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This study used a completely randomized design with complete feed fermentation time of 0, 3, 6, 9 weeks. The variables observed were the digestibility quality of dry matter and organic matter in vitro. The results showed that the dry... more
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Poliagro complete feed on linear body sizes (body length, chest circumference, height) and daily body weight gain between female and male pigs. Experimental farm method was used in the experiment in which 10 pigs are used (consist of 3... more
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This study aims to determine the feasibility of the Integrated Farming System (IFS) model on conservation farming with Hedgerow Technology which is applied in the Netpala village highland region to land productivity and interactions... more
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A good quality seed is obtained from good and appropriate production process. The use of good quality seeds could increase crop production plants, including Inerie variety of red bean. This plant could be grown in the lowlands having... more
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The development in Wini Beach coastal area will have an impact on the destruction of the mangrove ecosystem which is a habitat for the life of the macrozoobenthic fauna. This study aims to determine the community structure of... more
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Palm is one of the ornamental plants which attracted many people. It is a tropical and subtropical plant which requires full sun. Princess Palm (Veitchia merilli) is one of the most desirable palm and is potential as ornamental plants of... more
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Savu Sea Marine National Park (SSMNP) was declared by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) of the Republic of Indonesia, on 2014 with total area more than 3.35 Million Ha, which considered as the largest marine national park in... more
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The Increasing of beef consumption in Kupang City, shows that there is an increase in people's need for animal protein. However, high meat consumption can also be a threat to health if contaminated by microorganisms.This study aims to... more
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Pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan pariwisata perlu dilakukan dengan melibatkan semua stakeholders terkait. Langkah awal yang perlu dilakukan adalah menginventarisasi... more
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Apical dominance on tomato crops impact on its lateral buds dormancy, it needs to be reduced by prunning the apical portion of the crop. Timeliness of prunning will affect the growth of lateral buds and its results as well. Lateral buds... more
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Broiler agribusiness is currently leading to consolidation of farmers and broiler industries with a contract farming partnership. The broiler industry that implements cooperation between plasma/farmers and the nucleus/large integrators... more
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      BusinessPeternakanSosial Ekonomi PeternakanPartner
This study aims to determine the total number of leukocytes and differential leukocytes of native chicken blood exposed to Ascaridia galli naturally. Sampling of free-range chicken blood was carried out in Amarasi Subdistrict of Kupang... more
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Using quality seeds could increase crop production, including kidney bean, "Inerie", cultivar. The qualified seeds providing enough food supply in the endosperm as a primary energy for a normal and strong germination (viability) and... more
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Parasitic infestations in large numbers of fish can cause significant economic losses. Parasites monogenean trematode and protozoa are most common and dominant. This research was conducted to obtain the status prevalence and incidence of... more
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Economic analysis of the business development catfish farming in Kota Kupang aims to: feasibility mengetetahui catfish farming comprising: aspects of market , technical , financial , management , institutional involved , the law... more
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Buat teman-teman yang mau ikut kontes SEO Alfamart official partner merchandise FIFA piala dunia Brazil 2014 ini wajib mematuhi peraturan dan syarat sebagai berikut:  Peserta diwajibkan like dan follow fans page dan twitter Alfamart ... more
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This study is entitled "Host Plants and Eating Ability of Keong Mas (Pomaceacanaliculata) in some Paddy Varieties in Malaka District". Keong Mas are type of snails which are considered as invasive pests. In Malaka, in 2010-2012 there was... more
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Field Ekosistem ponder to represent the part of coastal area ekosistem and sea which is located in clear and territorial water at deepness gyrate 1-12 metre. Ecologically field ponder to have important role to coastal territorial water... more
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Mastitis, Metritis, Agalactia (MMA) syndromes have been found throughout the world, and generally occur in sows after parturition. MMA syndrome is a pathological disorder consisting of inflammation of the udder (Mastitis), inflammation of... more
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One of the design for artificial bait is the addition of phosphor in order to improve the bait's ability to radiate light so fish will be attracted to go after it. The method used is experimental fishing, with increasing amount of... more
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This study aims at determining the content of natural grass fiber fraction at different altitudes. The method used was a survey method and each location had 10 plots by making random plots in taking the samples for laboratory analysis and... more
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Shallot (Alium ascolonicum L.) is a very important horticultural commodity, but has a configuration in its cultivation on the condition of the flooded land. A tolerant cultivar for wetland conditions is needed. This research has been done... more
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Data is growing every second. According to IBM, 90% of the data that is there today were created in last two years. This makes database techniques and management increasingly complex. Due to economic turmoil in recent years all... more
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      Data MiningProject ManagementHigher EducationAnalytics
Palm is one of the ornamental plants which attracted many people. It is a tropical and subtropical plant which requires full sun. Princess Palm ( Veitchia merilli ) is one of the most desirable palm and is potential as ornamental plants... more
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Lamatuka Village is one of the villages in Lebatukan Subdistrict, as a corn producer. On the one hand as a corn producer, on the other hand the population is still in the poverty line and is categorized as the poorest population in... more
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A good quality seed is obtained from good and appropriate production process. The use of good quality seeds could increase crop production plants, including Inerie variety of red bean. This plant could be grown in the lowlands having... more
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Using quality seeds could increase crop production, including kidney bean, "Inerie", cultivar. The qualified seeds providing enough food supply in the endosperm as a primary energy for a normal and strong germination (viability) and... more
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Using quality seeds could increase crop production, including kidney bean, "Inerie", cultivar. The qualified seeds providing enough food supply in the endosperm as a primary energy for a normal and strong germination (viability) and... more
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Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is a fatal viral disease of both domestic pigs and wild boar, which has become endemic in some districts in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Little is known of how the disease gained entry, introduced and transmitted into... more
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Antioxidants are substances that can protect the body from various degenerative diseases caused by free radicals by neutralizing them. Plants that contain antioxidants, chemotaxonomically are characterized by chemical compounds derived... more
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Buletin ini adalah media untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dan ulasan dalam bidang pertanian. Buletin Partner terus berupaya untuk menyebarluaskan informasi-informasi pertanian terapan dengan harapan dapat berkontribusi dalam... more
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      Ulumul QuranPartnerSistem Pemasaran Hotel
The research aiming knowing content macro and micro of organic fertilizer liquid from waste fruit papaya, apple, nanas, and kepok banana, and know influence granting organic fertilizer liquid to growth and results of mustard plants. The... more
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One of the marine aquaculture commodities that is currently booming in East Nusa Tenggara Province and has a market prospect is seaweed. The local government of Sikka district since 2007 has declared seaweed as its main aquaculture... more
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The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) is done by evaluating indicators based on existing data. The data used for indicators' evaluation have to be up to standards and requirements... more
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This research is aimed to comprehend the agroforestry land use pattern dynamics and composer components of Mutis Timau protected forest, and was held at Fatukoto and Ius Mollo village of Mollo Utara Subdistrict of TTS Regency of East Nusa... more
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One of the marine aquaculture commodities that is currently booming in East Nusa Tenggara Province and has a market prospect is seaweed. The local government of Sikka district since 2007 has declared seaweed as its main aquaculture... more
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This paper describes the development of an instrument aimed at measuring senior secondary students' ways of using graphics calculators as part of a larger study investigating the students' learning styles and their ways of learning and... more
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      MathematicsTechnologySingaporeLearning Style
The aim of the study was to determine the structure and composition of vegetation characteristics based on important value index, species diversity, evenness and species richness in the distribution area of the Philemon inornatus bird in... more
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the production of organic matter, crude protein, nitrogen free extract of natural pasture forages which was introduced by different types of grasses and legumes which had been carried out on natural... more
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The aim of this research is detecting Brucella abortus reactor in Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Oeba, Kupang City has been carried out using RBT serological test with RBT kits produced by Pusvetma. 105 serum samples were collected randomly... more
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The development of seaweed farming needs a feasibility study to anticipate the failures. Feasibility of oceanographic parameters determine the quality of seaweed farming areas, consist of physical parameters including depth, brightness... more
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The evaluation of fisheries performance using Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) is done by evaluating indicators based on existing data. The data used for indicators' evaluation have to be up to standards and requirements... more
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Sea fisheries production of Kupang City in 2017 amounted to 25,262.27 tons consisting of 32 types of fish. Until now, information about important marine fish species and their marketing channels in Kupang City are still limited. The... more
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This study aims is to find the response of antibody titers in chickens vaccinated with ND and given herbal remedies. The chickens used which were one day broiler (DOC) strain of CP 707. This extract groups were given to chickens from 7... more
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Distribution is the activity of moving products from sources to consumers using distribution channels at the right time (Assauri, 2004). A distribution channel is a structure reflecting alternative channels and various ventures (such as... more
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Lamatuka Village is one of the villages in Lebatukan Subdistrict, as a corn producer. On the one hand as a corn producer, on the other hand the population is still in the poverty line and is categorized as the poorest population in... more
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Apical dorminance on tomato crops impact on its lateral buds dormancy, it needs to be reduced by prunning the apical portion of the crop. Timeliness of prunning will affect the growth of lateral buds and its results as well. Lateral buds... more
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Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is a fatal viral disease of both domestic pigs and wild boar, which has become endemic in some districts in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Little is known of how the disease gained entry, introduced and transmitted into... more
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The development in Wini Beach coastal area will have an impact on the destruction of the mangrove ecosystem which is a habitat for the life of the macrozoobenthic fauna. This study aims to determine the community structure of... more
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The purpose of this research was to determine the society's understanding of disaster mitigation or preventing the likelihood of landslides, and efforts have been made public as well as solutions regarding prevention or reduction of the... more
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