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Given the on-going nature of this crisis, it’s too early for the full implications to be realized. However, it’s clear that the news industry which emerges on the other side will look very different from the one that went into it.... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismMedia EconomicsDigital Media
This entry reviews and discusses several issues regarding online friendship. After introducing two opposite perspectives: the cues-filtered-out perspective and the social information process theory, it examines empirical studies with... more
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      Social SciencesSocial NetworkingVirtual CommunitiesComputer-Mediated Communication
Turismul în România a suferit schimbări considerabile în procesul de tranziţie spre economia de piaţă. Aceste modificări, însoţite de soluţiile neadecvate adoptate de autorităţi, au determinat o situaţie discordantă între ceea ce prezintă... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingTourism ManagementSocial Marketing
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      CommunicationOnline LearningBrandingOnline Media
Digital marketing is a subset of marketing that is used to promote a brand or product using one or more electronic technologies. The goal is to influence target consumers in taking action. The power of digital marketing is phenomenal.... more
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      MarketingSocial Media MarketingBusiness DevelopmentBusiness Management
The Internet is the preferred source of health information followed by healthcare providers, friends and family, print media, and television (Baxter & Egbert, 2008). Yet, previous research about online sexual health resources for LGBTQ... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthLGBT IssuesLGBT HealthInterpersonal Relationships
This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionEducational TechnologySocial Networks
In Spike Jonze’s Her (2013), we watch the film’s protagonist, Theodore, as he struggles with the end of his marriage and a growing attachment to his artificially intelligent operating system, Samantha. While the film remains unique in its... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtificial IntelligenceComedyDigital Media
A major consideration in designing and adopting new communication technologies is their impact on communication processes and outcomes. One way to understand this impact is according to the principle of interpersonal interactivity.... more
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      Social SciencesSocial NetworkingVirtual CommunitiesComputer-Mediated Communication
Collaborative Computer-Supported Argument Visualization (CCSAV) is a technical methodology that offers support for online collective deliberation over complex dilemmas. As compared with more traditional conversational technologies, like... more
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      Human Computer InteractionCollective IntelligenceOnline CommunitiesArgumentation
As Abraham Lincoln has said, democracy is government of the people, for the people and by the people. Citizens elect their representative for governing them, and for making suitable policies for the development of the country. Earlier,... more
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      Internet research methodsOnline MediaCommunity Radio
The influence of Facebook in social life keeps constantly growing. Recently, the communication of information has been vital to the success of the Tunisian revolution, and Facebook was its main “catalyst”. This study examines the key... more
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      Social SciencesCyberpsychologySocial NetworkingVirtual Communities
It is often remarked that politicians’ private lives are becoming feature of political communication in many advanced industrial democracies. However, there have so far been no genuinely comparative studies examining the personalised... more
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      FolkloreComparative PoliticsMedia StudiesSocial Sciences
The spread of COVID-19 resulted in the closing of all non-essential organizations. One of the hardest hit sectors was the collocated live experience economy. Collocated live experiences are those sectors where a minimum of 50% of products... more
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      ServicesVirtual EnvironmentsSmall BusinessServices Marketing and Management
The evolution of digital media has inspired new narrative forms within the media context. In the last few years, interactive documentary has presented complex and alternative ways to access information. This article presents an analysis... more
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      MultimediaInteractive and Digital MediaOnline MediaInteractive Documentary
A sizeable portion of our everyday knowledge about sub-Saharan Africa comes from the work of international news reporters stationed on the continent. Even though they play a critical role in communicating about the distant Other... more
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      African StudiesJournalismAfricaOnline Journalism
The authors study the ways the COVID-19 pandemic is represented in the media in seven languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, Polish, German, English, and Italian) with the aim of throwing light on its universal and culturally specific... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorInternet memesOnline MediaFake News
Emotion has long been a contested concept and subject to different, often conflicting, definitions and approaches. Emotions have long been viewed in a reductionist way as solely biological components, as private components of the... more
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      Social PsychologyEmotionNew MediaSociology of Emotion
Do users tend to consume only like-minded political information online? We point to two problems with the existing knowledge about this debate. First, the measurement of media preferences by the typical means of surveys is less reliable... more
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      Online MediaSelective ExposurePartisan Media
See the attached PDF for the abstract
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaTelevision Studies
Proceedings paper in conjunction with the opening keynote address on the 2019 conference theme of Global Digital Society: Impacts on Humanities and Social Sciences. The topic of disruptive technology and our calling suited the author's... more
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Today's society is increasingly digitalised, with mobile smartphones being routinely carried and used by a significant percentage of the population. This provides an augmented experience for the individual that does not depend on their... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedia SociologySociology of Culture
The New York Times needs to expand to global audiences if it is to grow its digital subscription base. However, to do so it must balance difficult questions of colonial intentions with demands for inclusivity. By juxtaposing the case of... more
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      Digital JournalismAustraliaPost-ColonialismOnline Media
Interview with Rossen Djagalov, Mariya Ivancheva, Mary Taylor, on behalf of the LeftEast collective, interviewed by Greek journalist Stratis Bournazos. First published in Greek on “Enthemata” of the newspaper “Avgi”, 1st of May 2016.... more
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      Eastern European StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaBlogs
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      Social ChangeSocial SciencesInternet StudiesSocial Networking
This explores how to build, boost and repair a damaged online reputation, by Recover Reputation.
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      Brand ManagementStrategy (Business)Marketing StrategyBranding
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
NEW REPORT : INDONESIAN MEDIA LANDSCAPE 2022 Bertepatan dengan Hari Pers Nasional 9 Februari 2022, Imogen Communication Institute, bagian dari Imogen Public Relations, mempersembahkan laporan kajian Indonesian Media Landscape 2022.... more
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      JournalismPublic RelationsOnline MediaMedia Relations
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      Online MediaJURNALISTIKIlmu KomunikasiKode Etik
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how rating mechanisms encourage emotional labor norms among sharing economy consumers. Design/methodology/approach This study follows a mixed-methods research design. Survey data from 207... more
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      ManagementSociologyComputer ScienceCommunication
Media holds a very significant role in liberal democratic regimes. Media actors influence the way social and political events are seen and evaluated. Free and plural media is the safeguard of a healthy democracy. Media has critical... more
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      Media StudiesPolitical SciencePrint mediaMedia and Politics
Микроблоговете са относително ново явление в сферата на информационните и комуникационните технологии. Този доклад цели да представи комуникативните особености на най-популярния микроблог Twitter в контекста на Web 2.0 и социалните медии.
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      Social SciencesSocial NetworkingVirtual CommunitiesComputer-Mediated Communication
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      New MediaWeb 2.0Digital MediaUser-Generated Content
Que son los micrositios? Como adoptarlos en beneficio de una estrategia de marketing en Internet para una empresa?
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      Social MediaOnline MarketingOnline MediaWeb Marketing
"Diversidad cultural, narrativas y representaciones sociales. Hacia un estudio de la TV abierta en Uruguay. L. Nicolás Guigou, p. 19. Resumen, p. 21. 1. Introducción, p. 21. 2. Los quehaceres mediáticos, p. 22. 3. Mirar... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringSociologyCultural StudiesAnthropology
Despite its long history of investigating sociality, phenomenology has, to date, said little about online sociality. The phenomenological tradition typically claims that empathy is the fundamental way in which we experience others and... more
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      EmbodimentPhenomenologyIntersubjectivityThe Internet
As media usage continues to increase on a global scale, fueled by the proliferation of mobile devices, this facilitates the effortless behavior of mediamultitasking. This paradigm shift in the way in which media is consumed presents... more
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      Human Computer InteractionMedia StudiesNew MediaDigital Media
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      New MediaEnvironmental CommunicationPolitical communicationQualitative Research
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
Abstract in French Les médias en ligne sont souvent vus comme une solution à de nombreux problèmes, ce qui en dit plus long sur notre fascination pour les technologies (médias) que sur leur capacité à effectivement résoudre ces problèmes... more
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      Social InteractionParticipationCivil SocietyOnline Media
When I talk about gender with my students, they echo the binary conception of gender they hear from the media, research, and sometimes even women's studies courses: that women are one way and men are another. Gender Stories
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
This article examines the Internet’s emergent role in the claims-making process. My central premise is while Internet technology provides lay citizens with a mass mediated platform to dis- tribute claims publically, power dynamics in the... more
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      Social ProblemsThe InternetGun ControlActivism
This article brings out two tendencies marking the regulatory framework of digital journalism, one ridden with control and the other with laissez faire. We begin by introducing the key actors and dynamics in digital journalism in India,... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaDigital JournalismMedia Policy
1 The aim of this study is to examine, from the perspective of Hyperpersonal Theory, the role of the communication components, sender, receiver, channel, and feedback, in the impression formation of matrimonial sites' (MSs) users. The... more
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      Online MediaImpression formation
The implementation of social media environments has exacerbated the use and visibility of degrading language and imagery, and shaming in online spaces is often different from that in face-to-face environments. Those who shame can hide... more
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      Visual RhetoricMemesOnline MediaDigital Citizenship
Native advertising, defined as the practice by which a marketer borrows from the credibility of a content publisher by presenting paid content with a format and location that matches the publisher’s original content, has been the primary... more
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      MarketingJournalismDigital MediaAdvertising
kontak pelatihan bulan november ada 15
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      Data MiningOnline Media
¿Cómo utilizar la red para crear una relación de confianza con los ciudadanos y ampliar su público de simpatizantes? ¿Cómo transformar la participación en la red en participación activa fuera de la red? La presente obra, que reúne por... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaPolitical CampaignsPolitical Science