Most cited papers in Osteometry
Numerous studies have clearly demonstrated that skeletal characteristics vary by population. To date, there are no metric cranial criteria for South African whites. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish population specific... more
The feeding mechanisms of two labrid fishes (Cheilinus chlorurus and C. diugrammus: Labridae: Perciformes) are modeled using four-bar linkage theory from mechanical engineering. The actions of the feeding mechanisms are simulated by a... more
The aim of this paper is to present the results of the biometrical analysis carried out on cattle, sheep/goat and pig measurements from a number of Spanish archaeological sites, dated between Roman and post-medieval times. The results... more
In this paper I use zooarchaeological data to investigate the relationship between food production strategies, particularly herding practices, and socioeconomic configurations in the ancient city of Jenn e-jeno (occupied ca. 250 BCE to... more
Khonkho Wankane is a ceremonial center located in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia. During the Late Formative period (AD 1–500), its residents practiced agropastoral lifeways and participated in the rise of the state at Tiwanaku.... more
This project focuses on whether determination of physical differences among closely affiliated Native American populations inhabiting the southern Plateau is possible. The study includes 318 individuals and approximately 100 recorded... more
Lama guanicoe (Müller, 1776) is one of the most important South American species for both biologists, ecologists and archaeologists; and body size of modern and prehistoric populations of guanaco is one of the parameters most researched.... more
Very little data exist on shoulder heights of cattle from archaeological contexts in eastern, central and southern Africa, in no small part due to the virtual absence of complete long bones. We report on complete metapodia of cattle from... more
Analyses of archaeological faunal assemblages often require the use of varied quantitative techniques for reconstructing aspects of the harvested populations. This is particularly important with the increasing use of zooarchaeological... more
Although the economic importance of sheep husbandry in the Middle Ages, especially during the development of the major cloth industries, and the speculation of animals for wool, is recognized, until now the evolution of sheep forms on the... more
The dhole (Cuon alpinus) has been documented on the Iberian Peninsula throughout the Middle and Upper Pleistocene in archaeological and palaeontological contexts. However, this is an uncommon species among the Iberian quaternary faunae as... more
Issues related to the identification of Late Pleistocene dogs from different sites in Eurasia, triggered by recent publications (see Germonpré et al., 2009, 2012; Ovodov et al., 2011), are discussed. The main focus is the problem of how... more
Prey-size selectivity by Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) is relevant for understanding the foraging behavior of this declining predator, but studies have been problematic because of the absence and erosion of otoliths usually used... more
The major upper limb skeletal elements (scapulae, humeri, ulnae and radii) are frequently utilized for sex determination and stature estimation. Consequently, in forensic cases that involve commingled remains, it is crucial to reassociate... more
En poblaciones vivas, los camélidos silvestres sudamericanos son sexados a partir de la observación de su conducta social y reproductiva. Por lo general, tanto biólogos como arqueólogos asumen la ausencia de caracteres morfológicos que... more
Localized studies of goat size variation in southern Africa suggest that goats from the last two millennia were smaller than their modern counterparts. Measurements from archaeological sites taken over three decades at the Transvaal... more
Osteometric data from over 450 modern wild rabbits, most from Portugal, Spain and France, show an inverse correlation between their size and temperature of the environment in accordance with Bergmann's rule. Similar measurements taken on... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la variación morfológica temporal de los tamaños de elementos apendiculares del guanaco (Lama guanicoe) a partir del análisis cuantitativo de variables morfológicas de variación continua. Los huesos... more
Statistical regression provides a useful technique for the estimation of the original live length and weight of fish specimens found in archaeological contexts. This methodology was applied to the comparison of skeletal element size and... more
Excavations during November 2013 in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa, yielded more than 1550 specimens of a new hominin, Homo naledi. Four bird bones were collected from the surface of the Dinaledi Chamber during the first phase of the... more
A partir de los patrones morfológicos de una población actual de Lama guanicoe se desarrolla una técnica que permite derivar la edad de muerte de guanacos juveniles de conjuntos fósiles en base a las dimensiones de los huesos largos no... more
The present study deals with the craniometrical investigation carried on 4 dog crania originating from archaeological diggings dated from Bronze Age in Pecica-"Şanțul Mare"(Arad County) and Sântion (Bihor County). In order to determine... more
Análisis arqueofaunísticos realizados en la costa norte del Golfo San Matías (Pcia. de Río Negro, Argentina) detectaron la presencia de individuos inmaduros de otáridos en varias localidades arqueológicas. Dada las similitudes existentes... more
During archaeological excavations in 2012 human skeletal remains were recov-ered from two sites in Läänemaa: four 16th–17th centuries skeletons from Ehte Street in the town of Haapsalu and two Late Iron Age (12th–13th cc.) skeletons from... more
Forensic anthropologists frequently use measurements of the human skeleton to determine sex and ancestry. Since the establishment of the Daubert criteria of admissibility of scientific evidence to court, methodologies used by... more
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis zooarqueológico de una muestra procedente del sitio arqueológico Cóndor II, ubicado en el tramo superior de la Quebrada de Cóndor (departamento Humahuaca, Jujuy). La muestra... more
This study aims to develop age-at-death standards for Valley of Mexico skeletal collections. Using 159 individuals, with a dental age-at-death between 0 to 15 years, we develop linear and quadratic inverse regression models of age-atdeath... more
Sheep and goats were among the first food animals to be domesticated. They have played an important role in peoples’ lives as providers of sustenance and clothing. These two related genera of bovids, classified within the tribe caprini,... more
Descoperiri arheozoologice aparținând epocii dacice provenite din situl de la Carei-Bobald I (jud. Satu Mare) 1 Keywords: archaeozoology, dacian pit, animal bones, kitchen waste. Cuvinte cheie: arheozoologie, groapa dacică, oase de... more
Rekonstrukcja wymiarów i kształtu ciała pochowanej osoby nastręcza zazwyczaj wiele problemów.Nawet w przypadku, gdy badacz dysponuje kompletem zachowanego materiału kostnego, możliwe jest odtworzenie wymiarów i kształtów... more
This article describes morphological features of the postcranial skeleton of an Early Medieval group from the territory of North Ossetia. 83 individuals of both sexes were studied using classical osteometry methods. Analysis of the data... more
Minaspata, a site located in the Cuzco Valley of the south-central Peruvian Andes, contains evidence of occupation spanning continuously from the Early Horizon through the end of the Inca Empire. In 2013, several units were excavated in... more
Lama guanicoe (guanaco) is the best represented land mammal in continental archaeological hunter-gatherer sites during the Holocene in Patagonia and the Pampas of South America. The main objective of this paper is to develop a model to... more
Castration is a wide-ranging social phenomenon that has greatly impacted human history, but its modern, systematic study has been patchy, especially in the medico-anthropological fields. This project was designed to identify the changes... more
The identification of human skeletal remains is one of the most important objectives of anthropologists working in medico-legal contexts. The establishment of identity from human bones is based on four main characteristics: age, sex,... more
The osteometry of Neotropical camelids has been paid increasing attention over the last years given its potential to segregate species, both wild and domestic. Hence more comparative modern standards are being put forward so as to range... more