometric and 2D... more
This study describes a probable proportionate dwarf from a Third Intermediate Period cemetery at Ain Tirghi in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. The skeleton (Burial 22 or B22) is an adult woman estimated to be in her mid-to-late thirties. Most... more
Coming from de cemetery ofVillanueva de Soportilla (Miranda de Ebro, Burgos) and belonging roughly to the 9-12 th centuries, a feminine sample of crania has been studied metrically. From the craneometry, it has been posible to infer that... more
Se realiza un estudio métrico de los cráneos de los individuos adultos exhumados en campaña de excavación de 1975-77 en la necrópolis de A Lanzada, Noalla, Pontevedra. El yacimiento pertenece al mundo galaico romano (siglos III-VII d.C.)... more
This paper is aimed at scrutinizing the dependence between the morphological features of the Eneolithic — Early Bronze population and the geographical and bioclimatic conditions in the Altai valleys and intermountain basins. Across the... more
Galicia, a current Spanish Autonomous Community placed in the north-west of Iberia, underwent a series of important socioeconomic and environmental changes during the Roman and Medieval periods. The Saint James´Way and an intense maritime... more
Analyses of archaeological faunal assemblages often require the use of varied quantitative techniques for reconstructing aspects of the harvested populations. This is particularly important with the increasing use of zooarchaeological... more
Acheulo-Yabrudian Amudian Zooarchaeology Taphonomy Site formation processes Levant Tool marks Fire Mammal community turnover Social brain hypothesis a b s t r a c t
The change in cattle size during the late Iron Age and the Early Roman period is a widely known phenomenon. However, hardly any information is available about this change and its causes in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. In... more
The Moroccan Holocene sites with bear (Ursus arctos) bones are ten, five in the Tingitane Peninsula, two in atlasic mountains and tree in the western Meseta. They indicate that the bear has subsided in the mountain and plain areas until... more
Very little data exist on shoulder heights of cattle from archaeological contexts in eastern, central and southern Africa, in no small part due to the virtual absence of complete long bones. We report on complete metapodia of cattle from... more
Ovejas y cabras se encuentran entre los primeros animales que fueron domesticados. Ambas especies han jugado un papel importante para las poblaciones humanas proporcionado alimento y material de abrigo. Estos dos pequeños bóvidos,... more
Khonkho Wankane is a ceremonial center located in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia. During the Late Formative period (AD 1–500), its residents practiced agropastoral lifeways and participated in the rise of the state at Tiwanaku.... more
Issues related to the identification of Late Pleistocene dogs from different sites in Eurasia, triggered by recent publications (see Germonpré et al., 2009, 2012; Ovodov et al., 2011), are discussed. The main focus is the problem of how... more
Acheulo-Yabrudian Amudian Zooarchaeology Taphonomy Site formation processes Levant Tool marks Fire Mammal community turnover Social brain hypothesis a b s t r a c t
En poblaciones vivas, los camélidos silvestres sudamericanos son sexados a partir de la observación de su conducta social y reproductiva. Por lo general, tanto biólogos como arqueólogos asumen la ausencia de caracteres morfológicos que... more
Localized studies of goat size variation in southern Africa suggest that goats from the last two millennia were smaller than their modern counterparts. Measurements from archaeological sites taken over three decades at the Transvaal... more
Monograph of MPhil. Dissertation
В статье дана остеометрическая характеристика меотов, захороненных в могильниках Старокорсунского городища № 2 и могильнике № 3 городища хутора имени Ленина, датирующихся VI в. до н.э.–III в. н.э. Для проведения внутригрупповой... more
The objective of this research work is to evaluate the strategies for the use of camelids during the Mochica III and Mochica IV phases, through discriminatory, exploratory and statistical analyzes applied to the first phalanx. The... more
Although the economic importance of sheep husbandry in the Middle Ages, especially during the development of the major cloth industries, and the speculation of animals for wool, is recognized, until now the evolution of sheep forms on the... more
Olduvai Hominid 8 (OH 8), an articulating set of fossil hominin tarsal and metatarsal bones, is critical to interpretations of the evolution of hominin pedal morphology and bipedal locomotion. It has been suggested that OH 8 may represent... more