Pastoral Counseling
Recent papers in Pastoral Counseling
The intention of this paper is to interpret the ontological conditions of youth identity crisis missionally. This is first done by conceptualising identity crisis as a psychological phenomenon using frameworks of authenticity and... more
This theme explains the benefits of being faithful to God, how the responsibility increases according to the faithfulness in developing the daily small duties. Recompense of good practices is a consequence.
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
Nel corso degli ultimi anni, la psicologia e la formazione hanno stretto tra loro un rapporto delicato ma fecondo. Nell’ampio dibattito che si è sviluppato su questo tema, troviamo come punto comune la vocazione alla vita religiosa o... more
“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more
Alkitab menyatakan dalam Kejadian 1 bahwa Allah telah menciptakan manusia sebagai laki-laki dan perempuan secara jelas dengan maksud menyatakan gambar Allah di muka bumi (1:26-28), dan menyatakan kemuliaan-Nya (Yesaya 43:7). Laki-laki... more
A small book offering biblical counsel for people who lack motivation.
This publication is a collection of essential tools for practical ministry in jails and prisons. It includes scores of Christian ministries and other faith-based organizations that offer free Bibles, books, literature, and other important... more
The phenomenon of sexual boundary violations among rabbis is discussed from the perspective of boundaries and ethics.
C.S. Lewis once stated, "If you do not listen to theology, that will not mean that you have no ideas about God. It will mean that you have a lot of wrong onesbad, muddled, out-of-date ideas" ("Mere Christianity," 128). But for many people... more
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
The article introduces discourse analysis as a fruitful approach to psychotherapy change-process research. Extracts are presented from a successfully resolved, client-specified, problematic theme that was selected from a successful... more
In chapter 10, Linday Finlay writes with Anna Madill , to describe and explain some different ways to analyse data. Four contrasting types of analysis are outlined with practical exemplars: narrative, thematic, discursive and creative.... more
Fidelidad, compromiso, identidad, apostolado… Son algunas de las cuestiones que en Como hombres de Dios. Reflexiones sobre la formación presbiteral en el mundo actual, ayudarán a comprender y fortalecer el horizonte y dinamismo de la... more
Lelkipásztorként sokszor kellett megállnom magányos emberek, kórházi ágyakon fekvő betegek vagy gyászolók mellett temetéseken. Gyakran tapasztaltam, hogy saját szavaim elégtelennek bizonyultak, ami a bátorítást illeti, de egy jól... more
This is the keynote address given to the Tennessee Association of Pastoral Therapists, an organization of pastoral psychotherapists, on August 14, 2009, in Nashville, TN, USA. It is a reflection by the author upon the continued... more
The purpose of this book is to help mental health professionals increase their cultural competence to better serve Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians who are congregants in the world’s fastest-growing religious movement. My focus is... more
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace... more
The increased social acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and behaviors has begun to conflict with traditional Abrahamic proscriptions. An "opt-in" sample of 324 individuals who attended Jewish congregations was recruited from the... more
This essay is slated to appear in the festschrift for Alan Culpepper in Brill's Biblical Interpretation Series (2018), Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond, edited by Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Stuthers Malbon, and myself. This essay... more
Resumen de una conferencia pronunciada con motivo de Santa Catalina de Alejandría, en el Instituto Teolóxico San Xosé-Vigo, 24 de noviembre de 2017.
For many people the church is a place of refuge and solace, a place where they may feel comfortable and closer to God. But for some the church represents a mirror of their personal failures, and a reminder of the fact that they are „not... more
Özet Türkiye’de psikolojik yardım uygulamalarının geçmişi 1950’li yıllara dayanmaktadır. Psikolojik yardım günümüzde çoğunlukla klinik ortamlarda gerçekleşmekle birlikte eğitim, adalet, endüstri, sosyal hizmet ve din hizmeti... more
What is the relationship between Christian spirituality and perceived crisis? This dissertation pursues this question by employing a Christian method for practitioners of pastoral care and counseling when tending to unique crisis... more
There is a growing trend of abuse in churches by religious leaders known as "spiritual abuse." Those victims may mistrust the pastoral counselors or feel anxious when in their care. Therefore is important to have a pastoral theology in... more
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
La transferencia Como el eje de la Técnica Psicoanalítica. La contratransferencia y su relación con El deseo del analista
Presentación a un grupo de sacerdotes del contenido del Documento Preparatorio del Sínodo de 2018 sobre los jóvenes.
This study is based on the analysis of narratives during counselling sessions of two clients facing the problem of stuttering. Though the two cases were quite different with regard to their demographic characteristics, but during... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
The purpose of Lay Counseling is ambitious—providing “a comprehensive foundation for understanding biblical caregiving (p.15).” Initially, the authors present Gary Collins’ definition of Christian Counseling, which is “a caring... more
The ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic is one of the significant challenges the world has ever faced in the last 20 and more centuries. The coronavirus, which is tiny and unseen with the humans' naked eyes, has crushed and ravaged the world... more
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
Sermon addressing experienced violence and traumatic experiences.