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La poesia, nata per trasmettere informazioni del sapere non genetico in una comunità orale, è l'unica arte che perde il suo medium originario: la voce. Questa tesi indaga il processo che, in Italia, porta a interessarsi nuovamente agli... more
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      Contemporary PoetryPerformance PoetryVoiceSecond Orality
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      Performance StudiesLiteraturePoetryPerformance Art
2010. “A unified poet alliance”: The personal and social outcomes of youth spoken word poetry programming. International Journal of Education and the Arts 11(2), pp. 1-24.
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      PoetryArts EducationTwentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryPerformance Poetry
Maishe Maponya has made an immense contribution to theatre and poetry performance in South Africa. It has been suggested that, as committed and passionate poet, he is the Pablo Neruda or Federico Garcia Lorca of his country. Though... more
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      South African LiteratureTheatrePerformance PoetrySouth African Theatre
Introduction & ToC of monograph "Live Poetry: An Integrated Approach to Poetry in Performance" Amsterdam: Rodopi 2011 Given the increasing popularity of literary festivals, open mics, and poetry slams, one could justifiably claim... more
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      Poetry In PerformancePerformance PoetryBlack British Performance Poetry
This thesis will explore the work of performance poet, Kate Tempest, and the status of her poetry as an empowering mode of Foucauldian counter­-conduct. It will outline the urban, impoverished demographic Tempest speaks for and its... more
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      Youth CultureEmpowermentEcopoeticsHip-Hop Studies
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    • Performance Poetry
Dieses Buchkapitel beschäftigt sich mit der Körperlichkeit von Lyrik-Performances. Nach der Einführung zur Medialität der Lyrik wird demonstriert, wie eine Semiotik des Klangs bzw. multimodale Diskursanalyse (G. Kress, T. van Leeuwen)... more
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      PoetryContemporary PoetryPerformance PoetrySlam Poetry
Imtiaz Dharker’s Honour killing Shamshad Khan’s Word and Moniza Alvi’s The Sari
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      Feminist TheoryPoetry In PerformancePerformance PoetryHonor Killing
In How Viral Poems are Annotated: On ‘OCD’ by Neil Hilborn Kila van der Starre explores how, where and by whom viral poems are annotated. The article focuses on the performance of the poem ‘OCD’ by Neil Hilborn that went viral in the... more
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      Contemporary PoetryPerformance PoetryYoutubeContemporary American Poetry
In the well identifiable inhospitable state of affairs of the literary world, to be a Dalit Woman writer is to suffer a twofold marginalization from the social paradigm. The restrictions, so to say, aren't but only limited to gender... more
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      Gender StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesPerformance StudiesIndian studies
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      Feminist TheatreSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesPerformance PoetryIsraeli Theatre
Three hand-outs: one introducing the topic of poetry and performance, and touching on spoken word poetry; one about poetry and rap; one about performativity (especially Butler). Suggestions very welcome.
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      Performance StudiesPerformativityPoetry In PerformanceJudith Butler
Hailed as the badshah of mizahiya shayri, Khateeb, who is still relatively unknown across the subcontinent, was prolific, and composed and performed a great number of his works in Dakhani. Suffused with regional idioms, pithy folk wisdom... more
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      Cultural HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsLiteratureSouth Asian Studies
Desde la irrupción de la poesía concreta en los años 1950 brasileños hasta el movimiento arte porno en la década de 1980, el interés sigue siendo hacer una micro-cartografía de transgresiones poéticas y políticas contra formas... more
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      Creative WritingArt HistoryPerformance StudiesBrazilian Studies
This paper investigates the concepts of 'poets with history' and 'poets without history' as proposed by Marina Tsvetaeva, in the context of British contemporary poetry. Furthermore, it explores elements of poetic craft in Alice Oswald's... more
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      Creative WritingBritish LiteraturePoetryPoetic Craft
Звучащая художественная речь: Работы Кабинета изучения художественной речи (1923-1930) / сост.: В. Шмидт, В. Золотухин. М.: Три квадрата, 2018. See digitized book in full here:... more
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      PoetryPoeticsPerformance PoetryRussian Formalism
Kate Tempest, British performance poet, rapper, playwright and musician, came to public attention when her epic narrative Brand New Ancients won the 2012 Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry. This critically acclaimed and popular piece... more
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      HomerPoetryFutures StudiesGreek Myth
""" Slam poetry, which first came into being in Chicago in 1986 as a competitive form of performance poetry, is only the latest development in a series of poetry movements in the United States that radically turned away from the... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesLatin American Studies
Speech and recital contests are not rare in the language learning landscape of Japan and elsewhere. However, preparations often neglect important aspects of a good delivery. Too often, student recitals are delivered either in a monotonous... more
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      Speech ProsodyPoetryPerformance ArtPerformance Poetry
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      Civic EngagementPerformance PoetryPublic HumanitiesCommunity Engagement In the Arts
16 poetic fragments from italian poets by Adriatic Sea
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      Performance PoetryPoesia, Música, Artes Visuais e AudiovisualPoesia Italiana ModernaPoesia e musica
Speaking at a TEDx event in Manoa, Oʻahu in 2013 kanaka maoli (Native Hawaiian) poet Jamaica Osorio declaimed 'Global warming will break the foundation of the community/ without even shaking the penthouse suits/ whilst the men and women... more
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      PoetryHybridityEcopoeticsPerformance Poetry
Les diferents formes de la improvisació oral cantada, vives en geografies diverses amb denominacions diferents han experimentat recentment un auge especial. Remarquem la seua vigència al País Basc i en altres indrets de l’Estat espanyol... more
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      Performance PoetryEducación InterculturalRepentismoPoesía Oral
Η παρούσα εισήγηση στοχεύει στην προσέγγιση της επιτελεστικής ποίησης (performance poetry) μέσα από το πρίσμα της δημιουργικής γραφής. Αν «δημιουργική γραφή» σημαίνει το παραγωγικό ενέργημα του γράφειν, τότε πώς μπορεί να συνδεθεί με μια... more
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    • Performance Poetry
In September 2016, an international group of young scholars came together at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, to discuss their research projects in the context of the workshop "Voices from the Margins: Societal Change and the... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesContemporary PoetryPostcolonial PoetryPerformance Poetry
The heroic deeds of the Banī Hilāl tribe of Bedouin Arabs, as they migrate during the tenth and eleventh centuries from the Arabian Peninsula across the Levant, Egypt, and into North Africa, are preserved throughout the Arabic- and... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryPerformance StudiesEpic Literature
This essay discusses Neil Hilborn's viral video of his poem 'OCD' and the poet's volume 'Our Numbered Days' from a perspective informed by the work of Susanne K. Langer. Issues of genre, form (written vs. performance poetry), and... more
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      Contemporary PoetryPerformance PoetrySlam PoetryPoetic Forms
Ever since the arrival of colonialism gained momentum in the country, Somali literature has been approached narrowly from the tutelage of the pastoral culture. Colonial as well as early Somali writers have taken the comfort of disdaining... more
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      Post Modern LiteratureCultural HistoryEthnohistorySociology
Émery-Bruneau, J. et Pando, N. (2016). Analyse de performances poétiques dans une joute de slam. Language and Literacy / Langage et littératie. 18(1) : 40-56.
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      Performing ArtsPerformance PoetrySlam PoetryOralité
Review of Julia Novak, Live Poetry: An Integrated Approach to Poetry in Performance (Rodopi, 2011). Published in the Modern Language Review.
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      Performance StudiesPoetryContemporary PoetryPerformance Poetry
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      MultilingualismPerformance StudiesPerformance PoetryLiterary Multilingualism
Art is based exclusively on the data gained from the online archive (even though some of the data are controversial). The performances mentioned in the archive are catalogized. The main challenges of the archive-based research in... more
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      Performing ArtsPoetryPoetry In PerformanceModern Poetry
El texto táctil en la obra de Cecilia Vicuña "tras / tocar": manifestation / manifestación en cloud-net de Cecilia Vicuña"
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      Installation ArtPoetryHistory of the SensesHaptics
DESPITE the promise of the title, I don't think this panel will pretend to offer a comprehensive overview of the current Australian poetry scene. Our three panellists, though, will provide their thoughts on some key aspects of... more
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      Lyric poetryPerformance PoetryLanguage PoetryAvant garde Poetry
Recuperare e promulgare lo spirito dell'avanguardia futurista comporta una personale predisposizione a un approccio totalizzante che prescinda da sterili settorialismi per tentare nuove connessioni tra parola, colore, gesto e materia.... more
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      Performance ArtPerformance PoetryVisual PoetrySound Poetry
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      Performance And LiteraturePerformance StudiesPoetryUkrainian Studies
In the publishing world of cyberspace and hypertext it is not surprising that there are millions of pages written and read whose words have never been spoken or heard at all. In addition, the number of sound files of poetry keeps rising,... more
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      American StudiesPerformance StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesPerformance
This chapter explores the central role of poetry in Iran’s contemporary religious culture and politics. Its immediate focus is the socio-cultural nuances embedded in annual Shiite rites through a close reading of two contemporary poetry... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSocial Sciences
Although globalisation involves by definition the growth of the economic, social and cultural integration of different areas in the world, the question of inclusion and exclusion is still, and perhaps even more, worth asking. The slow... more
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      Queer StudiesTransnationalismAfrican Diaspora StudiesContemporary Poetry
2013. The points are kind of the point, but they're not the point: The role of poetry slam in youth spoken word. In Contest(ed) writing: Reconceptualizing literacy competitions, ed. Mary R. Lamb. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars... more
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      Creative WritingPerformance StudiesPoetryArts Education
Гладун Д. Сучасний літературний перформанс і текст. "Безкінечна подорож, або Енеїда": особливості комп'ютеропису // Дослідження різних напрямів розвитку філологічних наук : Міжнародна науково-практична конференція, м.Одеса, 29-30... more
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      Performing ArtsPerformance StudiesPoetryUkrainian Studies
This article places youth spoken word (YSW) poetry programming within the larger framework of arts education. Drawing primarily on transcripts of interviews with teen poets and adult teaching artists and program administrators, the... more
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      PoetryArts EducationPerformanceTwentieth-Century and Contemporary Poetry
How and when did Persian poets write poetry in the medieval period? This paper considers some social and visual dimensions of poetry, including the miniature paintings from pre-modern manuscripts that provide us with an iconography of... more
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      Persian LiteratureMedieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval Persian PoetryPerformance Poetry
Comme en attestent les récents débats du Kwani? Litfest 2010 (festival littéraire à Nairobi), la littérature contemporaine au Kenya est marquée par l’idée, souvent contestée, de l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération littéraire. Formulée... more
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      Urban GeographySpatial PracticesPerformance PoetryNairobi