Pediatric Critical Care
Recent papers in Pediatric Critical Care
Design: Retrospective chart review. Setting: University associated, tertiary-level Children's Hospital. Patients: Sixty-six [median age, 10.1 years (interquartile range, 5.9)] patients between 1994 and 2006 with 96 EVDs.
to other interventions and prophylactically in the hope of reducing blood loss. Treatment regimens vary widely, in terms of both first and cumulative dose. Data on chest tube blood loss and two markers of coagulation were pooled and... more
Objective: To identify and evaluate the quality of evidence supporting prophylactic use of treatments for stress ulcers and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Stress ulcers, erosions of the stomach and duodenum, and upper gastrointestinal... more
Las cuestiones éticas tienen un interés creciente en la medicina actual, y la pediatría no es una excepción. En la medicina intensiva, la relevancia de estas consideraciones es aún mayor. Un problema frecuente, que se ha puesto de... more
Las cuestiones éticas tienen un interés creciente en la medicina actual, y la pediatría no es una excepción. En la medicina intensiva, la relevancia de estas consideraciones es aún mayor. Un problema frecuente, que se ha puesto de... more
Objective: Enteral feeding is widely used in ventilated patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units. Although studies in adult patients have shown that the site of feeding (stomach vs. small intestine) may be associated with... more
The Citadel ABSTRACT. Described here is behavioral theory, research, and treatment of physical child abuse. A brief history is presented, along with incidence data. Some research has shown successful behavioral assessment and treatment in... more
Objective-To provide an updated overview of critical pertussis to the pediatric critical care community and describe a study of critical pertussis recently undertaken.
Education recently released new standards for supervision and duty hours for residency programs. These new standards, which will affect over 100,000 residents, take effect in July 2011. In response to these new guidelines, the Society of... more
Objective: To evaluate the impact of syringe size on start-up delay and the time to reach 50% and 90% of target flow rates, using two commercially available syringe infusion pumps at infusion rates of <1 mL/hr. Design: Two syringes... more
Objective-A systematic review of weaning and extubation for pediatric patients on mechanical ventilation.
Las cuestiones éticas tienen un interés creciente en la medicina actual, y la pediatría no es una excepción. En la medicina intensiva, la relevancia de estas consideraciones es aún mayor. Un problema frecuente, que se ha puesto de... more
To investigate the effect of closed-system vs. open endotracheal suctioning on the frequency of ventilator-associated pneumonia and outcome in a pediatric intensive care unit in a developing country.
Background: Communication skills and relational abilities are essential core competencies that are associated with improved health outcomes, better patient adherence, fewer malpractice claims, and enhanced satisfaction with care. Yet,... more
Objective: Inotrope score has been proposed as a marker of illness severity after pediatric cardiac surgery despite a lack of data to support its use as such. The goal of this study was to determine the association between... more
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)-Central venous pressure (CVP) (MM of Hg) Term Newborn 120 to 180 55 Up To 1 year 120 to 180 60 Up To 2 years 120 t0 160 65 Up To 7 years 100 t0 140 65 Up To 15 years 90 to 140 65 ABSTRACT Severe sepsis and... more
The primary purpose of this article is to critically examine the state of the medical ethics literature and discourse around the concept of futility in pediatric intensive or critical care. The secondary purpose is to identify the... more
Objective-A systematic review of weaning and extubation for pediatric patients on mechanical ventilation.
Objective: Previous publications using nonconcurrent series of patients indicate improved survival for patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) undergoing stage I palliation with a right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit... more
Objective: To explore whether the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate (PCO 2 -HCO 3 ) buffering system in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in diabetic ketoacidosis should influence the approach to ventilation in patients at risk of cerebral... more
Background: The extent of neuroendocrine dysfunction (NED) has not been well defined in critically ill children and likely varies significantly from that in adults. We sought to define the prevalence of neuroendocrine dysfunction in a... more
Background: The term "humanization" indicates the process by which people try to make something more human and civilized, more in line with what is believed to be the human nature. The humanization of care is an important and not yet a... more
Microcirculation is a network of small blood vessels of <100 μm diameter. It includes arterioles, capillaries and venules.Its main function is to regulate the blood fl ow and distribution of fl ow to various organ systems. Dysfunction of... more
Objective: This study was undertaken to validate the transpulmonary thermodilution cardiac output measurement (CO TPTD ) in a controlled newborn animal model under various hemodynamic conditions with special emphasis on low cardiac output.
A cute lung injury (ALI) and its more severe form, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), are life-threatening conditions of acute pulmonary inflammation and hypoxia, frequently resulting in respiratory failure. ALI/ARDS are... more
Background: Communication skills and relational abilities are essential core competencies that are associated with improved health outcomes, better patient adherence, fewer malpractice claims, and enhanced satisfaction with care. Yet,... more
Mechanical ventilation (MV) and respiratory care provide support to the patient who cannot maintain viable oxygenation, ventilation, and/or protective airway reflexes. Support is initiated when the patient cannot maintain a safe level of... more
Background: Mechanical ventilation is lifesaving in children with respiratory failure. However, its unnecessary prolongation once a child is capable of sustaining spontaneous effective ventilation is associated with significant... more
Introduction : Early and late neurologic complications of congenital chikungunya fever has been underreported in published literature. We describe the acute clinical manifestations and long term neurodevelopmental outcomes of congenital... more
Pediatrics is the specialty of medical science concerned with the physical, mental, and social health of children from birth to young adulthood. Pediatric care encompasses a broad spectrum of health services ranging from preventive health... more
To determine energy dose and number of biphasic direct current shocks for pediatric ventricular fibrillation (VF) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT). Observation of preshock and postshock rhythms, energy doses, and number of... more
Objective: The aims of this study were to document the incidence of impaired cerebral autoregulation in children with traumatic brain injury using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography and to examine the relationship between autoregulatory... more
Pulmonary alveolar Proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease whereby the alveolar sacs are filled with a lipoproteinaceous material. The accumulation of this material hinders gas exchange, resulting in a variety of presentations involving all... more
Introduction: First 28 days of life is the most vulnerable period after birth as the newborns are prone for acquiring some preventable and other non-preventable diseases at this age. Developing countries like India contribute to nearly... more
Improper complimentary feeding poses an infant to nutritional defi ciencies. These various nutritional defi ciencies are found to affect our immune system and can predispose to life threatening events. These life threatening nutritional... more