Parliamentary Work
Recent papers in Parliamentary Work
This paper analyzes the period between the elections and the formation of a government in Belgium. More particularly, it focuses on the control function of the Parliament in order to examine whether there is an effect of the absence of a... more
This broad-ranging text examines the political dynamic of the European Parliament (EP), showing how the EP is a key component of the political system of the EU. It looks at how, and how effectively, the parliament translates citizen... more
The paper’s main claim is that the ongoing dramatic reforms introduced since mid-2011 should not be understood simply as an exit strategy by the military to retreat from national politics. On the contrary, this paper suggests that ceding... more
The Standing Committees of the House play an important role of oversight and monitoring the working of the relevant Ministries of the Government. In the parliamentary democracies, the Committees are regarded as “eyes, ears, hands and even... more
A presente investigação parte de uma pergunta que é, em parte, uma constatação: Se hoje em dia muito se fala na defesa do meio ambiente, por que as práticas são tão devastadoras? Nossa hipótese para esta questão é a existência de... more
This thesis examines the intellectual foundation of the London Corresponding Society’s (LCS) efforts to reform Britain's Parliamentary democracy in the 1790s. The LCS was a working population group fighting for universal male suffrage and... more
From 1758 to 1928, Nova Scotia had a bicameral Legislature made up of the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council. In the period following Confederation, the Legislative Council came under increasing fire as unnecessary, expensive,... more
Why do legislatures lengthen the tenure of authoritarian regimes? In order to gain insight into this question, this dissertation examines how parliamentary institutions influence members’ participation in debate and provision of casework... more
Este libro recoge las ponencias presentadas en el Seminario que, con el mismo título, organizaron conjuntamente la Fundación Carolina y la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo en verano de 2005. En él se analiza la situación de... more
Cet ouvrage aborde le processus de rationalisation et d'institutionnalisation du travail politique au niveau européen à partir d'une enquête sociologique dans les coulisses du Parlement européen sur les équipes parlementaires des... more
This article is aimed to shed light over the political discourse articulated by the Five Star Movement MPs, by which they strongly opposed the programmatic speeches of the Prime Minister, during the parliamentary debate about the... more
A B S T R A C T. The popular movement for parliamentary reform after 1830 managed to sustain its campaign for over eighteen months. The popular movement itself has largely been studied at a local level, and undoubtedly local contexts were... more
Modern democracies are characterized by shared decision making by the legislative and executive branches. Generally a country’ constitution formally structures this interaction. Practically precedent and practice then fill in the gaps to... more
This article investigates the legislative activity of Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's iconic dissident, during her inaugural tenure as opposition MP in the country's first post-junta parliament (2012-2016). How did such a totemic figure... more
RESUMEN El presente trabajo aborda dos temáticas. En primer término, se preocupa de analizar lo que sucede con la "forma original" de los textos en votación, a partir de la situación producida en la Sala de Sesiones de la Cámara de... more
The inclusion of subnational parliaments into the early warning system (EWS) for subsidiarity control generates transforming dynamics in parliamentary modus operandi in European Union (EU) decentralized states. Empirical findings reveal... more
Par Olivier Nay, professeur de science politique à l'université Lille-II et chercheur au CNRS En démocratie, rien ne justifie la concentration des mandats électoraux au profit d'une caste fermée de représentants. Depuis trente ans, la... more
The report was developed based on the methodology approved within the framework of the Central Public Administration Reform and includes the following: - functional review of the Parliament carried out through functional review... more
Original in spanish (ESP) El objetivo del artículo es acercarnos a la situación actual de la Evaluación Parlamentaria de Políticas Públicas, a través de cuatro estudios publicados entre 2011 y junio de 2020. Empezando con Francia, un país... more
The South African Parliament has since 1994 actively participated in formal, informal, and ad hoc bilateral parliamentary diplomacy. Through the analysis of this form of diplomacy, this article explores practical examples of Parliament's... more
The discussed Article specifies the acceptable subject matter of points of order. The assumption that they may concern matters being the subject of orders of the day and the course of sittings means that the subject matter of the point of... more
This paper sets out to propose an argument for enquiring in a more robust manner after the ways in which representatives operate and deliberate in shifting contexts of representation in legislatures. The analysis builds upon recently... more
Si de nombreuses études traitent des pratiques parlementaires des députés européens, elles n'évoquent guère leur entourage. Cette contribution s'attache à analyser la composition et l'organisation des équipes parlementaires des... more
On a first place, the paper addresses the political background of female MEPs from Central & Eastern Europe at the FEMM committee, as well as their “socialization to Europe”. Based upon interviews, biographical data and comparative... more
El parlamento abierto es un modelo nuevo de aproximarse al trabajo legislativo. La Cámara de Diputados en la LXIV legislatura ha tomado parte activa en incorporar prácticas relacionadas a este modelo para su quehacer parlamentario. Esto... more
This article presents the findings of an extensive multi-method empirical study that explored the relationship between temporary legislation, better regulation, and experimentalist governance. Temporary (or “sunset”) legislation,... more
This essay offers a substantive introduction to the special issue on mending the legislative process. Discontent with the legislative process seems to be pervasive. But how could we move from the widely-shared lament that the lawmaking... more
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin demokrasi tarihinde önemli bir dönüm noktası olan 12 Eylül 1980 darbesi, 17. Dönem Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nin (TBMM) çalışmalarını birçok yönden etkilemiştir. Türkiye'nin dış politikasında parlamenter denetim... more
Souvent perçue comme étant complémentaire à la diplomatie officielle de l’État, la diplomatie parlementaire s’avère néanmoins un levier de démocratisation et un outil indispensable pour la résolution des différends sur la scène... more
The novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is extremely contagious and currently incurable. Hence, much of the efforts to contain the pandemic have focused on social distancing, prohibiting gatherings and even curfews. The Coronavirus... more
"I sat enthralled to see the sight -
The hurly-burly and the spite
That pass for honourable parliament"
The hurly-burly and the spite
That pass for honourable parliament"
The importance of the Internal Regulations emanates from the importance of the institution whose work they regulate, as they are the most outstanding indicators manifesting the democracy of the political systems. Any parliament can not... more
The South African Parliament has since 1994 actively participated in formal, informal, and ad hoc bilateral parliamentary diplomacy. Through the analysis of this form of diplomacy, this article explores practical examples of... more
Parliamentary rules of procedure are as important as the institution itself. As a cornerstone of democracy, parliaments will only be able to perform efficiently, whether in their legislative role or in overseeing the performance, policy... more
The European Parliament (EP) has grown from a “talking shop” to a fully-fledged legislative body in the European Union (EU)’s bicameral system. This process of communautarization and parliamentarization has generated considerable... more, 15 giugno 2017
This Article explores the "law of lawmaking" – the body of rules that govern the legislative process in Parliament. It argues that this body of law, which received very little attention in legal scholarship, has great practical and... more