Poetics of Silence
Recent papers in Poetics of Silence
Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix, des artistes plasticiens choisissent de faire œuvre à partir d’un témoignage filmé. Ils partent ainsi à la rencontre de personnes qu’ils invitent à se raconter face caméra, investissent la réalité pour... more
Utjecaj klasične glazbe i skladatelja poput Skrjabina i Wagnera vidljiv je u različitim segmentima Pasternakova pjesničkoga jezika. Muzikalnost – ritam, melodija, zvuk, intonacija, ali i šutnja – također je ključna karakteristika... more
QUADERNS DE FILOSOFIA. Vol. III, núm. 1 (2016) Monográfico sobre el Silencio.
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (traducción española del alemán).
Glaubt man den gängigen Drehbuchtheorien, gibt es insgesamt nicht mehr als zwanzig universale Geschichten zu erzählen, deren Variationen mit unermüdlichem Drang stets neu aufgerollt werden. So lassen sich jeder Handlung Grundthemen wie... more
The unspeakable but meaningful other of speech, writing, and related performative acts.
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L'article aborde la manière dont le roman Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein de Marguerite Duras rend compte de l’absolu, se construisant depuis et autour de cette entité, et aménage paradoxalement, de par cet ancrage, le silence comme noyau... more
This article explores how the gendered and racialized representation of muteness is politicized within the current cultural imaginary. It undertakes a media-historical reading of the mute woman as a cultural figure and asks how through... more
Resumen: En el marco de los desarrollos que alcanza la crítica literaria con el estructu-ralismo, el pos-estructuralismo y las nuevas poéticas experimentales, el presente trabajo parte de la contemporaneidad del poeta francés Stéphane... more
Si l’on a coutume de présenter le surréalisme comme un mouvement culturel né sur les ruines de la Première Guerre mondiale, il nous semble important de revenir sur l’imbrication des liens entre la guerre comme expérience vécue et les... more
"This book explores the phenomenon of silence in schools, considering a wide range of its appearances and uses. Starting from a discussion of the negative and coercive aspects of silence in schools, the discussion moves quickly onto... more
«Io sono innamorato della parola ‘lacuna’; parola squisitamente latina […] Nelle sue tre sillabe si condensa tutto ciò che di bello ed esem-plare ha per me l’antica lingua di Roma: robustezza, pregnanza sonora e semantica, e una capacità... more
This paper actively deals with the notion of silence as an element of absurdity in Harold Pinter’s play “The Dumb Waiter” (1960). In order to discuss this with greater detail, it is important to understand what absurdity is and how it is... more
Esta publicação é fruto do colóquio Múltiplo Machado, realizado pela e na Casa de Leitura Dirce Côrtes Riedel entre os dias 27 e 30 de abril de 2015 por ocasião do centenário de nascimento da ilustre professora a quem a casa é dedicada.... more
The present paper addresses a question that, at first, can appear non-sensical: namely, can silence be more eloquent, meaningful, louder, than sound itself?
Kierkegaard and the Language o f S ilen ce
El silencio musical es un concepto que se extiende a lo filosófico, debido a la complejidad de su significación como un elemento vacuo. El trasfondo teórico del silencio en la música permite repensar a su vez el sonido, y abre sus... more
This chapter identifies a typically late antique phenomenon: the emergence of a pervasive “poetics of silence”, involving a metaliterary problematization of language and representation. This phenomenon, reminiscent of the postmodern... more
In the 1990s we witnessed in different countries a trend in experimental music that can be acknowledged as a turn to silence. Such a trend is verified in the musical expression of the Wandelweiser Group; in the Berlin Reductionism style... more
This fourth in a series of articles seeking a better knowledge of the Archangel Michael will be devoted exclusively to the elusive imperative being taught in the school of Michael in our time: to free thought from language. All of the... more
It's a paper I presented in my Post-grads days in JU on Harold Pinter's last play Mountain Language. It was meant to be a tribute to the playwright who had died that year only. I upload it as a work in progress piece without a... more
This article analyses the essence and roles of silence in the œuvres of Mallarmé and Valéry. The Mallarmé’s musicality gradually gives way to the silent music of words; poetry is becoming spatial and takes the form of the music score. In... more
Partendo dall'ipotesi che la scrittura platonica possa essere assimilata alla scrittura drammaturgica o teatrale, il presente studio esamina il ruolo filosofico, dialettico e/o protrettico che il silenzio assume all'interno di alcuni... more
Throughout the thesis I take symbolic communication and visual metaphors as starting points for developing a contemporary picture of diverse Craft practices in a small corner of Scotland. As a result, this thesis is both an ethnography of... more
L'intrusion du silence dans la matière théâtrale où tout est sensé passer par les mots dits sur scène à voix haute constitue d'emblée un élément paradoxal. Le silence sur scène manifeste le plus souvent une réticence puisqu'il s'agit pour... more
Near the end of the text, in a footnote appended as an afterthought to Derrida's treatise on "Heidegger and the Question", the question is addressed of what precedes all questioning as the bringing and belonging together of being and... more
This study focuses on Lynne Ramsay's adaptation of Lionel Shriver's epistolary novel We Need to Talk About Kevin and argues that the film should be seen as an example of feminist horror that subverts and challenges cultural mother myths.... more
The author has introduced a new disciplinary technology called “Silence Studies” within the ambit of macro-linguistics. The term ‘silenceme’ is coined in analogy with phoneme, morpheme etc.(cf.... more
When the Muses and Apollo fall silent for Sidonius, this signifies neither a general silence of poetry in Late Antiquity nor a lasting silence on the poet’s own part. It is paradoxically the “silence of the Muse,” the trope for the poet’s... more
Le renouveau de théâtres contemporains comme ceux de Marie NDiaye et Bernard-Marie Koltès réside, notamment, dans une mise en oeuvre déclarée et assumée du mensonge. À travers une lecture de Quai Ouest (Koltès) et de Providence (NDiaye),... more
E.A. Poe; Silence-A Fable; Shadow-A Parable; numinous experience; resonance; phonic effect
Create silence! The epistemology of the word "silence" leads us to the Latin distinction between tacere and silere, whose meanings express both its ambivalence either as absence of speech and as original dimension, the latter completely... more
Because I write for, I write from, I write starting from: Love. I write out of love. Writing, loving: inseparable. Writing is a gesture of love. The Gesture.
Uma palavra à imagem do silêncio.-Paul Celan Que o silêncio transpasse toda a obra de Orides Fontela e seja, de certa forma, um de seus fundamentos, não causa espanto, já que isso, no decorrer de toda a modernidade, desde Mallarmé e seu... more
The novel presents a variety of writings of silence; but we limit ourselves, in the context of the present work, to the most relevant aspects, namely interruptions in narratives, narrative ellipses and point of suspension as the... more
This paper explores the spiritual geography of the Upper Kolyma region, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia through the songs of shamans and others recorded in the field by the author at the turn of the 21st century. The historic... more
In Aeschylean theatre, the silence reflects the feelings of characters: anger, sadness, pain are often represented through non-verbal communication. Niobe, as a mater dolorosa, is the best example of an Aeschylean silent character:... more
[w:] T. Dalasiński, A. Szwagrzyk, Ł. Grajewski [red.], Cisza: lektura krytyczna, [Seria Krytyczna 7], Toruń 2016.
This theme has already been well explored. Cf. references in p. 157, n.8 in Thomas Buchan's "Paradise as the Landscape of Salvation in Ephrem the Syrian", in Michael Christensen and Jeffery Wittung (eds.), Partakers of the Divine Nature.... more
ثقافات المحاورة، كاترين كربرات أوركيوني، ترجمة حسين السوداني، مجلة الدوحة العدد 120، أكتوبر 2017
Exploring Sicilian secular confessions, this essay discusses anthropological impasses on talk and silence. Such dilemmas reveal ethnographic frailties in engaging with concealment and revealing. The delicacy of negotiating between those... more
Si l’on tendait jusqu’alors à opposer, presque mécaniquement, dans l’œuvre rimbaldienne la Saison et Les Illuminations, les critiques les plus récentes ont démontré qu’au-delà d’un questionnement sur la postériorité ou l’antériorité... more